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Posts posted by Logical1

  1. Thanks for the responses! From talking with some other car friends I knew Miata was going to come up and I am thinking that is a decent option. I don't know much about them other than small and rwd, do they have a posi option? I don't need room as this will just be my weekend scooting around the town for fun or cruzing the mountains! I love Toyotas and almost considered a starlet but they are very rare. The little FX16 is cool but I just cant make FWD fun.  I loath EVERYTHING VW from the engineering to the feel and the look.  My brother has HLA10 wagon I built for him he doesn't want, but the wagon just isn't sporty and small enough. 

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  2. It is with a heavy heart I must admit I most likely wont own another PL510. It was the first car I truly married, from the look to the engineering... I learned everything possible and built my baby from the ground up, It was an experience I would never trade for anything! I had to let her go due to financial issues just before the boom. I was raised in an American 'fix it yourself' family despite the hate of Japanese cars I found myself connecting with the modular designs and methodology. I started with an abused 510 chassis and a beat up L18. I poured my soul into fixing her up and making her my own, from hand wiring the entire car to learning every subtly of the L series engines. After I had her for over 5 years I got my hands on a Subaru LSD and bolted that beast up into my 510 with the tired L18. Holy shit! I have never been a insane risk taker or show off, however that posi showed me what was possible for a lightweight RWD car even with limited power. Now that PL510s in any decent shape are selling upwards of $30k+ I am longing to find something even remotely close to that potential. I understand that everything is more expensive these days with inflation and classic car prices exploding. I am not so attached to classic as easy to repair/mod/upgrade in a small sedan package. I would like to call on this epic collection of mechanic misfits for some thoughts on an alternative vehicles that could be a close approximation.  I don't have any brand specifics, as much as I enjoy commonality of parts and ease of repair. My wish list goes as follows:

    1. Small size, Sedan, Coupe, Lightweight...

    2. Easy to obtain parts mostly (I don't mind an engine swap to make this happen as I am a fabricator)

    3. Limited slip rear end, IRS would be awesome, but I am willing to compromise. Does not have to be stock...

    4. Fairly affordable/common ugly duckling.


    As much as it breaks my heart, looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts!



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  3. I lived... I had body aches and a headache for about 24 hours. I never take even an aspirin for headache but I took a couple Aleve for this. The next day, No symptoms at all. Maybe a little dry cough and a weird taste in my throat. Virus's kill uncounted people every year. So do auto collisions and people pulling vending machines over on themselves. Although it may not be PC, everyone should get it... I didn't get to my age being hoisted on palanquin in a bubble. I eat dirt, lick rust off my fingers, drink out of garden hoses, and I share straws! 

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  4. Well here is irony, I started feeling funky last night after posting about the media bias and so I crashed early. Woke up in the middle of the night feeling like shit, major body aches, cold sweats, headache and restlessness. The family is having a gathering over today and I so quarantined myself in my room. My brothers girlfriend is super paranoid and went out and got a test for me. Positive, now they are all fleeing the house like rats leaving a sinking ship. I took some Aleve and it has tamed the body aches. Its not that horrible still not fun, being vaccinated has that tamed my symptoms? Would I be hospitalized if not vaccinated? I highly fucking doubt it.

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  5. I haven't had any broadcast/network tv or even streaming sources for over twenty years. I have a computer and a solid collection of legally obtained films...🤣

    My fathers side of the family recently had some very serious losses and I am staying with them to take care of estates and generally help out. They are broadcast TV viewers ONLY, and spending time with them for the past month has blown my mind as to how biased the broadcast media is! I am actually glad that it has been forced on me as I had been acclimatized to multiple source information and forming my own opinions based on myriad reports and individual research. This is no joke: MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS MANIPULATING YOU. 

    • Like 5
  6. 31 minutes ago, Racer X 69 said:

    So simply because they don’t want to be told to get the shot, these people are going to give up $40 to $50 an hour, benefits, vacation, sick leave and seniority.


    Sounds pretty stupid to me.


    I was in a crappy little breakfast place and this well dressed guy comes in and asks for an application. After the waitress walks away I mentioned the ferry system is hiring if he is vaxxed (He was from out of state) I didn't ask him if he was or not but he said he wasn't vaxxed nor looking to, it was why he had to leave his job as a cell phone tower tech. (which I am sure he makes 4-5x as much as a prep cook at a shitty little joint.)  I do not think people should be forced into the lowest paying job do to beliefs, However that would grind my gears going down to minimum wage! Here is the truly funny part: as a cell tower tech he is outdoors, mostly isolated doing his work. A prep cook is stuck inside, in a hot a sweaty environment, touching basically everything that is then handed to hundreds of people. I in no way think the vaccine would prevent him from spreading the virus, its just very ironic it is the only choice for a high level tech whom otherwise would have basically zero chance of spreading the virus.

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  7. I just had to register and upload my vaccine card to 'crowdPass' in order to run sound for a conference next week. Such absolute bullshit! I have been a photoshop nerd for well over 20 years and it would take me maybe 3 minutes to alter the photo of my card to fit anyone. This is starting to become the darkest satire of life I can imagine. I never wanted the vaccine but I am just shy of funds to move to my mountain property and become the hermit I have longed to be. Anybody who really believes pictures of these ridiculous cards submitted over the net proves anything is well and fully fucked in the head.

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  8. 57 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

    The return line doesn't really modify the fuel pressure. That isn't it's purpose. If some is by passed back to the tank, the pump will automatically adjust as it is a regulated pressure. The regulated pressure is 2.7 to 3.4 PSI. The purpose of the return line is to constantly circulate fresh cool gas from the tank past the carburetors.


    Respectfully disagree. If the return line did not modify fuel pressure you wouldn't need the restricting nipple and fuel would just flow past the carbs in the LARGER fuel return line without pushing into the float bowls. The brass levers that control the float needle valves can easily get warped from over pressure. The stock 720 electric pump is designed to push the correct pressure obviously but was also designed to work with the designed return line and restrictor.  Thus between the stock pump, return line and restrictor correct fuel pressure is maintained. The fuel pump is not an intelligent system, it works in combination with the other factory designed plumbing. 

  9. Also plumb in the fuel return line. If you are having problems with your current carbs without the fuel return line you very well could be forcing too much fuel past the floats without a place for excess fuel to to move past the carbs and return to the tank.

  10. I am so fed up with this fear mongering and bullshit! In person I would like to think I am very compassionate but on a large scale societal level I am of the live and let die mindset. When the virus first came out, I honestly was hoping for a 'the stand' cull the heard situation. Maybe not 99.99% of people but we have way too many people on this rock and we didn't get where we are by living in safety bubbles. To quote war of the worlds: "By the toll of a billion deaths, man had earned his immunity, his right to survive among this planet's infinite organisms. And that right is ours against all challenges. For neither do men live nor die in vain." When the numbers started showing, obviously that wasn't the case. No big deal I will just have to keep dealing with society as is... Then came the 'face coverings and masks' which as many smarter people than me showed are complete bullshit out of a n95 and proper training in a lab setting. FML I hated that shit at work, but dealt with it as I need to work. Then the lockdowns hit which decimated my career and yes plenty of people died, but if you compare those numbers with smoking deaths which is still legal is all 50 states its not far off. Then we had the amazing new barely tested vaccine! I didn't want it, I am in good health and was more than willing to take the risk so I waited and watched. The lockdowns started ending and my job was kind of sort of starting up again, however unless you were poked you had to wear a mask, ever work outside in 110f heat with glasses and a mask on? I am not worried about microchips or sterilization (this would be an incentive for me actually) from the vaccine so I went ahead and got the pfizer poke. No ill affects to notice now two months later and I was able to work freely and go to restaurants. Even with these little freedoms we still have to mask up on flights, I just flew back from Arizona and everyone on the flight just waited till the drinks came out to take their masks off and nursed their beverages lol. Now we are backtracking again and need masks even for the vaccinated?!?!?! wtf did I get it for? I am in no way conspiracy nut, but this bullshit is getting so deep I am going to need a canoe to get around town!

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