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Posts posted by Logical1

  1. I have worked in downtown Seattle and most major cities for the majority of my life. The shit I see the un-housed keeping as Stoffregen says🤣 is truly mind boggling! There was a guy next to the convention center with a collection of desk lamps and no outlets anywhere around... I think most times it comes down to barter or trying to sell their looted items, the hoarding sickness must come into play as well. It makes sense that if you are destitute and have nothing, having ANYTHING makes you feel better.


    Where I moved to way up in the mountains of AZ has LOTS of room and past my street a couple miles down the road people own their plots but just seem to collect shit or never throw anything away! It is a special kind of hoarding that I truly do not understand. Keeping stuff around that is going to be broken down or repaired I understand but this is just insanity. My property is pristine and while I do have a trailer I am living in while building I have vowed never to let this happen to my place: 



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  2. 19 hours ago, Thomas Perkins said:

    When people get cremated.Is that pollution.Get put in the ground.Is that pollution.Down here in Georgia,we don't get into people's business.And we all get along in Harris County.So Let me live my life in Peace..We are not having crisis in this state.Democrats are in bad shape.We leave on doors unlock and we have no problem.No one here is sleeping in front of stores.We need to get Trump back in office and build a 100 foot wall around the west coast states.What about the people that throw trash out there cars.Don't worry be happy.What about all them junk yards ya'll go get your used parts from.What do you think all them vehicles are doing on that land.Polluting thesoil with oil,all kinds of fluid and plastic and other stuff.All the roads you drive on and the dirt roads have oil on them from vehicles leaking.Next time your at a parking lot,look at it,oil every where.By the way,ya'll need to learn how to read,everything I burnt was ashes,no plastic,and it is on my property that is paid for and it doe not effect any of you all.That's why you are a failing cry baby Democrats.Cry me a river.


    Truly not trying to be a troll here but this is the first thing that popped in my head while trying to read this...🤣


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  3. 1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

    Plastic doesn't dissolve in water. It's the least harmful way to 'take care of it' if not recycled.

    Burning plastic is the least harmful way to dispose of it besides recycling?!?! Plastic may not dissolve in water but once you burn it breaks down into hydrocarbons and myriad other crap. It also has combined with the soot and ash from whatever started the fire and has been broken down into particles which can travel in water and get into just about everything. 


    As far as recycling, it is a joke how they sell it to people. Watch the Penn & Teller show "bullshit" on recycling, fucking hilarious. 

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  4. 12 hours ago, Thomas Perkins said:

    We take care of our own.

    I fail to see how dumping burnt plastic slag into the ground is taking care of your own, I can just imagine what wonderful slurry of crap that is leaching into the ground when it rains. Maybe you mean take care of your own like mobsters do...



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  5. On 12/21/2022 at 6:45 PM, Thomas Perkins said:

    s-l500 (4).jpg


    This fucking thing! Not a chainsaw but my little Briggs & Stratton generator. I am up at 7k feet and so my generator runs a bit rich (I haven't researched re-jetting yet as just setting up on an empty plot of land is a full time job) I have the beginnings of my solar array setup but its deep winter up here and not sunny enough for full time use so I have a 100 amp battery charger that is powered off my generator so I can top the battery array up. Well a couple days ago, I got some kind of sickness and twisted my knee out of socket which is now the size of a grapefruit! so I felt like double shit and couldn't walk. I am in my place with the generator on and hear it start to stumble and bog... oh great. I really wanted to have power as there isn't much to do while healing other than sit in bed. I crawl my ass out to my shed and sit on the wet/snowy ground and try to start her up. I hear this weird sucking sound that sounds like a vacuum leak. So I tear into her as best as I can sitting on my ass not being to bend my left leg. Take most of the cowling/cover off, check the air filters, check the spark plug, check for fuel, check for vacuum leaks with some spray and nothing... I am hurting bad now expending so much energy and really frustrated. Then I notice little tiny little screw in the outlet of the exhaust pipe. Took it out and this little fucking screen that looks similar to the one above falls out. It was CAKED with carbon. Gave her a pull, fires right up and blows a big puff of carbon out the muffler. I will NOT be putting that screen back in!  

  6. I just relocated from north of Seattle, WA. to Show Low, AZ. I could not stand the whiney overpriced liberal insanity any more. packed up all my stuff in my 720, hired a hauler to tow my travel trailer down and was set to start building on ten acres I have. When I arrived excessive rains had washed out the road to my place and I wasn't- able to get there even in my 4x4, get the trailer on site is completely impossible. I arrived on a Sunday and most storage places offices are closed here on weekends. Unsure what to do, I called the local rep of the company I bought the property who showed me the place years ago. (side note, he showed up with a Glock on his dash and was missing his right arm driving a manual dodge!) I asked him if he had any suggestions, he immediately said, "park your trailer at my place and I have a backhoe we can use to fix the road" everyone around here waves and is beyond friendly while holding to their believes and ideals. I haven't anybody I don't know wave at me in the Seattle area for decades. the local bars have signs that say 'guns welcome, just keep them holstered' The change of demeanor is so refreshing and relaxing.  While there are some trailer locations, everyone helps each other and honestly gives a shit about community!


    P.S. My 720 made the trip with over a 1k payload like a boss even though my weber was jetted for sea level. I wasn't hitting 80 through Idaho/Utah going up hill but still kicked ass the whole way!


    P.P.S. After driving through the Navajo Indian reservation in north east AZ, maybe America does need to be destroyed... But I will save that story for another post.

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  7. 2 hours ago, paradime said:

    Our power grid is robust and highly modular.


    NOPE, I am a master electrician and albeit not a lineman but our power grid is OLD and fragile at best. Putting things in perspective here is the liberal icon of America laying out the reality of the power grid, Funny how he doesn't mention the absurd draw that EV charging takes on the system while people are FREEZING to death.



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