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Posts posted by Logical1

  1. Sold it in 2019 do to financial issues to a guy in socal. It was the hardest object I have ever had to let go of, Nothing is more fun than a properly lowered 510 with a true Subaru LSD. Now that I am in my 40's and need more practical transportation for work, Datsun Trucks are my passion. One day though I will hopefully acquire a 510 again...

  2. When I got my first 510 in 2007ish, the wiring was jacked, obviously aged, cooked, and abused. I posted here that I was going to completely re-wire it from scratch, Hainz laughed and said "another Datsun that will never come back to life" It ended up taking me less than a month and worked flawlessly, including 12v breakers over fuses and marine grade power distro blocks. These cars are simple! Being a theatrical master electrician doesn't hurt though!

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  3. Howdy, I am looking for the best pictures possible of the gas filler door catch mechanism. Seems like so many of these trucks are missing them and it is starting to make me crazy! I am not the most amazing 3D modeler but I should be able to approximate a worthy replacement if some folks would take a few oics of any in decent shape. The more the better! As I type this I realize I have not looked into buying a replacement if possible, However I will be happy to share the final design and even print a few up for free if anyone is in need.  

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  4. 13 hours ago, Soundline said:

    Takes all kinds Patrol.  

    I’m a retired cop from WA and it was getting baaaaad when I hung it up in 13’.  You’re underpaid with severe ptsd if you’ve worked a legitimate beat for any time. The first time you see some baby with a deformed head because the mom duct taped it’s mouth after “it wouldn’t shut up”, you arrest a grandfather who raped his 5 year old grandson because “he was asking for it”, you go to a “strange odor” call and find a woman whose corpse has been sexually penetrated in every single one of the 33 stab wounds she died from by her lawful husband and suspected murderer, you go to a “traffic accident” where a doting father leaving for work with his rear window fogged up drove over his 4 year old son who chased the dog behind his lifted bronco crushing the child’s skull, or went to a “verbal domestic” call to find the mother of an 11 year old boy screaming because he hung himself after failing a spelling test....


    You might think humans aren’t so great.


    Am i defending anyone?  Nope.  Just saying that job is utter horseshit, and anyone who wants to do it in today’s climate, isn’t the most stable to begin with.  Here in WA you can be a convicted felon in some agencies and get hired because they’re that desperate for cops.  It’s likely that it’ll only get worse over the next four years of Inslee. 


    Thank you for your service and I truly mean that. I took a criminal justice course in the early 00's and my teacher was a retired officer from L.A. The shit he told us was terrifying and horrible most of the time, However he was one of the nicest, biggest hearted people and I will always look up to that mentality after dealing with so much! He could also be one funny guy, he would always warn us about breathing while taking a dump, said he went to entirely too many calls of old folks dying on the toilet! 

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  5. This sounds weird but the best tool I have ever used to hold the timing chain on napz motors is a wooden coat hanger broken in half, wooden ones are usually two pieces glued in the middle, snap that bastard in half and drill a hole in the fat end. I used to look in my closet when I was in my 20's and think wow, I am so classy with wooden coat hangers, Now in my 40's I look in my closet and see endless timing chain wedges!


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  6. 1 hour ago, Duncan said:

    What I don't quite understand is the guy with the podium. 

    It is a Lectern not a podium...


    Fully just having fun as I work in event production and people ask all the time for a podium and when we bring an actual podium, they argue with us that isn't what they asked for on the tech rider they submitted!

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  7. X2 what bananahamuck said, Make sure your main battery cables are in good shape (not old as shit and corroded inside) and the ends are clean and tight. Both the battery terminals and the ring lugs that connect to the starter should be scrubbed down and made fresh. I cannot remember how many peoples vehicles I have fixed due to poor electrical connections! 

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  8. Dune is a fantastic book with an unequalled story if a bit dry. I personally love Lynch's Dune, It is not for everyone though... My opinion could be questionable as I loathe Star Wars. If anyone is curious about a great cut of the full version of Lynch's Dune, do a Torrent search for "spicediver" or Dune: Alternative Edition Redux. It is a superb fan edit that was assembled with an unbelievable amount of work and has many kudos, in as much as any fan edit of a failed 80's space epic can!  




  9. Getting ready to put my current build (85' 720 4x4 kingcab) back together and it badly needs a new windshield and gasket/seal. I saw a post a while ago about sourcing a windshield but I have that covered and thought it would be a good to have a thread on sources for the rubber needed to install them. Back in my 510 days I purchased several seals from datsunlandsocal and they were the best I ever sourced over ebay/amazon ect... Unfortunately, they do not do 720 seals. I have been browsing around the net for 720 seals and the best looking one from a decent looking place so far is: Autocarpets - 1985 Nissan 720 WEATHERSTRIP, WINDSHIELD I have no experience with them but it is my best lead so far... Other recommendations?



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  10. Where at in Washington? I have a few stock carbs for them floating around and know the 720 inside and out. Mike is damn hard to argue with but I am a die hard weber guy. $300 for a new one isn't that crazy to get your truck running perfect and easy to adjust.

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  11. I am not sure how anarchist are trying to get what is rightfully theirs, "an absence of government" includes all services... and no governing body. In reality I am just having a hard time with so many lazy useless fucks who cant help themselves in anyway. If the trucks stop hauling food, the farmers stopped growing and selling food, power was shut off etc, countless millennials would just sit at home and die! 🤣  

  12. 41 minutes ago, Jesse C. said:

    I don't care what you need or don't need, but don't tell me what I can or can't own. 


    I am curious on this statement, any US citizen should be able to own/have ANYTHING? I have a touch of an anarchist in me, however this seems like a quick path to oblivion in any society. Don't get me wrong, I daydream of chaos and people actually having to fight/work/plan to survive!  😈

  13. 18 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:

    Coming into a conversation with an opinion that builds on nothing is a brilliant approach. 



    So aside from aspersions, do you have anything to contribute that counters the subject of the article? They reported the court victory and posted the court order.


    What do you have?


    Oh did I shit in your sandbox? I was unaware you were engaged to fox media networks! 


    Fairly sure this a free for any & all classic car forum full of irreverent misfits open to criticism and satire.




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