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About Logical1

  • Birthday 07/10/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Show Low, AZ
  • Cars
    1985 720 4x4 (Arizona), 1990 D21 RWD (Seattle)
  • Interests
    Angling, Reading, Computers, Technical Theatre, Low Maintenance Women, & Datsuns!
  • Occupation
    Theatrical Technician, Lights, Scenery, & Sound!

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  1. My folks just bought a 2011 Honda fit with a 1.5ltr 116HP and 30-35 mpg. Why arnt new engines much better?!?! FFS, My 40Y.O. engine rocks the same stats!

    1. 68Datsun510


      But the car companies would have you believe that EVERYTHING new is BETTER. IT HAS TO BE! Bullshit! We had better MPG from the 70s-early 90's, then it all disappeared!

    2. Laecaon


      See that top gear where the jag v6 twin turbo got 50mpg?

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