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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. mrbigtanker

    My 521 project

    nice truck love the wheels.OH wait there are no wheels or truck i need pictures we are picture whores.
  2. Cant wait to see them on your truck.Mainly the back ones.I would love to do that,are you still dropping the LS2 in there.
  3. I wish i had your money and cars.
  4. looks good,so what was your final front coil size and spring #
  5. I need time off to work on my truck.
  6. Are those 18s and 20s.They almost look the same or is it just the angle of the picture.
  7. Looks good,i should have my wheels already.No lip like yours but it will have a little Asian lip thats it not big like Texas.haha
  8. KYB's are good.I dont know as for hoses,i know on ebay there is some oem for sale if that helps.
  9. Maybe no haters but cheap bastards i would not even bother selling it here bro.Better luck selling it on EBAY or Craigslist.Looks good though you will sell it just take your time and get what you want for it.
  10. really nice truck.very clean.good find
  11. mrbigtanker

    Brake bleeding

    First off did you re adjust all your brake pads.Second is it leaking in the drum and you cant see it.Third try it again,start at the back right tire of course.you will get it.
  12. Another angle of the inside.Wheels should be done on friday now.Cant wait to get the truck off of jack stands.
  13. Some inside shots for now on how it looks.Its all clean but i will put carpet and do leather and suede in time.
  14. Another angle of the 2.3 liter.
  15. Motor is all done.Just got to finish brake lines some wiring and i will drop it in.
  16. mrbigtanker


    Very clean same color as mine.
  17. mrbigtanker


    Good job baby,i guess thats next for me.chrome that driveshaft.haha
  18. Were does all this money come from.
  19. Pull your blinker switch back.is that a cig lighter.and really good save.keep up the good work.
  20. Just drive the damm thing already.I wish i had your money Al.I hope ill be by this week to get my bumpers.
  21. El flako I did not forget about you.I will let you know when I know.ortely
  22. Really cool,you pulled in the parking stall dont back out now.your in all the way. more pics and running video please.Keep us picture whores happy.
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