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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Good job at least your driving yours.Does it get hot after the flush?
  2. If you look close I think you Nessie in the back eating.
  3. It's funny how your set up sort of brings back memories,I had a tundra and I used to carry my bike to load it,I was to lazy to get my ramp.lol
  4. I try to get long with every one but when stupid people say stupid things,they remind me of guys that play video games on line they all say what they want cause no one will find them.thats the joke but if we were together we would get along all so well.lol
  5. Why yes most republicans live here were i live libtard.Guns play a major role in modern society dont like them dont buy them that simple.hope the cops get there in time.
  6. I sat in that board you talk about and my hair was cut the way my dad wanted until i was of age to call my own shots,and well decades later i still cut it the same.The barber shop poles are to find these days.
  7. Looks like the guy at the office party is giving you the eye.lol
  8. And i rest my case she is from Cali,the so called dumb hawaiians did not grow up with the bullshit i do here in Cali,I work for the big oil company and yes there al a bunch of whining ass hole's that call out sick and abuse the system and fuck it up for all of us.Not saying growing up in Hawaii makes us better but we sure grew up with more respect then the people up here that i work with. She probably hates guns to.And has a OBUMMA sticker on her car also.SO sad.
  9. So do you.^^^^^^^ There just like you northern california pussy ass liberal fuckin tards.Now what
  10. When i get something good i will post.lol
  11. So got the AEM puck and pencil coils,truck is having motor mounts redone and oil pan cut down or redone to fit.that is all for now.
  12. Wow,not a flat bed fan but i am now.Love the old center line convo pro's.Very clean truck.
  13. Well as some of you know i am in the Oil business,so to not sound forward but i do well and i dont know what else to do but spend it on my truck and guns and what ever other bullshit i buy.But i work out dont drink to much never did drugs and wasted money on things that would ruin me or others i guess. My quote i came up with is,I like to spend money but i don't like to waste money.
  14. xxl or xxxl depending on shirt.can you put the print in the back though. thanks
  15. chevy all the way,but hey this is about a overheating issue.
  16. Dawa you will be fine,i born and raised there and i am forth generation born,my parents still live there and it is a beautiful place to live,the only reason why i left is i used to run all the tanker barges and tug boats out there for at the time BHP and then Tesoro bought the refinery and i was laid off 2 years later so thats why i left.I dont care what any body says just fit in with the locals and you will be all good.The worst part for you is higher gas prices but hawaii has one of the best bus systems in the United states so maybe use it and the recon sticker like tiki said but thats not a problem. Go have fun and be a Hawaiian,no forget Zippy's and i want you to go to Libbys manapua and try the pork hash,and you let me know if it is not one of the best things you put in your mouth to eat.[other then a big cock,nah just kidding]. ALOHA
  17. Or just the men part,but would that include rucky.lol
  18. Drugs are big on the island of Oahu so people will do what they got to do to get some,also keep in mind you got almost a million people crammed in on a island thats about 36 miles across.
  19. Your brackets might just need to be persuaded if you know what i mean.Also keep in mind that when you put the side mounts on"correctly" that might be what you need to shift the bumper over.
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