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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. well the reason why i started it was in my TBSS forums they have a thread so i thought of something different or at least i thought it would be.Mike move them over or lock it then,ill post some were else. :thumbup:
  2. Very nice sir,thanks for putting the pic with my wife and me . :thumbup:
  3. Not yet,Moises is busy i am busy i got to pick up the truck this week because im going to texas for fire fighting training so might have to put on the back burner for a week or so.
  4. Dont please me please you,i am just commenting on your first post about going red or black,so i said orange.And you went red. :confused:
  5. I guess I'm in before the lock.Cant please no one here.
  6. No Adam I was making a joke to the front bumper on that add Matt put up here.Im bumper end out.
  7. This is denim.I see my dog balls it's gone.that was funny
  8. This is a 3" drop on 16x8 wheels just so you know what it looks like.
  9. That is redone in leather.It is smooth and the stitch sets it off just nice.
  10. Bro i got mine covered in leather,with a very nice french stitch going down it.I have another dash that i might be parting with,it has 1 crack in it.
  11. Well they work just not my cup of tea,but he just got it and they are hard to come by so rock um until you get stockers or hell its your truck keep them if you want.
  12. Wow its red how original. :confused:
  13. i just hope the truck is ok,dont really care about oldskool.haha
  14. Very nice,i would of kept the bug though,other then those so called tail lights nice rig.Drop i would do at least 3",you got a great start right there.If i can help you out let me know. :thumbup:
  15. Matt thanks thats the front bumper i was looking for. :rofl:
  16. I am not selling on Ratsun,to many flakes on here.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. mrbigtanker


      you want buy it if you cant afford dont window shop,its as easy as that.dont bid on something on ebay and you cant pay for it.

    3. cruznude


      pretty much the same. If you obligate yourself to buy an item from someone, man up if you can't or change of mind. Just don't lead us on.

    4. erichwaslike


      we dont all have the disposable income like you tanker.....

  17. Well for you 411 they both run now,and its nice to have 2 of them running,oh wait thats shinny whats that another motor.lol :rofl:
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