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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. The only reason why he won is they really liked the throttle cable set up.hahahahahahahahaha :rofl:
  2. This gentlemen by the name of John took first place,he will be the first to admit his truck is not perfect but this truck had the most love out of all the trucks there put together.I bet know one noticed all the knobs on the dash that he made himself or the shift knob or the rubber boot that i know we all would love for him to make for the steering shaft going to the fender well and the trucks paint is 18 years old. If i brought my green truck with all the things i am doing to it and not even done yet i am not going to get mad that i did not make first NO.Just have fun and to John congratulations on first place you deserved it. And please i like all you guys,and it was good seeing you guys again along with Joe from Valero. The truth is there is no love at these events for trucks,there i said again.
  3. Lets face it these judges are how ever there judging these cars i dont know myself,but lets face it some of these cars are just pure shit just like my red truck as far as i'm concerned,its clean with some subtle touches thats all,there i said it,you come to have a good time and check out the cars the people and make new friends,like i posted before from there website ITS NOT A COMPETION.You want to compete then spend some money on a bad ass paint job cherry ass interior and motor setup stock to modified what ever makes your heart content and trailer your ass down to a good guys show and really compete or you know what better yet head to Pebble beach.
  4. And 45.00 your wife rides in with you and no charge for her.
  5. mrbigtanker


    Does the 4x4 leaf give you like a 2" drop already.
  6. That Toyota hilux belongs to this guy Scott,it puts down 850 hp to the wheels.That thing is bad ass,I don't care what any one says.You have to see it person to totally understand the work in that truck.
  7. http://JCCSA presents JCCS Awards as recognition of achievement. Show is to experience the culture of meeting owners with thier cars, and not as a form of competition. RIght from there website,so if your going next year like i will i will again not expect to win,just go to hang out with some god friends eat on the Queer Mary[hey] and buy Motul oil for cheap and get my new T-shirt and sticker for 45.00.haha
  8. Thanks for breakfast you old grumpy son of a bitch.Shows over now fix my damm distributor.
  9. We'll I will try my best not to win....haha
  10. Old fella I here you if you seen I was at my truck I did not think I was going to win nothing nada. I don't know what there judging criteria is but your guess is as good as mine. I wonder why don't they do stock class and modified class but hey plaques cost money which makes me wonder why they don't. I got a shit load of time and money in my other truck that did not make it but that does not mean I am first place against one of the really clean stock trucks. I get it. As far as first place that 520 deserved it as my second place you got me and. I mean it. And as far as I am conserned trucks don't get any love period and any of these events like they deserve,he'll that's what Cali is or was all about,in the 80's there was no nothing else other then the the big mini trucking scene and VW's I don't care what any one says.But it was still a nice day and good people to be around.
  11. Don't worry about it nobody touched it and it's fine.the guy knows what he's doing.
  12. Guys the the first post has a link to 629 photos.
  13. Just think if all the carb stacks were there,you would of took better then first place.lol good job
  14. I know,im sure some people are mad.
  15. Good show,i cant believe I came in second place or the first loser.good job.
  16. Well thanks everyone,took the red truck and came in second place.What a trip.
  17. So good news first its alive and running.Bad news is dont have time to drive it down there with out giving some sort of test half ass run,and there is a possible leak in between the head and timing chain cover not sure could not see very well[and if thats the the worst of my worries then i am happy considering the factors.So as of 0045 in the morning the red truck is going in the green ones place.Moises did a bang up job trying to get it done on time but time was not on our side.Next year it will be even badder then it is now.Stay Tuned. :hyper:
  18. I got up early and finished a few small things now its up to 720customs to get er done.I am at work getting paid to surf ratbook or facesun.haha
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