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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Dude for the love of god adjust the front bumper.I got to do mine again to. :poke:
  2. ASSHOLES :poke: .I was working on it all day today while Moises was at work.He might have it started up tonight.But it will drive in......
  3. got to spend a few more doll hairs today on bullshit stuff

  4. Oh i would of got it in there for you,i hope he is there today working on it. :poke:
  5. Get over yourself you fuckin little movie star.You love all the attention the boys give you. :rofl: Its not getting towed in,we will have it limping there at the very least.Its right there some bullshit stuff to do and BOOM,it will start right up.
  6. Im sure glad they got towing instructions or push in .
  7. Robert i work so i will see you guys down there.you guys stay safe and stay under 100 mph.
  8. You goings tomorrow to finish it up Nelson.
  9. To big for me,it's just for now,or I will lower more.
  10. You know what maybe it was 200-225 put I know my buddy Steve was getting better then 300 on the set up you speak of.
  11. I had a 13b 6 port street port with a single down draft 48IDA that was good for about 225-250,that was fuckin awesome.And like it said initial tune,so stay tuned.
  12. Moises or 720 customs is doing something to make something work. :devil:
  13. love the new bumper,no bolt holes or plate holes,just a solid blade.CLEAN
  14. I tell you what find them in a 45 series.I was going to go 225 which would look better but there only made for the tire rack.
  15. Let us know when you got all back together.I love VW's
  16. Polish it and drive it,focus on the 521 every one and there mother got a 620.Be sides i love your truck,i cant wait to see what you do with it.
  17. just BS stuff to do,to get it fired up.

    1. cruznude


      the post on your build was really good

  18. New comer to the show,only pic I took but this 510 was really tastefully done and a 20B under the hood not 2 but 3 rotors.Nice car and thanks for coming. Really i just noticed my fat finger in the way.lol
  19. I dont know,i got them from DAWA
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