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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Looks,very good,and you say I don't notice the little things.lol
  2. Wow you won't believe what that prick told me when he sold me his shitty front window gasket, he wanted me to return the old one before he would give me a new one, so I had to pay for another one remove my glass re install the new one and give him back the shredded one back for 90.00. And I might add he admitted that the rubber he sold me was a bad batch that was made to tight and it lasted only 4 months and started cracking on all the corners. I'm glad he is making good with you.
  3. Yes the 2 screws on the front bottom side that you can't see are Phillips. I love we're your wagon is going, I have been getting second thoughts of even finishing my wagon but you just got me motivated again.Watqnbes are a good choice to I have a hook up on a set for 3000.00 or a little less bit they are wide so rear will make fit but front won't work unless I run flares.
  4. Hawaiian, yea his rubbers suck I hate to say it because I might need some myself one day but he does not make the best rubbers and if i can avoid him I will. PM WAYNO he might have a better hook up for you on this problem you have grasshopper.
  5. Ill give you 500.00 for the truck,and there you go keep the wheels.
  6. Thats what i was talking about, i cut the metal out over in that area,but what ever you got it, Its your truck anyway. I will stay out of it.
  7. Look for the newer model Ute's as you guys call them, can some one correct me but they had 1500's in the newer one's correct. Would those not work for him.
  8. mrbigtanker


    Are those beautiful rare Titan wheels installed yet ?
  9. mrbigtanker


    I did mine it was not rocket science just a pain in the ass. The biggest some what problem is the rivots that have to be re drilled, when i did my vents the standard rivots stuck out just to far to make the window roll up so i just had the back side's tack welded to fix the problem. And dont forget to tighten the spring on the bottom of the glass if it was not mentioned already not break it tight but tight thats what keeps the vent window from closing at high speeds.
  10. Why dont you pull that grill out and notch under there to fit fan,you can use stock mounting holes and there will be more clearence. I did it and its the only thing i did that is cut per say.
  11. mrbigtanker


    Have fun changing it out. But I am glad you found it.how much was it.
  12. Wow Nelson you guy punking guys at the meet now,and you pack heat shit I wish I had a gun or 20. We're was john chewing bubble gum, I am glad I was not there sure hate to get my ass kicked.lol Who was the guys gang bangers or just some punks?
  13. Very very nice my friend,black is bad ass.I am thinking of doing my wagon in black also. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
  14. mrbigtanker

    JCCS 2014

    That fucker looks all banged up to me in that picture.lol
  15. very very nice man, I will be watching this build. :thumbup: :thumbup:
  16. That car is black, let me see the rest of it.PLEASE
  17. mrbigtanker

    JCCS 2014

    Those spots are for Hondas.
  18. mrbigtanker

    My first 521

    Dude just sell it before you get to deep in to it. Buy a Volkswagen there worth more and more fun.
  19. its the third saturday buddy its on like donkey kong.
  20. mrbigtanker

    69 521 Build

    Baller shot caller make the girls say holla.
  21. OH i'm good baby.lol cute kid nice cars and welcome aboard,521 trucks love you guys already and chevys getting better by the moment. :thumbup:
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