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jefe de jefes

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Everything posted by jefe de jefes

  1. Try it out. Just make sure it's pretty dry before you solder or you'll catch fire and die. Or.......find yourself another sending unit.
  2. I'm still undecided. I just spent $800 on my dang fence! :(
  3. Woot! Here's to a healthy baby boy! We had one Dec 5th. 3 total now-2 boys 1 girl..... Congrats man!
  4. So am I.....maybe there will be some there. Bump
  5. Pop in a movie. *yawn* Time for bed..........
  6. 510 quarter window latches.Some pitting has started. $50 shipped in the US.
  7. I can't guarantee it'll work but how's $40 shipped sound? There's 2 to chose from.....
  8. USPS Priority shipping box is like 10 bucks. Might be cheaper if a smaller box is used but might not get there as fast.
  9. I did connect to power. I posted this response in the clock thread. "I did connect both to power and they both moved a few seconds. One stopped moving completely and the other still moves only it "ticks" in the same spot. If that makes any sence. Almost as if they are gummed up? I was going to open them up and clean them up but they aren't very high on my to do list. You interested?"
  10. Just so you know. I did connect both to power and they both moved a few seconds. One stopped moving completely and the other still moves only it "ticks" in the same spot. If that makes any sence. Almost as if they are gummed up? I was going to open them up and clean them up but they aren't very high on my to do list. Plus I don't own a 620..... Still interested?
  11. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/18029-datsun-620-clock-50/page__p__248946__fromsearch__1entry248946
  12. I plugged the port on mine with jb weld. It was making a mess in my engine compartment.
  13. let's see some pics of your car.
  14. At least he's not in a pizza suit. :)
  15. Thats a nice truck! You get that on craigslist? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DATSUN-L-320-223-DASH-INSTRUMENT-GAUGES-BEZEL-W-HARNESS_W0QQitemZ120543502200QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item1c10f3df78
  16. yeah, they are a little uptight on that site. Alot funner here....
  17. yezzir,ammco...... I'm still looking for one for my 521...
  18. yup, 2 sets. Sell me your bluebird grill and I'll sell you a sequential set!
  19. For a 510? Thought your getting rid of your car? Got the bumper yesterday. Thanks
  20. Nice cars man! I have seen that black one somewhere before. WTF is up with that hood? Is it transparent or is my xray vision kicking in again?:)
  21. That 510 is pretty cool. Do they sell them like that ready to go or did you have to build it yourself?
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