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Everything posted by 71DIMER

  1. Hey Ben, I say go with the Konig Countersteer, they look sweet with the bend/curve of the spokes.
  2. WHAT? Ok you need to bring it next time, getting tired of seeing you attend without a 510! Just kidding. Was it that one you were telling me about? Yeah the turn out should improve once the time changes back and we will start the meet at 7pm so it'll give people more time to get down to it.
  3. I didn't take too many pics but here's some of the ones I did take. Good seeing you guys and gal out. Great meeting new folks who attended the meet for the first time. I'll be sure to post it up well in advance for next month.
  4. Those are some 'useless' dark pics...j/k. Good turn out guys.
  5. That's funny since I've never posted it as "Bay Area meet"...I'd love to see where you found it posted as that since below is how I've posted all of our meets in the events forum. South Bay, CA Ratsun/Datsun/Old School Meet Nor Cal's South Bay, CA Datsun/Toyota/Old School Meet Part 2 NorCal's SoBay, CA Dat/Toy/Old School Monthly Meet Part 3 9/24/09 NorCal's South Bay Old School Import Meet #4 10/29 Nor Cal South Bay Old School Import Meetup 12/17 Nor Cal South Bay Old School Import Meetup #5 01/28 Nor Cal South Bay Old School Import Meet #6 Anyway you have a valid point if you wanted to organize a one time specific meet up but if you plan on having a regular meet and you begin asking for everyone's input, guess what...that's exactly what you'll get and everyone will give you a location, date, and time that really will suit themselves (believe it or not). That's what was the case for the longest time. Do some searches and you'll find old dead threads on 'let's plan a meet'...where there's a TON of initial interest from a lot of people but when it was all done and saiid guess what, there weren't any meets. Rather than continue that trend I figured screw it, so the time was decided on based on the relatively successful Thurs night meets that go on in San Diego, so I figued hell if they can have regular weekly meets on Thurs nights, why can't we. I know weekly meets are a bit much so the monthly basis was deemed a better fit. I initially assumed it would be a small number of guys showing up as the case in San Diego (which I've attended so I knew what to expect) and figured even if it was just 5-15 guys it would still be cool to hang out and talk Datsuns, but I was really surprised at the average turn out to these meets down here in the South Bay. We've held our 6th meet on 1/28/10 and even with the time change (less light and cold weather) we're still seeing plenty of people come. Sure some come down from a bit further than others (some came from Concord at our last meet) and some of them would ideally like to have some meets closer to them but you'll never please everyone and some will not come because it'll be too far for them for any number of reasons, so instead of trying something so futile, why not just plan a meet in the North Bay to satisfy all the guys up there? Seems like it would be a cool meet to have so it won't be too far out of the way for what seems to be more than enough folks to have a good turn out.
  6. Yeah I saw your ride, I think you got there a bit later on. I had to leave early, I left around 8:20pm. We had a decent turn out, had some new folks come all the way from Concord, so its good to know new people are finding out about this.
  7. Hey Skib, have you considered using a vinyl dye on your rear seat? There is this high quality stuff called SEM dye (not paint) that actually gets absorbed into the vinyl. This is a lot better than the cheap $7/can plastic paint stuff you buy at your local auto store. This SEM stuff is only available from auto paint supply stores or on the web of course. I picked up a few cans at my local car paint supply place and redid my CRX (yes I drive cars other than my Datsun) interior from blue to black. I gave it plenty of time to cure just to be safe and so far am very happy with it. I also did try the cheap $7 cans to do a few plastic trim pieces since this SEM stuff isn't exactly cheap but those pieces have some flaking on them since they are plastic paints and not dyes. Anyway I found a video showing a demo of it so you can get the idea. This might be a better alternative for you expecially since you mention your back seat is in good condition. Good luck.
  8. Yeah like Ben said, if it started later like at 7pm, it would likely last past 9:30pm, but with this damn time change and colder weather, I wouldn't drive that far just to hang out for a short time at most. Once the time changes back, that would be a better tome to cruise down.
  9. Looks like the weather's going to hold up tomorrow night...so see you guys there!
  10. Looks like the one I have on my 68 goon...just be careful to try it before you buy it since mine won't work on newer goons. I tried it on both a 70 and 72 and it didn't fit either one.
  11. Ok now that the holidays are over let's get back to our regularly scheduled meets shall we! WHAT:Nor Cal South Bay Old School Import Meet #6 WHERE:3605 El Camino Real, Santa Clara CA (Starbuck's parking lot) WHEN:Thursday 01/28 at 6pm until whenever So get in your rides and get on down here after work, there's plenty of guys that come throughout the evening. Come check out everyone's rides. There's plenty of light in the parking lot and plenty of hot coffee and/or hot chocolate at Starbucks :P so get in your dime and come on out for what's turned out to be a good meet! We'll meet unless it's raining
  12. So does everyone at the meets you go to all show up at the same time which is at the beginning of the meet? I don't know about those kinds of meets but we have lots of people showing up throughout the night since our meets down here last hours, so those that get off at 5pm can drive down and still make it out by the normal start time of 7pm (just earlier during Winter due to the time change making it dark way too early). Now if you're coming from anywhere near the Sac region and don't want to drive 2 hours why not just go to a Sac area meet and not bother with one way down here in the bay area. Right so you proved your a sticker expert with your unsolicitated critique on it, I know it is your business but again I just wanted to point out it hasn't been an issue whatsoever. Again your mechanic shop to a Jiffy Lube comparison wasn't a very good one as most non wrenching people don't see a big difference as they're both mainly used for regular maintenance things that can get serviced at either place. Obviously the major difference is major repairs, but that's about it...so it's kind of like a sign is not too far off from being nothing more than a big sticker right I guess. PM's for what? I don't think there's anything left to be said. Have fun at your fully employed meets :rolleyes:
  13. Would that valve cover fit a stock L16? Damn if it does I wanna score one!
  14. Well the OP posted a "bay area meet" and the bay area consists of the following cities, none of which is Sactown, so :rolleyes: - San Francisco - San Jose - Oakland - Fremont - Santa Clara - Sunnyvale - Redwood City - Concord - Walnut Creek - Richmond - San Rafael - Vallejo - Santa Rosa - Napa - Santa Cruz - Hollister source My link Plus since you've never been down to the SoBay meets how would you know who's made it down? We've had guys come from all over the bay area, not just the South Bay. BTW, any and all mechanic shops do what you can get done at any/all Jiffy Lube so they are related just like your signage business is related to stickers, same difference. You pretty much earned your stickerboy status when you decided to chime in on how crappy my chrome outlined sticker is that I have on my 510 trunk. Oh and almost a year into having it on my trunk thru rain/fog/whatever and guess what...not one sign of rust like you mentioned would occur. :unsure:
  15. Yep the next Nor Cal (So Bay) Meet will be on 1/28/10. I'll post more info about it later on a thread and in the usual spots (JNC/CL/Etx). Well the OP did say Bay Area, Sac/Davis are not considered the Bay Area. You guys should plan something up there as there are quite a few of you guys up there. If you put the location/time/etc up for opinons though you'll be bombarded with everyone's recomondations that most likely will suite them I'm sure. Just pick a place and a time and stick to it. Those that want to come out to a meet will, those that don't won't, it's really that simple. I did this assuming this and the turn out has been great each and every time, even with the temp dropping during winter. "Unemployed meets"...funny I was just wondering how your sticker business was going. This time suits most since they show up straight from work on a weekday leaving their weekends free to do things with gasp...family/non-datto friends or take care of plenty of other non-datto related things.
  16. That's funny the only thing I'm not into is guns (maybe because I'm not a right wing gun nut) but I'm doing just fine in California (That's with a "C" not a "K" incase you forgot how to spell).
  17. Yeah I felt it while at work. I work with a lot of East coast transplants so they were all a little freaked out. Saying it lasted a long time...please. It wasn't a big deal...yeah I remember that 89 quake, that was a major compared to any of these little itty bitty ones. My wife is from the East coast to so the first one she felt was a few years ago and was freaked out, but it does serve a good reminder we live in earthquake country and to be prepared for a major one. I just hope my carport structure won't collapse on my 510!!!
  18. Looking good there Kait...I can almost smell them from here! I'm definately no baker but my wife on the other hand is a baking machine. I bought her a artisan kitchenaid mixer and oh man it's been on ever since. I typically take either cookies or banana break or lemon cake from scratch and our neighbors and coworkers are the lucky recipients of them almost weekly. My favorite thing about them is that they're a little cruncy on the outside but soft in the middle...oh and with a cold glass of milk...yumm-o! Here's a few batches she made a few weeks ago. Molassas cookies Almond flavored cookies Chocolate chip cookies Peanut butter cookies Sugar cookies Any my attempt of making them with and without walnuts (notice the man size of them)
  19. There's some on there that look very close to what you posted but I can always add these slightly varying ones to the mix. :)
  20. Well it's not a show, just an old school import meetup. We try to have them once a month on the last Thursday of the month but with Thanksgiving and Christmas being at the end of the months in Nov and Dec we had to move the dates around but now they should be back to 'normal'. I'll be posting more meetup info as the days get closer to the end of the month. I'll post it here and a few more sites.
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