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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. Meh, to you maybe. I have owned all drivetrains, I dont find that true. and lets not start either debate. I feel your wrong about both. Particularly with racing/track experience.
  2. HAHAHA, The first thing I said was "we should make it FWD too just to fuck with people" But if you read my first comment I said we were using the S2000 Transmission, which would make it rear wheel drive. Custom adapter plate and mounts will likely be made by someone local. Well first the car was originally powered by a british inline 6, since it is a british kit car, and was long before Shelby got a hold of one. And a kit Cobra comes set up for either engine, plus a few others, and it comes with no mounting set up if you want it that way. It wouldnt be FWD as I said, S2K tranny, adapter plate, ect...... Also I dont see how that would be a waste of engineering ability. FWD has many advantages. Not saying I would do a FWD Cobra, but the "FWD vs RWD" debate is kinda as stupid and immature as the "carbs vs EFI" debate, except its more like your debating "EFI vs EFI". My Buddy Phil, he kills Corvettes and Evos in his Si, not to mention half the Ferrari, NSX and other "fast cars" on the track. Driver skill is more than which wheels of the vehicle are driven.
  3. fun! The J30 can hold some serious power according to the guys at HASPORT. The best thing is that its very cheap. As far as I know it will be the first AC chassis with a light Honda motor in it. A Cobra chassis is lighter than an s2000. And the weight balance is just as good or better in the Cobra. It will be pretty crazy, probably set up for track, not sure though.
  4. So, we are taking one of thses chassis, and we are putting a Honda J30 V6 into it with an S2000 transmission and several hundred HP. My buddy is starting the project in about 4 weeks. He has been deciding what kit to go with. The car is gonna be sick. He is considering turning the rear into IRS. First Honda V6 powered AC, I think were gonna call it the JC Cobra. Pics will be posted once the project begins. No I am not joking, Totally serious here.
  5. then theres the other issue, will it paint on copper or brass? Drains are copper and brazed in.
  6. okay so here is the dilemna I am in. I have the por-15 and the prep. But there are areas I am not going to be able to get all the paint out of, crevices and such. I know POR will not adhere to anything other than rust and metal. What should I do here? I cant believe I havent posted any pics yet in this thread. Tonight I will.
  7. I am planning this basic setup pretty much. I have everything but injectors fuel rail and turbo. What EFI are you running? I have Megasquirt. I am looking for at least 300hp out of mine, and for daily.
  8. sweet man, good luck. I hope everything is all well. LowJack is a good option.
  9. that is some sick shit DAWA...
  10. I appologize, I didnt pick up on your sarcasm. To the second part, meh.
  11. Additionally I may be an internet "noob" but I am really tired of old Datsun dudes being complete dickheads. I dont care who you are, I dont know who you are, I am not going to start at random caring who you are, particularly if your acting like an assbag. Thats kind of, well, the way the world works. Its why I dont post on Hybridz, I would like to see this forum not devolve to their level. I am not calling anyone out here specifically, but there is a few pages of horseshit here and people calling people out, and not one of you is right about the other one at all. Just cool it and move on with your lives. Its really not that big a deal, I mean remember, this is the Interwebz, are you all really getting that bent out of shape? andhonestly Some people accused of being insulting in pages prior, Frankly were not, in any way.
  12. If you are insinuating that this was caused by pot smoking and not shitty parenting then you are incredibly ignorant. This has happened no less than 5 times over the summer, and this dumb shit is the only one to be arrested for smoking pot and them to blame the weed. what about the 30 something completely sober woman that this happened to in florida a month ago. Had nothing to do with weed. seriously I am really tired of hearing the pot is bad argument.
  13. $26 is so cheap, that thing will cost you a big deposit and then like 40 here. God, I miss the amish, and PA...... But the PA salt hates my cars.
  14. oh that is a tc-24. excuse my ignorance (or blindness as the case may be) I am always curious who buys those engines. I mean do they actually race them, or just look at em and take them to the car show.
  15. That would be an insulting use of an S20, unless your kitchen is in the Nissan Museum that thing was built to race.
  16. hahahahahahahaha hmm...... I think the first might have been a Pontiac Sunfire. Yep, it was, ooooooooooooooooo, damn you all for making me fully remember this, AFTER I started writing my response. She wasnt even that cute either..... but at least she wasnt THE FIRST. The back seats in the Sunfire are bigger than they look though........... other cars....... 1994 Toyota Camry 2006 Toyota Solara 2004 Honda Civic EX 1997 Ford Taurus 1996 Ford Ranger 1988 Dodge Ram D100 single cab 1999 Ford Expedition 2009 Nissan Versa 2002 Honda Civic Si the '88 Ram was still the best, you could park it anywhere off road and it was totally unsuspecting, Just looked like you were out Coyote hunting but other than my Si, nothing cool, the Solara was the worst, EX Civic was pretty bad too.
  17. Might I also add that the worst nuclear diasaster in US history happened in Simi Valley, CA, so all you LA folkes have gotten the highest dose of radiation in the US for the last 40 years. According researchers, the toxic release was 260 times what was at TMI. look up "sodium reactor experiment" The unfortunate truth is that we are just as bad as the Russians when it comes to "Nuclear safety".
  18. Plutonium is the only thing they reprocess it into, and that is only used for weapons. Death, destruction, and doom, weapons. oh yeah, if you need a low power source for like 50 years in space it works for that too, but there is no planet based productive use for the stuff. Just destruction. Funny how we claim nuke proliferation is over, and how we claim we're not making nukes anymore edit: okay if you get a new pace maker thats another thing, but if I need one, you aint puttin some plutonium in my chest!. But we process plutonium all the time and just store it. That is just as bad honestly. they bomb only takes a short time to make. Our country can make the bombs, make the plutonium, and not assemble the two and say they have no new weapons. They can reprocess it all they want, but it never goes away, it never will. they will reprocess it and re weaponize it and shove it in a mountain and forget about it. If it wasnt for Nuclear proliferation we would have clean and virtually free nuclear energy via thorium. The reason we abandoned Thorium, and we did abandon it, We were the ones who invented the theory on thorium, and tested it, and it was incredibly viable, and with a few more years of research would have produced free viable power. But do you know why we canceled Thorium nuclear power? Because it couldnt produce Plutonium for weapons. so its useless to our war mongering country. Now conversely China has one of the smallest stock of Nukes in the world, they hate nuclear weapons, they hate that they exist. but they have a small stock of them that they have sworn to use only under the most dire circumstances. Well, they are giving up (as they should) on Uranium power, cause its wasteful, and its old, and it frankly sucks and theres more problems than reasonable solutions. And they are TAKING ALL OF OUR OLD RESEARCH TO DEVELOP NATIONAL THORIUM POWER. CHINA Yes, China, in the next 10 years, will lead the entire planet technologically with Thorium nuclear. That could have been us 40 years ago, but were ignorant, and have the worst military industrial complex on the planet.
  19. in the garbage. Hellllll no, one of their best, My favorite is "Robbin tha Hood" though
  20. probably not the right place to post that......... idk if theres a section for non car stuff in the classifieds or not.
  21. yeah the LD28 is a rarity, theres a few members with them. and then theres nissandiesel.org. but scouring Craigslist is your best bet it seems.
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