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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. Or at least mine. I just found out that our piece of garbage government has banned ATE Super Blue brake fluid. Fuck this bullshit. I am so pissed right now I cant even post.
  2. The most amusing part of this is that if you actually read all the links z-train posted, you will find that they show data that supports that I am %100 right about Arizona being one of the absolute worst states to drive in. Even though he posted them to prove me wrong........ Argueabley "massatwoshits" is one of the safest places to drive in the entire country, AZ has 3 times the fatality rate and we have almost the same amount of citizens! Mass. actually has more people there. Not sure where he got HIS data, but that statistic came from data that HE posted.
  3. Wierd, I dont have alot of issue off the line, I mean I CAN spin the tire(s), and the K24 has gobs of torque for an I4, I think its just getting used to it on the wheel spin thing. I have NO problems with cornering speed in my car, but it has a good setup. see taking off, my issue is the torque steer, I get quite a bit. But an LSD will solve that issue soon enough. I will admit that getting an FWD to handle really well can be difficult sometimes, though a few come out of the factory handling like a god. Advantages to FWD? Well, compared to RWD in wet they always handle better, and snow. and traction compromising situations in general. But I find I can exit corners with much more throttle much more quickly too, since the wheels are pulling the weight not pushing it. There is somewhat an advantage when going into corners as well since there is more weight in the front of the vehicle pushing down on the wheels for braking, but this can all be tuned into both FWD and RWD. Honestly when you get into going fast on track with different chassis, You find that RWD and FWD are pretty equal. they all have advantages and disadvantages that can be tuned out in different ways. AWD has a disadvantage on a lot of tracks due to weight., some tracks it dominates on however. There have been examples of AWD people making both longitudinal and transverse engine chassis rwd or fwd to go faster on certain tracks. Some cars are helplessly FWD, meaning that there is little you can do to make it handle better. To be honest, it has been a LOOOONG time since I drove either a 1 or 2g dsm, and it wasnt that crazy of a drive when I did. I cant imagine that you cant make a DSM handle like a Civic? right? +1 on staying a Talon.
  4. And the truck drivers out here are the worst I have ever seen in my entire life. They drive like complete idiots. Good god do they even have a test to get your CDL out here? I mean its soo bad its ridiculous, I see like 3 truckers on a daily that just simply can not turn their trucks.
  5. really man? I mean honestly? bad examples. just crappy. 1) wrong about which point, some things your right about, some your not. 2)You havent shown any facts that show anything I have said to be incorrect, except the inter-state facts. But I still feel my opinion is more reflective of the real driving situation in the US. you have a FAILURE to show any facts on how its just as safe to drive at any speed with a cell phone. 3)Yes they are. Arizona is the worst state I have ever driven in, and I have driven in most of them, and all the states you mentioned. The second you cross over this state line, the drivers get horrendous. 4)learn to use google, I know people IN THE COUNTRIES I MENTIONED AND PEOPLE WHOM HAVE DRIVEN IN BOTH. 5)You fail to show any proof of that. You have stated only that you are a distracted cell phone using Arizona driver. 6)so what, make a law that says that the police can use them, then make it convenient so they dont have to do it with a phone to their ear, problem solved, hands free, easy peasy. Lane splitting is a safety thing. I wish every state had that law, It is the best thing about cali. Not to say some people dont abuse it and act like morons, but when used correctly, lane splitting saves lives. I have actually saved my own life on 3 separate occasions by lane splitting, once in cali, and twice illegally in AZ. I have had two of my favorite vehicles destroyed, and might I add these accidents were %100 unavoidable. and both were caused by a distracted driver on their phone in one way or another. I never had an accident in PA. Not once. Never saw one either that wasnt some hardcore serious shit. I see 2-3 every single day out here, all of them are stupid,. failure to pay attention accidents. Then just doing a count ( I actually did this) 1 out of every 3 drivers ON A GOOD DAY is on their phone. I go back to PA did the same count, guess what, I got 1 out of every 7.
  6. I never said I COULDNT do those things I said I DO NOT do those things.
  7. I wouldnt suspect the driveshaft, UNLESS, you suspect they may have not balanced it correctly? That is possible, but most shaft shops are pretty good about balancing it beyond where you will use it. You could always take it off and have them check the balance on it I think.
  8. I just do not comprehend why that is so hard for everyone to understand and not do it. I truly do not comprehend how you drive a classic and justify talking on your phone while doing so. I truly dont comprehend how you justify any distraction from talking, to drinking coffee or soda in your car at even 5 mph, while driving any car, EVER. Thats just me. But hey, Im an insane moron I suppose.
  9. As I said your the standard, ignorant, and arrogant Arizona driver. Who cant admit their wrong. I dont need to google shit for you sir, You are a big boy, If you dont believe me, take the time to prove me wrong. You can do you own research, I am not Reuters. come back when YOU have the facts. Also, I am from PA, I had to drive with people from all those states for years, They are better than AZ drivers IMHO. Also, nothing you posted actually PROVES anything. OH YEAH, I have been "whooped" by an AZ driver, lololololoolololololololololol. hilarious. You should get back to your Cell phone, I thnk you missed a call, maybe you spilled your coffee too. Honestly, get used to it, its not news that Americans cant drive man, apparently it is to you. Cell phones are one problem that could be eliminated. IBTL
  10. +1 wire guards are so sexy. And super rally status.
  11. Only in 'Murica, would we have an outside company badge engineer an already crappy car.
  12. You just called the second best driving country in the world insane, basically because of their opinions that make them the second best. And as I said, depending on year, and on average that is almost every year. We have more fatalities from accidents. The statistics are fairly easy to find You can run a person over at 5mph, and in fact this summer in the USA it has happened twice to children by parents, and at least one of them was on the phone. AND THATS JUST WHAT WAS REPORTED! As I said, I feel the way an entire country of GOOD DRIVERS feels, I and they, all think you are the insane one here. I dont need to post a link to the Germans opinions. I have German friends and hear this ALL THE TIME, I know people IN GERMANY. THIS IS A FACT NOT AN OPINION. Your erroneous opinion is giving me the impression that YOU are one of the people that I have to watch out for in this state of nothing but terrible drivers. I mean honestly its amazing that a person from Arizona is criticizing my opinion on this. Especially when Arizona is the state with the worst drivers in the entire US. At least that is my experience. And I have driven everywhere that is landlocked. This state is incredibly high for fatalities, and has more red light violations than any other in the US. We were leading for distracted driving and drunks for a while too, but I think that has changed now.
  13. Then you should upgrade to an FS5W71C from a 240sx, they are cheaper then BW and hold more power. Plus better gear availability, and more parts available. And on top of all that, You get access to the worlds cheapest short shifters.
  14. Real friends don't let friends rock Rotas

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. captaingamez




      save up and support design and innovation, not the copying Chinese, Buy real wheels

    3. rattadat


      Don't hate on us. Not all of us have 2500 for wheels. Plus Rota wheels and copied in the Philippines ;)


    4. captaingamez


      Save up......Enkei RPF1 start at $800 brand new, Real, Made in Japan, Why waste money on Rota?

  15. I think they got it mostly figured out. They are very popular in Europe, I guess we will find out this year, Were they out last winter? As much as I dislike the thing, I have to admit, the damn car is sound, in almost every way, I can not dog it, it is a damn nice car. I almost hate to say that, since I hate electrics and hybrids and all that shite. I like my gas engines, But this is the way things are going so, I guess I gotta take it.
  16. Hey, thats just me, Ya'll can do whatever you want on the road, its pretty much legal to here, so please feel obliged. But im watching you, verrrrrrry closely.
  17. Germans being the second best drivers on planet earth, next to the Finns. Germans having invented the car Germany having a $1000+ cost to get your license cause of the training involved Germany having invented the freeway, and having no speed limit in many sections. And despite having NO speed limits, they on average have a substantially lower accident rate per capita than the US yearly. Yes, that is the opinion of the Germans, and I share that opinion.
  18. Looking good man. How long does that color back last?
  19. OMG stop saying stupid things like "fail wheel drive", Its reallly annoying first of all. second of all it points out a certain level of experience to most experienced drivers........... All drivetrains are equal, in one way or another.
  20. Dude I have seen people text and ride out here, I am not even kidding. You have a CB1????!!!!!!!!, That is absolutely sick. Props.
  21. These people would never get their license in any other country, Just 'Murica. They make seatbelts and airbags, and safety glass, ect, a requirement for sales in the US. But they dont make being a good driver one. IDK how that works.
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