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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. No shit? that was my Dads first car. Pretty awesome.
  2. now that the tub is dry and clear coated I can lay all my parts out and start cleaning and assembling, Oh dear lord, what have I gotten my self into.......
  3. HEY!, I'm picky, dont mistake me for cynical.
  4. But it isnt function over form, if that was the case you would stay with stock wheels. Its cheap>not cheap which turns into Impatient>patient. and money spending>money saving. which then leads to Owning ill reputed half quality> Owning real legitimate quality made products. Behold, the problem with 'Murica.
  5. I have mixed feelings about the P1. I dont know about the looks so much.....
  6. Yes, but I was hardly being cynical. The hybrid shit must stop. and it doesnt really look like a Porsche, imho. And still not even remotely fair to say I only like 910s/911s Idk, dont like my attitude? Tough shit, because.....Intarwebz.
  7. I just went and looked and I couldnt find anything negative I said about the 918. I do like the 918 quite a bit, But I didnt when they were first announced, And I dont like that there is no coupe!!. That conversation did segway into me complaining about the dumb arsed naming of the F70
  8. Wait a minute I dont remember saying anything bad about the 918!!!!!! Maybe I did... I was a bit hesitant about the car at first, But I have come to respect it greatly. BTW, that Alfa ^ is fucking ill.
  9. hey DaBlist, those pics aren't working.
  10. It sucks, I shake my head and walk away from every single car I see with fakes. I will not look at a car if I see fakes on it before I get close to it, unless its something really special or unusual, in which case, knock offs are even worse!. Use real wheels. I hate that our "hobby" or really "way of life" is going downhill fast with all the crappy ebay parts, and shoddy work.
  11. WTF are you talking about Tristan? Theres even a bunch of American cars in here I like, Frankly I like way WAY more cars here than dislike, and my comments/likes show it. http://www.wired.com/autopia/2013/09/2014-chevrolet-corvette-review/ Not picking a fight, but just pointing out a trend Ive noticed... you seem to be cynical of almost every car posted in here. Are there any cars other than 910s and 911s that you like? I dont know where you would get the impression from me that Im "Cynical about almost every car posted here", I have likes on half of them. All I did was dis the Vette, that hardly makes me cynical on every car here. Is this not equally cynical?
  12. "everyone" Is fake, be original. Dont wanna pony the change? Then don't tune cars. I will never run fakes, on any car, I am above that, even if my bank account isnt, many others feel the same way. I will save for years before I ever consider something non-authentic that is made in Taiwan or China.
  13. then it would be even worse. The "hellaflush" shit really has to stop.
  14. Thanks man. I didnt think it was going to come out as good as it has so far.
  15. Buy real wheels, Always buy authentic wheels. You can find them with patience. You can afford them with the same patience. No excuses. Also Stockers are the way to go til you can afford real wheels, doesnt have to be the stockers on your car, but stockers from something. Buying fake wheels who steal their designs from real companies is like taking money out of their pockets. Less people buy real wheels, less research goes into new streetable racing wheel designs, there is less product on the market over time, and prices go up. Also there is not as much quality control with knock offs. Real friends dont let friends rock Rotas.
  16. I sanded the primer reall smooth and then laid down silver enamel. I thought it would be a good touch. Tomorrow I will wet sand with like a 1500 grit, and then lay the clear coat, Possibly wednesday on the clear. Either way I am going to start reassembling the tub tonight/tomorrow. more pics soon.
  17. the sun-roof tub restoration can be seen here. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/56781-sunroof-tub-restoration/page-2 Sprayed the top silver.
  18. That Chevy II Super Sport is no joke, hes running full on bead locks and everything.
  19. I would post up the info for Honda motors but I dont think ya'll are interested.
  20. Am I the only one that saw the ending of Breaking Bad and thought "Meh...."

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. laotsu



    3. laotsu


      I am, however, chagrined to see that they are planning a spinoff called "Better Call Saul". Such a dishonor to the show to cheapen it with campy fanboy bs.

    4. captaingamez


      Actually I kind of want to see better call saul. I love Odenkirk, hes freakin hilarious.


      I just thought the ending was average. Like so many other truly great shows that have endings that dont reflect how great the show was.

      The Soppranos

      Twin Peaks

      The X Files


      Breaking Bad


      their all kind of just, meh.

  21. I saw this tonight, Sorry the pics suck. I will update them this week when I get the better ones from my buddies Ipad. Its a 2000GT The owner brought it over himself.
  22. Got some shit done last night. Bondo sanded down on the sides, I taped off the entire area, and my buddys car next to it, LOL. Then I laid the primer. Tonight I am going to sand it down and smooth it out. [url=http://s156.photobucket.com/user/captaingamez/media/B9A457EB-0300-4C0D-A722-38BDC65AB5B1-1814-000001346D6DBECC_zpsbc29b8a9.jpg.html][/u
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