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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. Production number of exatctly 4, lolol. Yeah I am not expecting to see them any time soon. Maybe some day.
  2. So there are actual holes then I take it?
  3. This is all pure porn, well except Leno, as sexy as he may be....
  4. Oh, shit. My bad man, I would have, but I missed the thread. Edit: Fixed^^^
  5. Isnt it interesting that Japan has the lowest lung cancer rates, and one of the highest smoking rates?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. H5WAGON


      They don't inhale...just do it to look cool like Americans...



    3. captaingamez


      Actually its cause they dont eat the garbage we do, and Japanese men are more in shape physically.


      Its not the smoking causing the cancer, its thge smoking combinined with drinking and eating like shit.

    4. captaingamez


      and yes they definitely do inhale, and no they dont die young from heart attacks from stress.


      Another contributing factor is the fact that cigarrettes in Japan are much MUCH safer. less carcinogens, more natural, and the biggest thing, is that 99.9 percent of cigarettes in Japan contain a carbon filter, in america less than %.1 have that filter, we love our fiberglass

  6. Just debadge it? If theres holes or points, just tack them with a welder, or cut and sand them off, then use the Duplicolor for your car brand/color, sand/bondo/primer/sand/primer/sand/paint/clear/sand/clear/buff/clay. Its really not as hard as it sounds, and you would be actually doing something nice, instead of just slapping badges on. I cant say it would increase the resale value, but It would make the car more appealing to SOME people when you sold it, assuming its done well.
  7. I sanded down, removed the little bit of rust, Bondoed a few spots, and one small dent. Then I laid the primer on the outer panel.
  8. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL So did you actually scroll through any of those results like I already had a few times in months past? I didnt think so......... So I guess that means nobody can point me in a direction towards REAL, NOT VIDEO GAME lap times for the Venom GT....... Note: Always look at the actual results before using LMGTFY
  9. I didnt bash much on the car itself. I mean I dislike that its LS powered. But I was mainly bashing on the whole record ordeal being a load of horse shit. I dont really have anything against the car, nor do I konw much about it. But I know that Hennessey is famous for building straight line machines. I do know that the mainly touted point of the car is its straight line top speed performance. And not a lot of Lap times have been reported that I can find...... So what else was I to know about it? Please enlighten? Do you know where I can find the lap times for it?
  10. I kind of wonder how the Venom GT performance on track is? Except it will never be available in the United States.
  11. wow, no shit, I have never seen it from that angle with the back off. It looks like an extended Lotus Elise.
  12. no, the silver one a few posts up.
  13. And I am not complaining in saying this (you know, since this is a discussion forum) But I feel like the P1, as awesome as the performance is, Is a really incredibly gaudy car. I love the wheels, I like the shape of the top But the front and rear are just, idk Not McClaren like to me. Just my opinion, Anyone else think its kind of over styled?
  14. Was that an Elise at some point in its life?? (not the above McClaren, a few posts up higher) Ill complain and make fun of GT-86s as I please dammit!!!!!!!!
  15. I guess, to some people thats porn. Deranged tasteless people......... "Lock on" is the icing, or rather should I say Ricing, on the cake.
  16. Tristan, that GT-86 belongs in the ricer thread. Now this is sex.
  17. Yeah, the bastards are just too big. But I want me a Gallardo smoking Patrol.
  18. Put a Titan badge on it, just to confuse people. "But wait, I thought a Titan was..........."
  19. Wait how is AAA redundent? If you make a roadside call through your insurance, your rates will raise. I tried that route. Rates got raised because of a roadside call for a flat tire. Honestly, they are the absolute best roadside assistance in the United States. No insurance company has a national network of associated roadside assistance providers. They all go through third parties. I mean its not even that much money. I compared it to three insurance companies roadside and only one was marginally cheaper. Since this is a thread titled "JAF and Nissan" and JAF is the Japanese AAA.......
  20. captaingamez


    The 810 maxima is an American Nissan Bluebird 910 sedan, with a 4 inch nose extension to fit a 2.4 liter inline 6. It is a 910, and a Maxima, and is argueably a Bluebird. But it really isnt an 810, even though it says so, lol.
  21. captaingamez


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