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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. I would, there were some very sweet 910s over seas The 910 hardtop is the sexiest then the hardtop Bluebird Coupe 910sss But they also made a 910 turbo and a bunch of other ones.
  2. I was just thinking that in addition to the "Like" button there should be a "Meh" button.

    1. The Dat-side
    2. erichwaslike


      thats a meh idea... im kinda behind it, but i could go either way

    3. captaingamez
  3. I already addressed someone elses post about needing to use the phone in the car, that person also was talking about hands free headsets. Talking in the car is a distraction, listening to the radio, well that one is argueable either way honestly. In many countries, drinking a beverage whilst driving your car is a legal offense. I wish it was that way here. Germany for example. Your supposed to stop at the designated rest area on the Autobahn, which also has gas. so the idea is, stop, drink, gas, talk, and then leave undistracted. It is illegal for you to even stop your car on the Autobahn, unless an emergency, and running out of fuel in Germany is considered an avoidable occurrence, and stopping anywhere on the Autobahn network will get you a massive ticket and possibly jail time. Thus they have stops with gas stations every 20-30 miles, which at autobahn speeds equates to every 15-20 minutes. Can you drive your car and talk on your phone, and feel safe at 100+ mph?, if not, than you arent any more safe at 65, or 45, or 5. Thats the way I look at it.
  4. well it does in the way that they believe that you should drive while driving and not talk on your cell phone. same with drinking any beverage. And so do many other countries.
  5. We drive Datsuns. Go look for your stock cup holder Know why its not there? The reason its not there is because the Japanese believe that you should DRIVE while your DRIVING, NOT, consume beverages. In fact its illegal to drink things while you drive in Japan. This also applies to cell phones and everything else. My civic in Japan, 2002 model hatchback, No cupholders. My USDM car? 4 cupholders!! my 910 Maxima? NO cupholders! B)
  6. Shit I want that NISMO tool bag!!!!!!!
  7. Here in AZ, there is no law about texting. but they threatened one, then it failed to pass. HOWEVER, half the idiots in this state think that is the law now cause they are completely ignorant. And now we have the same problem, even though you can text holding your phone in the middle of your goddamn windshield and not get pulled over or ticketed. So again, stupid ass people are the problem Obey the laws. How about just dont text and drive? Or do anything else for that matter. Additionally I am irritated that it takes cell phones to make laws. People have been doing dumb ass crap while driving since cars were invented (well maybe not that long since you had to pay attention to 4 gear levers and a spark advance adjuster back in those days) But you get my point. Eating a sandwich, typing on a laptop, reading a book, PUTTING ON MAKEUP!!!. I also understand this aspect, and for the record, %95 of the time I see truckers or contractors talking on their phones, they are driving cautiously on the right, or they are pulled over. Props to them. I know phones need to be answered or money can not be made. But I see a few contractors and truck drivers, still being morons, flying down the highway jammering on their phones in and out of lanes. that air horn idea is great, I should install some on the 910, and the Civic. I am gonna face them out the fender well. HAHAHAHA. People are on their phones everywhere. Playing with their kids is the biggest thing that bugs me. You are out at a park with your child, and your fucking with your phone. WOW, really? your a great parent. What happens when mister pedo comes along and takes little johnny back to his basement with some candy? Or when little Johnny falls of the playground equipment on his head and you as his parent are the last one to come to him cause you were ON YOUR GODDAMN PHONE. Fucking parents. Then they do the same thing at the supermarket, and at home. Nobody communicates anymore. I make it a point to have dinner with my family every night, No phones if we can help it. Phoenix is the number one red-light-running city in the US. Yesterday a woman with two children ran a red light only a mile from my house. Because she was on her cell phone. A huge truck was going through the intersection, She was killed instantly, the kids survived. Now, because of her ignorance, stupidity, and absence of respect for people and the road, her children have to grow up without a mother. Just put your phones in your glove box, if you have a key to it lock it, then lock it. Put it on silent, and leave it in there til you arrive somewhere. Or pull over to the side of the road. Really, people it isnt that big of a deal, and even those of you that are "good" at driving on the phone. It only takes a half of a half of a second of distraction, and your done. And there has never been a conversation that any of us have ever had mor important than someone elses, and your own life.
  8. sweeet! I am wondering if anyone has imported an AUS, or JDM, or EDM 910 to the US before. If they have, I havent seen it on Ratsun.
  9. unfortunately not the first I have truly DISLIKED. This hybrid shit has to stop, but it wont. I think its ugly too, doesn't look like a Porsche. the coupe looks better, Anyone that buys a convertible Porsche, bought a Porsche for all the wrong reasons.
  10. I would be looking into a transmission. are you fs5w71 or borg warner?
  11. lolol, I was short on time at the moment. Ill post some other 910s later.
  12. Post up pictures of 910s and share what you have done to your 910 today.
  13. looks like he really knows how to make a car handle like shit! Too bad everyone on earth's reaction is "OOOH Herrafrush!!!!!, SOOOOOOOO SIIIICK!!!!!" God it looks and rides terrible.
  14. bump I am pretty much leaning against using the POR at this point. It seems to be very much less than ideal for my purposes. Theres too many places I can not guarantee either complete paint removal, complete etching, OR complete adhesion. So that considered, POR, Even though I already have it and the metal prep, Is out. I can still use the metal prep though, but what should I use for paint......?
  15. wow, I had to look that up. Ukranian eh.?
  16. Your the one that posted it in Car Porn, Genius Thats a Renault 5 Turbo, not even remotely Rice, never was, never will be. Its a mid engine rear wheel drive rally car Omolagato. I mean WTF? Go back to trolling.
  17. those top two are ugly, but that last one is sick as fuck.
  18. wow some people are still butthurt Well, Gee.., Now that I have seen all that I guess that I might.. STILL NOT FEEL THEE SAME WAY. Its the internet, welcome aboard People are assholes Grow up Grow a pair. Exactly my point. Lets make this a bigger deal? O.....k.......
  19. dis! Converted to FWD instead of RWD because thats how the setup is, front trans mounted, I have heard of an Evo being done this way too. http://jalopnik.com/5958856/this-is-audis-insane-front+wheel-drive-tt+rs-racecar 6 seconds slower then an R8!!!! 6 freaking seconds! on Nurburgring that is NOTHING And its faster in the wet (big surprise) Imagine that car, except a Honda Civic Si, and that is basically what My friends rape Corvettes, and Evos with at the track. Just wait until the new CTR comes out. Honda is out to be the fastest front wheel drive production car ever on Nurburgring.
  20. lolololololololol all VERY good points.
  21. Thinking that RWD is superior to FWD shows to me only that you are inexperienced and I will beat you. And it tells me that I will beat you in either one.

  22. SMH All I will add is that when people make comments about one or the other being superior at the track, we KNOW who not to bet on.
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