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78kingcab last won the day on October 10 2021

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About 78kingcab

  • Birthday 03/23/1968

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  • Cars
    79 king cab/ several scion xbs
  • Interests
    hittin switches, and a curb here and there.....
  • Occupation
    retired homeless bum..dont laugh its hard

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  1. Oh yeah almost had me a mini me . Lol so my drifter rc
  2. So I have been busy cause at my old age I have now have twinz. So let's see them you say.. ok just lil peak a boo... 😆 So you know you gotta have two so they can play together
  3. Yeah there here somewhere. Lol you really got a good memory.. I had the light op fan that said 78 king cab is a pimp too. Lol... I totally forgot about that stuff... In 2011 I had no option but to sell everything and I boxed up so much stuff.. I'm now just getting into the storage and finding bits hear and there. . As for the seals I do see the prices are going up as everything is.. I just ordered another set of kc seals and a back window seal for my kc.. I cannot figure out how to put pics or video on here anymore. I have so much to show but I just can't figure it out... As for those seals there like a perfect circle ⭕. So when you stretch around the window the sides like to buldge out.. I used a small rope to install and the went right in and took like less then a minute to pop in. Honestly the look and fit great.. plus I installed right when we had rain for days and not a drip of water or any sigh so I'm very happy..
  4. I like and yes ... Hmmm let's see if I can score a canopy this week I already got the seal .. and I'll weld bed to cab so seal will only go around canopy .. disco ball hmmm...
  5. Is there a way to put videos on here.. ??
  6. And no it's not the color it's gonna be .. it don't look real bad but it's like bright white. Lol..
  7. So I did the roof first and thought I'd work my way down for fine tuning of body work and forgot what I was doing and sprayed the whole thing.. uggg it's so bright I can't even stare at it... Should be a fun time sanding it back off... So I'm going to take break and drive it for a bit B4 I go round two.. but I'll get interior in for test fit...
  8. Got any ideas? I'm thinking for something to do a walk thru.. I could always weld it back in if I change mind.. I had a few kc walk thu"s and kinda want one
  9. Hey 420n620 , I met you back n the day at I think canby, remember??like 2010 lol.. anyway got the seals from vintage rubber and they do not accept the chrome trim.. very nice seals tho... I'd like to keep chrome but can't get the seals and I already did the front and rear window seals so I'm taking all the chrome trim off... Anyway the seals I think were like 80 bucks shipped .. honestly I can't remember...
  10. So got the windows tinted and some new king cab seals.. lots of body work..
  11. By by tailgate handles., Don't worry there not going too far
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