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Everything posted by Braden

  1. i have adde oil and checked it several times, ive put the truck on level ground and checked it and it is perfectly in between the dots, damn light is still on
  2. hey how do you reset the oil change light on a 77 620?, those two red lights at night are getting really damn annoying
  3. thanks guys ill check into it:)
  4. i have a 77 620 and i have quite a bit of play in my steering wheel, i have to turn the wheel about 1/4 of a turn before my wheels move at all, how do i tighten it up? can i take some slop out of the gear box? i know there is something else i can replace as well, can i adjust my centerlink to remove some slop? any help would be great
  5. most headunits claim 50watts per channel for 4 channels this is not true, that is once again peak power not cuntinious, normally continious power to each speaker is 20 watts or less, the 50x4 or 125x4 just means that at max volume, with ample voltage and current supply, hitting the proper frequency, the head unit has the potential to throw 50 watts to each speaker for maybe a second or two. if you can get the kenwood deck cheap do it, you will like it and it will sound fine, for your mids and highs any aftermarket brand of speaker should handle atleast 75 watts a piece and are normally 4 ohm impedance. make sure to note the output voltage on the rca's to the amplifier for your subs incase your amp has input voltage settings its normally either low (4volts) or high (8volts)
  6. you can call shens for now but i will show you pics of the meter later on, we ordered a brand new set of 13w3v3's that havent arrived yet but when they do i will go down to the dealer and have them test it for you. on another note my brother ran db drag for several years and took 1st place awards home with a set of 12w3v1's his best ever was 156. something at the headrest, you know how car stereo stuff is though some people know their shit and some dont, thats why one persons 12 hits sloppy and ones hits tight, its all in the box, and for the setup in the grand am we went with sound quality not with spl, the box is tuned to 28.56 htz, we could have gotten louder with say 35 or 40 htz tuning frequency. as for the 150 db call, that was a guestimate not proven (yet), i have heard 150's + and that is what it sounded like to me, like i said i will test it and show you, and its nice to have someone on here that knows a little something about stereo too, before ratsun, stereo was my biggest hobby.
  7. not mine but for the price someone should grab it http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160354742554&category=33645&_trksid=p4340.m215&_trkparms=algo%3DSI%26its%3DI%252BC%252BS%252BIA%26itu%3DIT%252BUA%252BUS-BWR%252BUCI%252BUCC%26otn%3D12%26ps%3D33
  8. i already bought it, clock is going to rubberman;)
  9. mine was super tight, i just slipped a cheater bar on the end of my ratchet and it came out like butta!!!
  10. groatd, if you can give me some specs on your speakers such as impedance, size, and model, i can probably help you come up with an enclosure that will maximize their potential and will also help you decide on an ampifier
  11. also i was just trying to offer a little bit of constructive criticism, maybe a few tips from someone with audio experience would spark his "project" into a full blown kick ass system :) Now in the best interest of the "forum" lets stop our nagging and let the guy continue with his thread. enough said
  12. yes a 95 grand am 4 door granny car, system is worth more than the car, and i wasnt trying to be rude or negative but it seems that 99% of people dont have a clue about stereo, they think red wire goes to red and black goes to black, wrong, its not hard but its not rocket science, and buying used speakers is never too bright of an idea to begin with. and judging by the size of his enclosure i would say that whoever built it, built it to simply hold the speakers, instead of building it to permit proper frequency response
  13. actually i have been trying, ive been in there 5 times, the first time the guy pulled up some parts but he said he needed my vin number to verify the would fit,and that parts that old werent in the system, i came back and gave him my vin and then he couldnt find shit for me, said he had to call nissan directly and that he would give me a call back, so 5 days later i go in there to see what the heck is going on and slip a trick on him, i gave him some part numbers for some shifter bushings, he pulls them right up!!!! so he never called me back and then pulled up parts that were too old to be on the computer :confused::confused::confused:, i think we need a new parts guy, or i just need a crapload of part numbers :blink::blink:
  14. hey i just had a thought, you may not be interested but i was down in tenn the other day at marlars wrecking in oneida and saw a brand new chevrolet cobalt that i guess fell off the delivery truck, the car still had plastic covering the paint, anyways it had brand new bucket seats in it, they were a light grey color, you might get them kinda cheap, just a thought, my friend was thinking about getting them and putting them in his s-10
  15. i know where a standard cab 620 is up here that has a decen bench seat that you could get redone, you probably already have one though, or did the king cabs even come with a bench seat? i found a professional guy up my way that said he would do mine for 225$ i like bench seats myself but buckets would be cool, on second thought my girlfriends dad works at the nissan dealer, tonight he drove home a 2004 pathfinder with black leather seats, thats what you need, those baby's were sweet, i was actually thinking of trading in my silverado for it
  16. If you like mobile audio then i thought i would show you my 2 latest installs, My truck (jl audio 500/1v2, 2-jl audio 12w3v3, alpine cda-9883, jl audio wiring, custom sealed enclosure) and my buddies car (jl audio 1000/1v2, 2-jl audio 13w3v3, alpine cda-9884, 5.25 cubic foot ported enclosure tuned to 27.5 hertz, jl audio wiring, tr components) all wiring, box design, box building, basically everyhting was done by myself. havent gotten a chance to demo the grand am and get it tested but i would say its pushing mid to high 150's or more. on a different note you say you are wanting a 1000 watt amplifier, bad bad idea unless you get a el cheapo amp that isnt a true 1000 watt amp, a true 1000 watt amp will draw atleast 100 amps from your electrical system, i dont think a 30 amp alternator, or your subs could handle it for that matter, and no you cant just turn the input sensitivity (or what you might call gain) all the way down.
  17. i think you should go with the 1000w so you can set the gain and lpf incorrectly and watch those bitches fry, what impedance are they by the way? or do you know what that is?
  18. you just bought some junk :fu: :fu::fu::fu:
  19. i like the fat mat you used!!! its good shit and not too expensive i have some im saving for my truck, i used it in my silverado for my stereo, looking good man!! i have got to see this thing in person
  20. UPDATE: not much has changed but i have done a few little things, starting college and a new job soon so hopefully the newfound knowledge and wealth will help me with my project. I bought a tach for the truck today but do not have it nor have it installed yet (pics to come). Since my last post i found a donor truck for a gas tank, removed it painted it and installed it. now i dont have a boat gas tank waiting to explode in my bed!! and wow the gas mileage is great on this truck!!! paid 10 bucks for the tank so im not complaining. also i have rebuilt the winshield wiper pump, and installed some carpet mats that i made out of scrap carpet i got from a local carpet manufacturer (they make carpet for honda and nissan cars!!) and of course i finally installed a ratsun sticker. much much more to come but financially at the moment i am on a stand still, but hopefully working at oreilys will have its benefeits!!
  21. damn man did you teleport that shit or what? fast shipping doesnt even come close!!! you are now dubbed STICKER MAN!!!!! thanks!!! ill get a picture up soon.
  22. Took these mirrors off of my 77' 620, they are in good shape, need some paint, 25 bucks shipped, obo, original mounting hardware included
  23. Braden

    fuel tank capacity

    Just wondering what is the fuel capacity of a 620 fuel tank? I just installed mine and i was wanting to try and check my gas mileage. Thanks
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