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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. So Im goin on a road trip to colorado in about a month. Delivering a friend to run a restraunt at a ski resort. Most people think I will end up having to leave it over there broaken. I think not. With the amount of hard driving I do to it now, a 2500mi trip on the freeway should be no problem. I plan on putting a 5-sp in it and possably a A14 for the trip. If anyone has a A14 5-sp and they want to sell or trade for a A12A and 4-sp let me know. Will probibly put the stock springs in it and some oversized tires for comfort and mileage.
  2. Oh you get 150 points for over answering!:thumbsup:
  3. My dad bought the pumpkn about 5 years ago for $40. He replaced the gasket and traded it to the neighbor for an auto honda car for my sister to drive. 3 years later my sis bought it back from the guy, WAY beat up! Her boy-idiot-friend drove it for about 6 months before I forced her to sell it to me for $250, she paid $200. It has been in my abusive care ever sence.
  4. Where abouts do you guys go campin at? We got some property on the river in Morton, that we go to every couple weeks. Would like to join yous out in the woods acting like fools. It is one of my favorite pass times!
  5. Yea that has got to be the ugliest tumor I have ever seen!
  6. I just need to find a Board Stretcher so I can measure only once.
  7. I am looking for a front mount distribtor for a VG30, running a holley carb. And also the carb adapter plate.
  8. Very Nice Got some 2in black Venture Tape striping and am starting to mock up some side stripes. Pics to come!
  9. There is a car show on saturday 3-22-08 in the parkinglot at lakeland hills. There are some people meeting at the krispy kreme at the tac mall at 1pm the car show is at 2. Come one Come All! For info call me at (253)224-1139 Thanks Dave (Pumpkn Operator)
  10. I go out onto the peninsula every once-in-a-whyle for thier awsome roads. The speed limit is 45 and all the corners have those yellow=suggested speed signs for like 10mph. Screw that the speed limit is still 45, and I do it to it. The best thing is the locals dont seem to mind. They all haul around there too.
  11. Is there a car show, or just a swap meet? You say the Z guys set up in the parkinglot, can we?
  12. I did check the ign. switch first and found out that one click back turns everything off and leaves the steering unlocked. The cool thing is that the Pumpkn keeps the vacuum all the way down the 3mi hill and I usually use 3rd to start it and slow for the turn at the end. I was coasting down meridian the other day and had to stop for a light. Left the car off at the red light. There was a guy next to me observing my Orange coolness and when the light changed I hit the start switch, fired it up and off I went. He had the stupidest look on his face when I hit the starter! :D Just had to post about this. It is one of my favorite things about older cars.
  13. I was thinking the other day how mutch gas I save driving the Pumpkn daily. The Merc. is a pig! I live in Puyallup and go up and down the hill all the time. The cool thing is that I dont have to waste gas going down. Just turn the key back one click and relax. With the great gas mileage it gets I dont save mutch, but with the upgrayedds that I an looking to purchase, every little bit helps!
  14. Any "Northies" coming down for that? Would love to meet up and roll down together.
  15. Yea, what he said! And I would also like to know exactly how mutch traction did you really have with those tires?
  16. That is Very Exteremely Awsome! Beautifull car. Had one just like it in the dark blue. Will alwayse miss that car! :thumbup:
  17. Tell him to put that Super Sweet old-skool paint Jobbie back on it, on it. I love that retro look. Have alwayse wanted a Altered Wheelbase 64 Fury. Pappys got a rootbeer brown 64 4-door hardtop with a 68 HI-PO 440, push button auto and a 273 Posi.:cool:Eveyone thinks its a small block till we open the hood and there is barely enough space between the inner fender and the chrome headers for the plug wires to fit. MOPAR=Move Over Plymouth Approaching Rappidly!
  18. Great! Now I gotta figure out how to remove my rear bumper! If it bolts up the same as the front I already have one bolt out.
  19. My parents old codger neighbor has a 72ish 2door corina delux auto in that sweet blue. Thing has been sitting sence the early 80s in his falling down garage. He says his mom bought it new. I would not start in like 82 so it has been parked ever sence. I pester him all the time and he will not sell me his jewel. I love the old toyota cars, they are just so damn hard to find! I hope I can get it off him before the garage falls down and smashes it.
  20. Yea Damn Stoners! (Cough Cough):o
  21. My only concern is when does it stop being a forum where people can go to ask questions about thier Dats, and when does it become just a bunch of info splattered on the interweb in the shape of a forum? Or just a place for us to show-off our cars? I understand yous guys frustration, but seriously. That is why we are here! We should not belittle people for asking dumb questions, people are dumb. The proof is in my spelling! Maby you could do as Bleach has done to me and redirect people to another thread that will answer thier questions. Remember we were all NewBees at one time and the replys you get to your first thread are important. If people on this forum cant swollow thier pride and help out the stupid with thier problems(no matter how common) What is the point? Is that not our role? Disclamer: I am not directing this at anyone. Just something to think about.
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