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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. 85 masaratti(spelled wrong) bi-turbo with a 16 valve toyota engine swap. They had the ecu wrapped in bags and an old tractor tire tube zip tied to the firewall. Mini Trick (Brand?) all custom with the most jimmie rigged crap everywhere. And a Chevy Big Block! Looked so freakin scary stupid! Makes me wonder if they even ever ran like that?
  2. Lake tapps gets packed full of idiots if it is nice out! The slab is nice but I like it better if we are somewhat seperated from the unwashed masses. I drove aroud 5-mile drive today and the only place in there that is big enough is owens beach. Not sure if you can reserve the parkinglot, or the covered things with the BBQs, but I have been known to do a non-hostile takeover of a parkinglot. There is a HUGE parkinglot at the top of the hill from it and there is a big grassy area, but no BBQs or covered areas. It is hardly ever used.
  3. You are only part of a convoy if you can keep up!:D I met at the commons and it was ALL 240s and one Fast Z. I was pushin the ol A14 pretty hard to keep up. We were goin like 90 the whole way! Now I know how to get there so I dont gotta drive Mach 5 next time.
  4. So I going to meet up with yous fools at the commons. Happy Good Fun Times for Everyone!
  5. What is the address of the place we are meeting up at? Call me (253)224-1139. Love the caravan shiz!
  6. I talked to my lawyer and she said the same to a slightly different tune. She gave me a hook up on broadform ins. that is less than a $100/month. I will get ins. and pay the fine. I will also very soon be making the car legal with some cool custom front and rear pans. Last night I painted the front and rear where the bumpers were and it looks WAY better. Clean and with the rear painted it doesnt really stick out any more than it did with bumpers on it. Thanks for you guys input. Helps me think about things from all angles.
  7. The speed limit on the road is 35 so I got to 35 more rapidly than I usually do. But I did not run! If he had been around the corner before I turned into the alley, or was turning around when I saw him(not stopped on the side of the road) I would have stayed in the car. I must confess that I do not know the exact meaning of the term "Hot Stepping" But I am (for the most part) a safe, contributing, productive, law abiding citizen and deserve my rights to be upheld!
  8. They did NOT pull me over and I did not run! I was turning left after the cop had passed me going the other way. When I looked down the street he was on the right side of the road stopped, 3 houses down the street, with his lights on and people were passing him both directions! I drove the speed limit one and a half blocks to my dads house (wich is my address on my licence, and the cops know that it is my address) When I turned into the alley he had not made it around the corner a block behind me! when I was walking into the back door of the house 50ft from the car he was looking down the street infront of the house, then took off looking for me down further. I said before that I was happy to remove and surender the mace, but I know my rights and I do not take lightly to them or others rights being abused by the police. When I was in high school the cops were cool and let me off a bunch of times for doing burnouts and such. I have sence calmed down, I drive the speed limit in town and obey the traffic laws! But in the last 5-7 years there has emerged this trio of cops that are out harrasing people with nice looking custom daily driver cars. Friends of mine from the VW Nut Cases to the Jeepers and the Adjustible Syspension Folks. And it is not right. Maby in my old age:D I will get beaten into submission. But Not Yet! Side Note: GET IN THE ZONE!
  9. Ok I understant the mace thing. BUT, a reasonable human/cop (I think) should have ran my name to check for warrants ect and took the mace. The thing I find unreasonable is he asked me for insurance when he pulled up to the car in the alley I was already INSIDE of my parents house!:mad: And it is the same cops that used to harrass me when the car was 3tone!:mad: I dont speed and I use my turn signals ect... and my car is nice. They asked for insurance cause the car is dirty and I was too from workin on it. They mess with the cars that look like they are low budjet. One of them was even making cracks about it being crappy. This is the reason that I am all bent out of shape about it! As long as you let them get away with this kinda shit, they will believe it to be ok. And it is not. I will have insurance in about a month and will get a lawyer and will fix my car, have before and after photos and do my part in making the police serve the public the way they should instead of centering thier usefullness to revenue! My Rant is over for now but I am still Pissed:mad:
  10. So I took off my bumpers and lowered my car some more yesterday and instead of those plastic ball sacks I hung a double headed Mace out of my bumper hole:D The car was also Extremely Dirty! I drove it over to my dads house to drop off a bearing and dent puller he had leant me. 2 blocks from his house a cop that was going the other way dinamited his brakes and pulled over with his lights on, after we passed each other. I was turning left when this happened. Hot stepped it to dads house, pulled into the alley and parked behind the garage. Got out the ride and into the fence before he was even close(I Practice):D went into the garage and talked to dad for a minute and then went out to get his tools out of the car. There was 5 cops and 3 cop cars all around the block! They took the mace cause it is illegal to have at all. I refused to give him my insurance paperwork(that I dont have) so he wrote me a ticket for no prof of ins. and a warning for no bumpers. He said that they have to be replaced with a WSP approved bumper or roll pan! I called my Lawyer and left a message. If any of you know of a Lawyer that deal with this kind of stuff please let me know! I am going to fight this! So they can chew on it!:fu:
  11. I have been told that they would not the same but the wheels on my Pumpkn are (supposedly) off a ols azz falcon wagon, Though I never saw them on the car in question.
  12. I live in the Puyallup town and winn be free sat night and sunday and would be willing to stop by and give a hand ro whatever I can do to help! (twootwooo4-one one thre ninee) or send me a PM with yours incase my phone is still messin up!
  13. We shall see. I would rather have extra than not enough. Plus will be easier if I have the metal they mount to. Was gonna do it with narrowed Mopar muscle car parts. PM me with your number and I will give ya a call.
  14. That would be great! If at all possable I would like to get the metal that is left when you cut off the quarters aswell. You know the roll pan and the rear pan. I will end up putting the licence plate under the bumper and flushing it up to the body as much as possable. I will need to know what you want for the leavings and arrange some sort of exchange. NO COPS!:D
  15. Alwayse a Bridesmaid never a Bride!:lol: BTW nice sandals Hippy!
  16. Can I have the tail off of the smashed one? I would be wanting the trunk lid and the rear 4-5 in of the body. Or maby just the metal around the tail lights and/or the tail lights, bumper, and the rear roll pan? I understand that these things are worth money and would be willing to trade money for the afore mentioned auto parts. I have alwayse wanted to do a tail light or rear cap swap. My origonal Idea was a clone JDM car.
  17. Do you have a good set of those tail lights? Or know where I can get some for cheep?(like the birds say) Those would look Super Sweet on the Pumpkn! Oh and Bumpers?
  18. 1st. Thank you a100! I strongly agree with you on the fact that a true Ratsun is NOT a purpose built car! And should absolutely be a car that is driven ALOT. Dirty engine bay is a must! What time is the meeting and where is it on 99? If I cant make it tonight I would love to be more involved!
  19. I been thinking about it and the main reason that I was so moved by the award. It was the fact that it was a group of my ratsun peers that chose me and my car to recieve this prestegious award. Maby we should have the people decide who gets the award. Hand out ballots to everyone and give all the cars at the show an envelope. Maby give the voters the chance to decide what ratsun looks like in its cold hard glory. Dont know if I qualify to win again this year, but that will make no difference on how I build my car. And if, and only if I cant win it I would love the chance to be a part of the Ratsun Award.
  20. A14 Auto. Slight repairable body damage. (253)224-1139. Dave
  21. This is hard to put into words! I won the Best "Ratsun" Award at canby 08 and it is hard to explain. I am still not sure why I won. I do know that it was one of the great moments in my life! I was and am still new to this "cult/lifestyle" and it was a major motivator for me. To be a newb with a crappy 210, that I had poured my heart and soul into, and it got me an award?!...And the award was in the shape of a Vintage Cal-Custom hood scoop! I got the car for next to nothing and put in minimal amounts of money. The car is a hodge podge of parts off of other cars. The side stripes are different on each side. The paint is Rustoleum Saftey Orange and the doorjams, engine bay, and roof are "thier" stock colors. The hood and fenders have been replaced twice and the doors once. I had to swap the seats out of the first parts car cause my car didnt come with reclining seats. I made the exhaust out of scrap pices from the exhause shops bin(I know the guy) 510 cut rear springs. Ford hood scoop, honda fender mirror. And alot of other little things that it one SWEET car! I get people asking about it All The Time. I am not sure what the criteria was for the award when I won it. But I believe that it is something along these lines. When I think Ratsun I think of the Origonal hot rodders that made something out of nothing. Lots of parts off of lots of cars. But... and this is the trickey part, it should be a car that is not Form over Function. There are categories for those kind of cars. These are my thoughts, and I tried to keep the sarcasm down. Thanks to those who make it thru these nonsensical ravings of a lunatic mind!
  22. At the prices that you guys are looking to pick one of these up at you could put whatever you wanted under the front of it. Shit use the front half of an old 210,510,610,710 wagon for a cool sleak low long 4-door look! SWEET! I dont know if its still there but in northwest moses lake WA at an old used car lot there was a VW bug that they made into a fakie chinook. Had less interior room than a Squareback. Hi-Larious! Not the one I am speaking of but check it out! http://jalopnik.com/cars/novelties/volkswagen-bug-camper-please-dont-blame-it-on-the-drugs-119962.php And this! Wish I could find one of these. Prolly the COOLEST thing you could attatch to your small car! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56XL0TysIn0
  23. This was a horrible Gasoline Fight Accident! Senceless death. Makes me whant to go get an orange mochachinno.
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