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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. MFP? UCB! Hong Kong Danger Duo!
  2. That video, and you guys are so Justin Bieber! Im dissapointed SICK, you should know better! Put this crap in the funny videos thread! Cereal! <_< I opened your fortune cookie:
  3. My Pumpkn car needs 2 more for a total of 3! You cant escape the danger!
  4. 2 shift lights? Ballin out of controll!
  5. I do have those! And I would offer no more than $800. You can get "Complete" beat up B210s on this coast all the time for $300!! Its definately not worth $1200, and if they say it is you can go over allthe TONS of stuff wrong with it. Tell em that for $1200 you can buy one thats not All messed up and have it brought to you for that kind of cash! I love the B210 and 210s but they are cheep cheep (Like the Birds Say) Great cars for custom or commuter, and I got one of each! I would recomend go there with a written list of the stuff wrong with it, $800 and print these out! http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/cto/1829593836.html http://portland.craigslist.org/clc/cto/1824709427.html http://seattle.craigslist.org/oly/cto/1831038194.html Just sayin... dont tell them how hard it is to find one in the PA! Good luck, and remember that if you dont buy it, keep pestering them! Dave
  6. So I have asked the "Mods" and was told to ask around...... Most of my watched threads come up in the "Watched Threads" drop down. But some dont, I have fixed this before by removing threads from my list till the rest start showing up. I am now down to the knitty gritty and dont wanna remove any more threads! You guys having same prollem? And if so, how you fix? HALP! Dave
  7. Pumpkn210

    1960 PLG-222

    <-Already Insane! :P
  8. Measure the width of the tracks and go to the junkyard :rolleyes: Welcome to Ratsun!
  9. Gettin the Scooter inspected today! Horay!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      It Passed! I Loave It! Ha Ha

    3. fastdadd


      yeah now take it on the freeway and see what it can do

    4. Pumpkn210


      Gonna cost like $170 to put it in my name ... Fuck!

  10. This thread needs to be moved into the events section, should be on the events calendar aswell! :blink: HALP! Can I get a Mod?
  11. Bump Can we get a rol call on this show? Im gonna be there...
  12. get drunk and shoot fireworks at your friends and family!
  13. if you want to destroy my sweater...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      as I ride off on my Scooter!


    3. elmerfudpucker


      lets tie him up with the thread then take the scooter!!

    4. Pumpkn210


      try it! ha ha fuckers!

  14. :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :yawn: :poop:
  15. Do It! Make a mad max winter stomper out that bitch. ;) Better than lettin it sit <_<
  16. Lets hope this works :unsure: :lol:
  17. Im super excited, but we are still doin the roof and repairs on thier house, maw be a few days :unsure:
  18. May be the exhaust hitting on something. Get under it and shake stuff till you find something. Pain in the arse, but we all gotta do it sooner or later!
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