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Loren O

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Everything posted by Loren O

  1. the 2 weber carbs I got with my engine are probably useless. The dgav is missing the choke " butterfly " plates, the connecting rod and pretty much the rest 9 the choke related stuff. the other carb is different. it's a weber, marked 32 dmsa. my air cleaner adapter i want to use, so i can use the factory air cleaner may not fit. is this carb even worth rebuilding & putting on my L20b?

  2. Also, the 2 weber carbs I got with my engine are probably useless. The dgav is missing the choke "butterfly" plates, the connecting rod,& pretty much everything else related to the choke. The other carb is a weber 32 dmsa. It looks different. I don't know it the air filter adapter I have will fit on this carb. Is a 32 dgav even worth rebuilding ,& putting on my L20b? If only I knew of a dual SU setup I could afford to buy, I would just do that instead.
  3. Went over & started assembling my engine the other night.
  4. My goon has had the front clip replaced at some point. That pretty much canceled our any chance of using the stamp, or sticker for the paint code. My car has been repainted too. Not quite the correct shade either. The interior panels & door jams are original though. Olive green/army green. Do any of you know that paint code?
  5. We can buy Mexican cokes all over the place here too. There are also other flavors like sprite, Fanta orange, sometime other Fanta flavors. Sometimes Various Crush flavors, sometimes Pepsi, sometimes Mountain Dew, Sometimes Dr.Pepper (the last 2 are my favorites) real sugar kicks ass over high fructose corn syrup like driving a Datsun kicks ass over having to drive a Honduh.
  6. I'm hoping one of you can tell me the measurements of a dog leg 5 speed. I tried using the search function here, as well as Google, but I'm at work,& we don't have WiFi here, so it's not really working out on my smartphone. your help is appreciated, thanks!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. flatcat19


      Long doglegs are few and far between. Ones from the 200sx or A10s will be short.

    3. Loren O

      Loren O

      Thanks guys! Searching without WiFi on my smartphone sucks!

    4. Ni10


      looked for info on "WiFi smartphone sucks!" None to be found. GL

  7. I'm looking for a bit of help from someone here, who can tell me what to change in my settings either here, or on my Samsung Galaxy s 5 to make this forum more easy to use, read, post on, etc. I don't own a desktop computer, all my Internet use is done on my phone. the mobile part of this site doesn't seem like it includes everything the regular site does. I have been using the full site so far,& just "zooming " so that everything is large enough to read. is the...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mrbigtanker


      what he said ^^^^^^^^^

    3. millican


      To make the mobile view better would require someone rewriting the style sheets and scripting the site specifically for each phone available. So, a pretty generic mobile layout is used to try to accomodate most phones. In other words, there isn't much you can change the settings for on your end.

    4. Loren O

      Loren O

      Thanks everyone! So I should just keep "clicking" the full version tab as Flat cat suggested, which is what I've been doing, & then just "zooming" in to make it readable. That's what I did for years with my old phone ( a Samsung Vibrant). My new phone works ok with the full version except for having to zoom in, & the photobucket app won't let me post more than one pic at a time. Oh well, it still is better than only being able to be on Ratsun when I...

  8. I got to go over & get some work done on my engine tonight. I got the block painted & the timing cover & engine block clear coated. Hopefully this will help get the ball rolling again.
  9. You are very lucky! 610's aren't easy to find, much less in as good of condition as yours is. Love that color! I agree with MicroMachinery, don't paint over it buff it out , maybe clear coat it , but leave the patina. Beautiful! !
  10. Here's a pic of the rusty "shelf" area behind the master cylinders, above the pedal assembly.
  11. It will take a miracle to have it road - worthy in time. The engine isn't assembled yet, I have no idea what condition the brakes,& clutch hydraulc are in, still need to swap out the rear leaf springs for the 720 4 x 4 ones I have, add the lowering blocks, & adjust the front to match, maybe with a little "rake" . Plus I have a serious rust issue on the "shelf" behind the master cylinders, above the pedal assembly.
  12. Here's a pic of the truck after the work I did today.
  13. Stupid new photo bucket app isn't letting me post multiple pic's.
  14. I haven't updated this in awhile. Things have been busy, & the engine for this truck has been on hold until after my friends wedding. I'm using his garage. I had some time, so I went up & cleaned up my 521. I washed it, used rubbing compound, & waxed it. I also finally got to apply the " Datsun " rocker panel stripe kit I bought 6 months or so ago. Here's some pics. The first one is a before pic.
  15. Loren O

    Post Your 521.

    I finally went up & cleaned up my 521. Washed it , used rubbing compound,& waxed it. I'll update my build thread in a few minutes.
  16. I'm trying to research how to swap an automatic transmission into the 610 wagon we got for my wife. does anyone have any advice on doing this conversion? my wife doesn't know how to drive a manual transmission, & me tring to teach her only makes us argue. it's either convert to automatic , or get someone else to teach her.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. dat521gatherer


      Nothing wrong with auto's. I can't imagine my wife or daughter driving a manual. Not unless I get them some life insurance and you datto owners get the heck out of the way. Not happening. Some people just shouldn't drive manuals especially when they can barely drive a auto.


    3. Loren O

      Loren O

      My first Datsun was a '73 610 4 door automatic. It was fairly quick, accelerated very nicely, etc. It would pull you hard into the seats when it shifted, or got into it's passing gear. That was with a stock L18, I can only imagine an L20b with a webber, being plenty power for her .

    4. zerow


      Loren - You should try a lowered '73 610 4 door with overdrive automatic and SU carburetors. It's breathtaking. :D

  17. Drove my Goon from Canby to Wilsonville today, had to go to Costco. I've been commuting in it daily for years, but it's been awhile since I've taken it out on the freeway, & got my foot into it. I always love this car, but days like today really remind me why I love it so much!
  18. I wanted one. Busta nut told me you had them, even described you to me, but I never did find you. There's a lot of fellow Ratsun-ers I'd like to meet, many of them were there, but I didn't know what they looked like. I had my whole family with me, so dragging 4 small kids & my wife along while I attempted to meet people was kinda difficult. Sounds like I should have camped out too, we missed out on some stuff. Being that I live in Canby, it always made sense for us to sleep at home, but if all the fun is going on back in the camping area then maybe next year we'l join you all.
  19. My family & I had a great time at the show this year! It's always nice seeing the town we live in full of Datsun glory! I never did catch up to whoever was making the Ratsun name tags & only noticed one person wearing one (Busta nut). Ithe was nice meeting some fellow Ratsun-ers, & talking to some I had already met. I hoped to meet DATZENMIKE, JUST JOEL,& some of the rest of you that I see on here, trade comments with, follow your projects to get inspiration for mine. Maybe at Blue Lake, or maybe next year.
  20. Loren O

    Post Your 521.

    I definitely want one 9 the 521 t-shirts, preferably white, in size xl. Please save me one. How much $ are they? Pm me if you don't want to post prices here. Thank you!
  21. I definitely want one of those t-shirts in size xl, preferably a white one. How much $ are they? Pm me if you want. Thank you,!
  22. There's Cutsforth's Thriftway. right by the fairgrounds. Their food is better, especially that at Safeway, & the people that work there are really nice too. They have great burgers, chicken, jojo's,etc. Thier fried chicken is the best I've ever had anywhere! Try them out while you're here in Canby. Just some advice from someone that lives in Canby.
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