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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Seen in the parking lot of the Pick Your Part in Sun Valley
  2. I'm in LA. About a 1/2 hour from that yard. Can't get there this weekend myself or I'd see if it's still there. Most likely will be gone by next weekend. If you get desperate for one try car-part.com. You can pick one up for $15-$20 plus shipping.
  3. You want what when? And you've known about this for months but you need it all today for your crap on Tuesday. I'll get my people right on it. Oh, wait. I don't have people because I'm a print department of one! You asstards!

    1. Eagle_Adam


      im almost posative thats what my print shop says eveytime they hang up with me :/ when i call its always a RUSH job :P

    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      It probably is. I've worked at smaller shops early in my career and I was the only one there. Our on-air department has a staff of 2 so they're stylin.

    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      And I still don't have what I need to do the shit they want and it shoots Tuesday :-/

  4. If you in fact have a '79 210 run down to the Pick-A-Part at 3333 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA. There's an '81 210 there. I was there last Saturday (had only been on the lot 3 days at that point) and the window regulators were still in it. Hopefully they've not crushed it already. For some reason that yard don't keep cars long. The regulators will work '79-'82. I've actually got '79 regulators in my '81 210. That one was a 2-door but all regulators should work regardless.
  5. If I had known about yours all them years ago I would've taken it. Glad you hung on to those window latches all that time :) I saw that 210 actually. It's a '79 or I'd have went for it.
  6. Aww when was it put down and why? Looks like it was in decent shape or is the other side all smashed?
  7. Found a 720 with metal window cranks. Perfect for my 210. No more plastic!

  8. Ok so for anyone reading this and you have access to a 210 here's where the switch in the door jamb that I need is located: Hi John, Hope your new year is off to a good start. Ok so here's where my mechanic said the switch is located: "If you open the drivers door standing outside the car look down at the lower right corner...there is a little button or pin sticking out, that's the door switch, the door closes against it. If you pop that out there should be 3 wires which run behind a panel. If you sit in the back seat at your feet on the side of the car there is a small removable trim panel, triangleish shaped that's where the wires connect, behind that panel. Sometimes you can just pull the switch out and there is enough wiring to disconnect em." Since I can still buy the steering lock assembly to get the two wires I need there that's no longer a problem. If anyone comes across that particular wiring in the door jamb let me know.
  9. Ok so at the Pick-A-Part in Monrovia, CA there is a 1982 280Z, 1981 210 and a 1982 720 kingcab. Pics below: 280Z 210 (Surface rust in some spots and terrible cancer in other places. Totally jimmy rigged. it was quite entertaining so see a round rear passenger side marker and the regular stock rear sidemarker on the driver's side. There was some light switches wired in the gauges that I have no idea what they were for. Interior was originally brown but the radio cluster and glove box were blue while the dash pad was brown. The radio cluster was tied to the dash pad. I don't think any of the screws were the same size for anything that was screwed in. I took the bumper, the inside plastic trim pieces, 1/4 window latches, the stock side marker, the windshield and some weatherstripping. That car was ghetto and quite comical.) kingcab (I took the 1/4 window latches and the window cranks.)
  10. Yeah I thought that was weird too. Was at the yard in Monrovia today. Cleaning up my score so I'll post a report and pics a little later.
  11. I won't make it. Today is a junkyard day. A 210 is calling.
  12. Tomorrow is a junkyard day.

  13. I'm going to try and make it. Haven't been to one yet.
  14. Luckily my steering wheel is in pretty good shape. It's a teeny bit crusty around the horn button but it's not horrible. I've replaced all the broken and crusty plastic pieces in the car except the shift knob. Working on that. If I had to get another steering wheel it would be the wooden one.
  15. My trouble is finding parts that are brown. Everything I find for the interior is blue or black. I have to keep painting everything. Now I'm just keeping some of the black pieces black and using them as accent marks in the car like my door latch covers and the seatbelt bolt covers. But a wooden steering wheel.... :wub: Ha! Hell I've had the car 24 years and I'm never going to sell. I may change my mind. Perhaps when the plastic finally disintegrates and blows away in the wind.
  16. The felt run for my window track finally arrived. I can get my window to close properly now :)

    1. Eagle_Adam


      very nice! i remember when i got mine for the 620

  17. Nice! Is that a wooden steering wheel? I've been eyeballing one on ebay for a while. I really like it but at the same time I want to keep my car stock...but then I really like it :)
  18. Don't think so. I've been doing random searches over the last few months to see what other yards post their inventory online. Those are the only two I've found so far for our area. There is one other but all their yards are in northern california or other states.
  19. No I haven't been recently. Last time I went was a couple months ago. I only head out when they have a 210. There's also another place that has a yard in Monrovia and a yard in Ontario that put their inventory online. Wish they all did. Z's are pretty common so you can probably walk into any yard and see one. Here's the link for the other site: http://www.pickapartauto.com/ This place doesn't keep cars around for very long so you should check their site on the daily and if what you're after comes in get over there asap. Sometimes the cars are crushed after 2 weeks.
  20. There's a couple in Wilmington I generally go to that actually list their inventory online. The smaller one on Blinn got a couple of 280Z's a few days ago. They did have an 810, 610, 310 & B210 but those might be long gone now. Keep an eye on the site: http://www.pickyourpart.com/locations/
  21. I hope everyone has a wonderful and prosperous new year. Love, peace & hair grease ~Kimberly
  22. Have a safe and happy new year! Don't do anything crazy unless I'm invited :)

  23. Hahaha!! Very funny :) Have fun and be safe everyone!
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