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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Oh snap! The photographer was stalking me! LOL!
  2. Nice! I was wondering how the progress on your car was coming. Looks good as new :thumbup:
  3. OMG I didn't realize I was in that photo! Hahahahaha!! That goon belongs to Oscar. I believe his love handle on here is datswag80. He sent me the link to this article originally and I totally did not see myself in there. No wonder he called me a photo bomber. LOL!
  4. That's me and my little Stanley :) Funny, I can tell by the way I have my head turned that was at the point I was trying to find the dude who was going to tell me where to park.
  5. Have a safe and happy 4th celebration my ratsun brothers and sisters!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raggleflaggle
    3. bananahamuck


      You put that sisters part in because of Tristin ,, didn't you??

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Hahaha! I just didn't want to leave anybody out :)

  6. That is an amazing find! I sometimes wish I had put a/c on Stanley years ago when I had the chance. If I ever found something like that now I'd definitely do it. At the same time I'd be afraid his old heart (engine) couldn't take it.
  7. I have a few 210 interior pieces if anyone is looking for a glovebox, undertrim, steering column cover or stereo cluster let me know and I'll bring them. I've got a classified ad for each one with photos if you're interested. The stereo cluster only works with the square eye 210. I can never remember if the steering column cover works on both round and square eye or not. Glovebox and undertrim work on both.
  8. What do you mean how would I know. Cause I've been there. And at least my Datsun is running.
  9. I'll keep an eye on the thread and will change the title and update. I still hope there will be interest but I'll let someone else carry the torch.
  10. If anyone is expecting free food for this they should take themselves to the Salvation Army. I've pretty much given up on this. Everyones good at saying we should do this, we should do that, but someone makes it happen and no takers. Disappointing. Whatever, won't keep me and Stanley from cruising up the coast. Anyone wants to plan one I'm game but I don't think I'll waste my time anymore.
  11. Saw these at Super Car Sunday this morning
  12. Oh I don't have my panties in a twist. Last month no one showed, the month before that there was something else going on so we just cancelled it which made sense. This thread gets a lot of chirping crickets anyway so I'm just kind of over it. Someone else wants to pick up the reigns be my guest. I'd still like there to be a good turn out like we had for the first one. Seemed like there was interest and I thought we might get a decent following but no. So at this point you all can prove you want this and plan the next one. Robs, sorry we missed ya :( Would've been nice to have another ride with us.
  13. Yeah I prefer a cruise to a meet myself. I get bored at meets (I like to see the cars but you can only do that for so long) and I like driving my Datsun. People in LA are better at bitching and complaining about things rather than actually doing. Someone takes the initiative to bring them what they want and then they don't participate (people who got called in to work excluded from comment). This is why people think LA people suck ass. I've decided I'm not planning these anymore since there seems to be no interest. Yes, I'm annoyed. If someone else wants to start planning these feel free but I'll not bother planning anymore. I'm sure this thread will now die.
  14. So today Stanley and I went to Super Car Sunday as a meeting point for a fun run but since LA people suck ass and can only bitch about not having a fun run instead of actually showing up to one it was just me and hang_510 for this cruise. Still was a great run nonetheless. Lots of curves and great scenery.
  15. Yeah actually only hang_510 showed. We were at super car til 10 and then we split. Ended up changing the route slightly since no one bothered to show. We did get to Neptune's around 12. Great run, lots of hairpin turns. You all missed out.
  16. Thank you ye purveyor of doom and gloom. It'll be in the 70s then and we'll be heading to the beach. I ain't trying to be no place at 7. Too freaking early. Besides I'm hoping to sweat off a couple sizes :)
  17. So for those that are in we'll all be meeting at super car sunday tomorrow morning (6/29) and then heading out on our run from there. Try and get there by 9:30 in case we plan on rolling before 10. I should be there by 9. Got a friend riding with me. I told her she's in charge of the action shots :) Westfield Promenade Mall
 6100 Topanga Canyon Boulevard
 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 (On the corners of Topanga Canyon Blvd and Erwin Street)
  18. Lord knows you need one I can't help myself :)
  19. I'm hoping for the same thing. Would be nice for this to get a good turn out each month. I'll probably show up around 9 at super car sunday and I figure whoever shows we'll roll out at 10 when the show ends or if decided we can split shortly before. Here's the route from SSC to Yerba Buena Rd which will take us back down to PCH. https://maps.yahoo.com/directions/?lat=34.02495649130747&lon=-118.78454446792603&bb=34.03925361329319%2C-118.80228996276855%2C34.010692534247426%2C-118.7667989730835&o=6100%20Topanga%20Canyon%20Blvd%2C%20Woodland%20Hills%2C%20CA%2091367-3632&d=Yerba%20Buena%20Rd%2C%20Malibu%2C%20CA%2090265
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