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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Yeah mom's a dork too :) It would be nice to get along with all but that ain't always possible. My oldest brother is known as asshole. My aunt calls him "that other one" which always cracks me up. My brother that I went to visit finally gave up on asshole. Took him long enough. So needless to say we don't speak. Don't really talk to my sister either. My brother there is the only sibling I talk to. The other two are hopeless.
  2. Ha! Actually both sides have people you can't stand. But then all families are like that aren't they? I do think the black family is a lot nuttier and not for the better which is why we didn't visit any of the rest of them. The white side are West Virginia mountain people. Thankfully not inbred :) I love them. They didn't give a shit my mom married a black man. A funny story, last time I went to WV to visit I told my uncle to pick up some food and a cake. All he could find in the cake department was something of the Hostess Zingers persuasion called a Zebra Cake. So I looked at him and with all seriousness said "Why it gotta be a zebra cake?" He was trying to answer that it was all they had, etc., meanwhile my mom and aunt are dying from laughter. Took him a minute but he caught on and started laughing. They don't look at color. I like that. My last trip a few years back: My cousin, mom, me, uncle behind me, another cousin on my left along with his daughter and my aunt up there behind him. They've gotten chubby in their old age.
  3. I have balls they're just a little higher up :sleep: It was a lot a of fun. I haven't seen my brother in over 15 years. He used to live in Nor Cal but moved back to PA and I haven't been able to get there. Had actually been talking it over with the bf for the last year to make a trip so he could meet some of the black family since he's already met some of the white family. He just happens to be working in Pittsburgh right now so I went for a visit and we drove the 3 hours from Pittsburgh to Carlisle to see my family. All I can say is there ain't SHIT to do in PA.
  4. Only been once. FINALLY made it there. I'm thinking about going next week. Stanley is already in the IE vacationing in Resort de Garage at Club Mom so I won't have to drive him too far. I can go visit the mother figure, get on her nerves for a while and then head to the meet :) Especially if Xtina is going to be there taking photos. Stanley loves how her pics turn out :thumbup:
  5. I really need to come to another one of these.
  6. There certainly isn't. It runs in the family :) Dude you're such an ass but I still love you like a play cousin :)
  7. '81 210 wagon at Wilmington LKQ. The smaller of the 2 yards on Blinn Ave. Pic didn't turn out so great but the taillights were in pretty good shape. Rear side marker lenses were gone.
  8. Recently visited the black half of my family. That's my aunt and my brother in the photo with me. My brother is a dork.
  9. They make it sound like it's right on the pier. I was wondering the same thing myself if it was on the pier or the lot next to it.
  10. Glad to hear they found it. Hope it's not too damaged.
  11. I emailed to confirm. The email you get that says "Your tickets from Historic J" contains your ticket number and that's all you need.
  12. I haven't gotten anything by mail. I registered online then received an email a day later saying my registration was complete then the day after that got another email titled 'Your tickets from Historic J' but I didn't see no tickets. Email only had the flyer and my ticket number and ticket type in it. I'm going to assume that email is my ticket :confused:
  13. Saw this at a car wash in Wooodland Hills on Ventura Blvd while I was getting my hooptie washed. Had Florida historic vehicle plates on it.
  14. I never understood the flip door on the rear wheel. That would just annoy the snot out of me when it came time to change a tire.
  15. 77 Shadow Street by Dean Koontz. Just finished reading Auntie Mame by Patrick Dennis. The movie is better.
  16. I just wonder if they come with a big thermos in the center console
  17. Really don't like this car Am basically disliking anything that looks like a lunch pail
  18. Hope everyone is having a great Labor Day weekend!

    1. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      laboring my ass off


    2. mrbigtanker


      at work but thanks for asking.

    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      I was in Pittsburgh. No one worked that day. They apparently take Labor day very seriously. It was like the town shut down. Thought I was going to have to break in to a grocery store to get something to eat. Thankfully it was open.

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