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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Apparently I forgot about the play acting that you give a shit when you're socializing. Probably why I'm not good at it and don't really socialize that often. Of course my complete disdain of people is also the reason I don't socialize that often. I'm also generally the one calling people on their bullshit but the way I do it is so funny to them they think I'm kidding. Poor dears.
  2. I'm pretty excited about it. And I love doing this stuff :)
  3. Hello my 210 family. Thought I'd share something I'm working on. As some of you may remember I made 1/4 panel emblems a while back by creating the emblem in a 3D program and then having them printed with a 3D plastic printer. Only drawback was using double stick tape to get them to stay on the fender as opposed to the pins that come on the OEM ones. During one of my many junkyard diving expeditions I've come across some good 1/4 panel emblems with pins on the back completely intact that I was going to make a mould of and run off some castings. I've finally stopped procrastinating and my uncle is helping me make the mould. He's testing out putting black dye in the casting resin so that only the letters need to be painted. I'll be at his place this weekend and we'll keep testing this stuff out. Hoping to get it all worked out and have one of these emblems tested on the car and see how the pins do. I'll keep you all updated of the outcome. Here's one of the better emblems I've found. Here's one of the tests with the black dye my uncle did. We were using one of the not so great emblems for testing purposes cause I didn't want to take a chance and mess up the good one.
  4. Ha! The sign is pretty amazing tho. I think it should be used in work situations as well. Even funnier, one of the laborers that worked on the show with him actually spent time in that facility in his youth. For him it was like going home.
  5. So the bf was working in an old juvenile hall a while back when he was still working on the TV show House MD. I almost forgot about this sign he sent me.
  6. A 710 wagon I do believe that's a 210 circa '79 or early '80.
  7. Saw a green pickup (521?) across from Topanga Lumber in Topanga Canyon today around noonish. Didn't get a pic cause it kinda snuck up on me as I was driving by. Belong to anyone here?
  8. Went for a joyride with Stanley and stopped by Seccombe Lake for a quick photo op.
  9. It's worse when the owner doesn't know what they have.
  10. Glad I could be of service. Rude! This happened before and it was the site not me. datzenmike had to fix it. So there! Suck it! http://youtu.be/Xdyo1lwu8WU
  11. Now celebrating my third annual 28th birthday :)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. bananahamuck


      Ant: you seem to have put forth quite a bit of thought about my nipples in that answer

    3. bananahamuck
    4. Busta Nut

      Busta Nut

      Will you be my dad??

  12. Any place that has an orgy room it can be only mean one thing. I think I get it.
  13. Nope, we didn't get to the Green Door. Maybe I'll think about next time. Maybe.
  14. We also did some KISS mini golf while in Vegas. And the Gene mobile was out there. The sign in the windshield was flipped down but it said please do not sit on the tongue. :blink:
  15. They did play Love Gun. They didn't play Christine Sixteen though. They did play another one of my favs. http://youtu.be/qiM77YTHbeE
  16. No, no silly. I was saying there's a terrible joke in shark-tip somewhere.
  17. Wow I guess I didn't miss anything. Looks like everyone was disappointed :no:
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