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Everything posted by demo243

  1. Started right up off the truck. Came home emptied it out and went for a little spin down toward half moon bay… I mean come on… How could I resist the tunnel….
  2. I can't… I am out of state… back east for a wedding. But definitely the next one.
  3. Waaaahhhhhooooooooo !!!!!!!!!! She is here! Made over to the west coast safe and sound. Thanks to Golden Key Express for making it an easy move. Pretty stoked to have her back in my garage.
  4. Car is here tomorrow!!! More pics to come... In the mean time- built a workbench and organized the garage today in preparation.
  5. Busta personally rang up Mother Nature and threatened serious consequences if rain should occur
  6. Im currently working with a group - Golden Key Express - They were recommended to me from a buddy who recently shipped his daily out west. Privately owned and operated - I think they only have 6 trucks- so no brokers or terminals. One truck the whole way. Pretty sure the car has to be running and driving though. Haven't received the car yet. Should be here on Monday.
  7. Well the bad news is I got a call from the transport guy today… and the car won't be here till monday… so no car… I will be there though
  8. Loaded up and headed west! Hoping it makes it here in time……….
  9. Loaded up and headed west!!!!!!!! Let the waiting begin…..
  10. I've got no headliner so it's easy... Same thing ... Self taping screws... But yea it vibrates ... and my motor mounts are toasted....
  11. Definitely shouldn't… but I would definitely be interested in an R160 cover… might depend on paycheck timing though. If we get over 8 people on board definitely count me in.
  12. Looking good! Mine should be on a truck by the end of the week on its way out. So AutoX will be on the list shortly
  13. Do It!!!! Paint it that!!!
  14. I have not so far… can't say that I won't in the future though. Last I ordered parts, I was still able to get stainless brake lines, and pads/shoes… I do need to pick up a set of rotors which I believe can still be had… but I have not had to source any caliper parts…
  15. Ran a well camber worn set of these on my dime for a while for both street and auto x use and was very happy with them surprisingly given how worn they were- actually considered buying them again until i found a killer deal on super soft hankook race slicks I have since gone to 15s for street … largely for tire options. Still like my 13s for auto x though… 13's with 4.11s = stupid quick but… I'm still running… and plan on running 510 brakes… my 510 calipers w/ porter field r4s pads seem to be more then enough to stop my l20b car.
  16. I know… I know… I know….. Wish I had finally done this a week or two ago to guarantee it would be here for the BBQ….. Argggg… I know exactly what is going to happen… its going to show up the day after… just my luck….
  17. Update- The Transport Is Booked!!!!!! Sorry east coaster's this dime is headed west. My GF got a permanent position out here so we are going to be staying a while. Ill keep you all posted on how the transport goes. Got a recommendation from a buddy who just shipped his car across the country. The company is Golden Key Express- They own all their own trucks and only have like 6 drivers… so their trucks fill up fast… but it means that my car will be on one truck the whole way and I don't have to deal with a broker or anything. ill keep you all posted. Estimated pick up is the 13-19th and delivery the 26-30th.
  18. Alright folks… There is a very slight chance I may have my Datto for this event. I booked the transport today! She is coming to the west coast!!!!!!! Estimated pick up though is between the 13-19th… so delivery is the 26-30th…. its gonna be tight… praying they have a cancelation on an earlier truck to get it out sooner… So pray to the Datsun Gods she gets here on time!!!!
  19. Dude can't hurt to ask the guy…. swing by with your Datto one day and say hi. Thats how I got my webers tuned. There was a guy across the street who had a vintage shop and loved 510s. Talked with him before I bought my car and then brought it by after. He came outside saying the car sounded like shit… ran inside grabbed a screwdriver, a wrench, and a vacuum gauge… 5 minutes later he had it purring like a kitten
  20. Damn that car looks great. Nice work!
  21. A bit far away from you… but there is a strong Z car club in CT that does monthly meets. Not so much Ratsun… more clean cars and mostly Z's new and old. They welcomed me with a 510 though - CTZCC (CT Z Car Club) ctzcc.com I believe NY has something similar http://nyzcc.com
  22. mmmmm 4.11s…. I love my 4.11s….
  23. Too much… LOL … Dual webers that run rich… Lots of fuel burned... That might not a be a bad deal…. Cost of the flight might be cheaper then gas! Would love to drive it… but cost of flight plus gas plus food plus lodging = way more then shipping it… Plus I would need at least 7 days… There might still be hope for getting it out soon though… despite the shitiness that went down with the job I recently thought I had in the bag… since the GF is waiting on a permanent offer at the current company she is at. If that comes through that means we are staying out here for a while! Side note- Datto related - I had some fuel leaking from the the rear carbs fuel line ?bracket? i guess… should have taken a picture… anyway where is the best place to get gaskets for weber carbs??
  24. Not much of an update… Just one photo... Came back East for the week to visit family and friends … and of course drive the Datsun. Oh how I have missed this... Although the GF definitely does not like it… She broke the tail loose very unexpectedly on me within 5 minutes of the first drive … guess the tires were cold… either way my GF almost threw her phone out the window in the process and was not very happy… Ooops... Still runs like a champ though! Was really hoping for some good news job wise this week which would mean finally bringing it out West… but alas got the call today and they filled the position with someone else… pretty bummed about that… Hopefully the next update will be soon with some pictures of it being loaded onto a truck.
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