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Everything posted by demo243

  1. Now go change your pants…. Hope you enjoyed that
  2. Get Ready for a Pic Dump!!!! I didn't edit any of them…. and here is a link to the full album. So in no particular order… but slightly in order...
  3. Dude that sucks…. gotta be careful out there...
  4. Totaled 270 miles today Great run everyone! I took a bunch of pictures... Let me go through them and see if I got any good ones.
  5. Car is ready! got the temp gauge working… at least for now… Just putting together a few more things. Hope we have a few stops planned, I'll be brining my new camera along. Planning on leaving Pacifica between 7:15 and 7:30 - Up at Busta's place around 8-8:30.
  6. Busta - What time are you gonna be at the shop in the AM?
  7. Im gonna have 4 diffs….. a 3.7 for the trek to canby... a 3.9 LSD + a 4.11 LSD for street and autoX duty… depending on the course... and a 4.44 for straight AutoX duty... I might have an obsession….. I can't help it… they are sooooo easy to work on…. and Im pretty stoked for this 4.44….. are you ready for acceleration ???? This is gonna be some Fast and Furious shit… with shifts every half a second lol
  8. That was going to be my next step…. then I scored a decent deal on another LSD unit… so now Im just going to build it into a LSD 4.44
  9. Yea I have been keeping a close eye on their site. I am definitely in for Laguna Seca… if its not till April maybe I can get some C/Os in the car before then.
  10. im not sure 510s are the best in the rain inherently… depends a lot on tires Did they say when they were going to run the Laguna Seca One? ? ? ? ?
  11. hopefully these guys will keep doing them… hopefully that camaro didn't screw em
  12. Damn you and your big ass tires… and stupid wide track width…. EDIT….. And your flares!
  13. Getting her dirty eh????? Nice spin- How'd it feel?
  14. Hey Busta- do you recall what you where hitting for top speeds out there? curious as I plan on building my 4.44
  15. I was more apologizing for those with shitty internet
  16. So I think I have said it before… My girlfriend works for an awesome company… we recently picked up a nice Nikon DS3200 from them as a christmas gift… so I finally have an awesome camera to take pictures with. Played around with the colors on some of these...
  17. That dude f*%@ed his shit up…. that sucks… too much power … not enough exprerience
  18. Someone better have brought a go pro!
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