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Everything posted by demo243

  1. Well… my first track day was bitter sweet… First session went really well. Car handled great and was driving well. Before my second session I pulled the filters off the velocity stacks to get a bit more out of the car , and it worked. She pulled strong all the way through 7k. Unfortunately toward the end of my second session I lost all my top end power and barely managed to limp it off the track in 2nd with my foot to the floor. Lots of investigation finally let us to realize that the rear carb was getting completely starved of fuel. Pulled it all apart to find the needle stuck in an angled position.. doesn't completely make sense.. but that is what was messing it up, as I put it all back together and it worked fine. I missed the 3rd session during all that so I snuck out into the 4th with the car working again… but 2 laps in it did it again… limped it off track in 2nd and tore it apart. Decided at that point it was best to quit while I was ahead and headed home. Made it home without any problems. So not sure what my next plans are… but the carbs definitely need some tuning. video to come
  2. Packed up for the track… got to much stuff… but would rather have it then need it. Charging the Go Pro
  3. Borrow 510ts wide wheels and you'd practically be bro -dozing
  4. I got the email on friday- Car should be good to go!
  5. Sorry got lazy …. it removed the slow mo when I uploaded it… oh well https://youtu.be/bvGgjyxkA04
  6. Thunderhill on Saturday with Tyler mike and Antony I'll have the gopro running for sure. Got lazy this weekend and left the 4.44 in ... Will bring the 4.11 as a spare just in case. The. After the track day the 4.44 is coming out- needs to be shimmed more, lsd is breaking to easily
  7. Up on the rack- Not a bad crew - 4 doors! Might need to get some 13" mini lights as race wheels....
  8. I don't have chrome ... So I save a couple bills there
  9. Nice shots all! I need to remember my camera next time
  10. Hey I took that picture!! ... It was with your camera though lol
  11. I just walked next door from where I work to the glass shop he said he can get one- $285 installed if my gasket is good $350 if he needs to get a gasket
  12. Haha no shit you can see it... Time for a new windshield... No problem- just try not to blow it up
  13. Nice shot! You got her good side
  14. Working on it.... Need to dig up my YouTube account info...,
  15. I assume you have a stock pile of those... But if you don't and need to borrow one for the track day I've got a spare set
  16. Tyler I got a good slow mo of those stripes…. just incase you need another burn out video… give me some time Ill post it up
  17. Show off….. Definitely didn't wash mine…. thought about it… then remembered… race car Maybe if I get off my lazy ass in the morning… but doubtful… to many guiness' tonight
  18. I got some brakes! unfortunately as I was afraid of… they don't fit my steel 13's… I guess its time to find some panasports!!!!! I also proceeded to do one of the stupidest things I have ever done… and go bed my pads in with out properly torquing my lugs down…. thankfully I hit em all with a breaker bar quick before I dropped the car… so it appears that no damage was done and I didn't end up like that AutoX RX7 video on youtube…. that was a scary and nervous ride home when I realized….. Didn't get to my steering box brace yet… hopefully that will come before the track day on the 4th… need to get to busta's place to align her and maybe even get the wheels balanced. Still debating which diff to run for thunder hill west… 510T posted a video with speeds topping around 85 which is totally doable on the 4.44 … but the 4.11 will be an easier drive up on the highway… decisions decisions ….
  19. B) B) :thumbup: :thumbup: I got brakes! I will be making it up that way.
  20. Took tomorrow off from work since I just got back from a long trip. Will be working to finish the brakes up and make it!
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