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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. Street racing:yes,no,maybe.Depends on the jurisdiction. lack of undue care and control of your vehicle or speeding* a felony: all by themselves?No. They are infractions. Now if there is an accident/property damage or injury,this changes things.But as to how you asked the question,the answer is no. *now if you are caught doing 130 on a 70 MPH road as opposed to 3mph over,then things change also.
  2. In-correct.Location means nothing.Citizens can only make an arrest for a felony.A cop can NOT make an arrest for a misdemeanor he didn't witness.Traffic infractions are just that INFRACTIONS.They rank even lower than a misdemeanor. John510 has it correct.In fact,I would arrest the rock thrower for ADW-Assault with a deadly weapon Malicious vandalism Impeding the flow off traffic and then probably throw in jay walking just to piss him off. Mike-that was my point.There was no felony committed. If someone tried to "arrest" me for anyting in a car,I'd have them at gun point before they could shit themselves.
  3. As in the guy with the rocks would be shittin' them for a week.
  4. If you look wayyyy above your head you just might see my point as it flys by.
  5. THe answer is put the EGR back on.But since you fucked that up.....Exhaust gas runs 1400 degrees.No solder is gonna work.
  6. Removing the EGR serves no purpose.
  7. Apples & Oranges.High comp motors are designed that way with particular parameters in mind(usage/driving habits/fuel). What is going on with strokers,mine included is that the wearing(milling) of the head exacerbates the CR issues and I'll be willing to bet it's not a linear curve.These engines are called "Frankenstein Motors" for no reason.
  8. Dear God:We've give you Justin Beiber if you give us Dio back.
  9. Nope.If the citizen's arrest is found to be justified,then the perp is on the hook for any injuries/damages e.t.c. If not,then the "arresting citizen" can be charged with false imprisonment.
  10. On a U-67 head,new is 4.26. Minimum is 4.245 My head was at 4.24 and I couldn't get the rattle(2.3 stroker) out with 110 octane.Strokers change the equation completely.
  11. Translation?They have half the money,all the pussy,all the songs are written about them and they are still NOT happy.
  12. Z-train

    temp gauge issue

    I had a "double fault".Both gas & temp weren't reading.I replaced the temp guage and it rectified the temp gauge issue.But the fuel guage was still bad.Turns out it was a pinched wire were the loom exited the cab under the passenger seat.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yACWE3CzmYQ
  14. All guessin' until you have a head height.Measure the head height from the bottom(face)of the head to the rocker cover mating surface.Should be in the vicinity of 4.26.If the bejeezuz has been milled off it-there is the explanation for the ping.
  15. 72 340 'Cuda.Getting laid in the back seat was a cross between sexual athletics and self-abuse.We were on a fire road near the reservoir and suddenly the car felt like someone was outback trying to "test the rear shocks" .I'm like WTF is going on?No-one is there.Just then I realized I left it in neutral.We were rolling down the road with the both of us in the backseat.Couldn't reach the E-brake so I had to reach up with both hands and bang the shifter back in to second gear.Recovery was a little bit longer.
  16. Oklahoma is a beautiful place to be......in your rearview mirror.
  17. And the jobs,and the money and the no taxes and no government telling them to wear condoms when they finger-fuck.
  18. Z-train

    rear window louvers

    Actually the opposite.At night it knocks the headlights down to the point where I can see the cage & the shotgun in the cop car.
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