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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. Loved the show.They built(and rebuilt) some great weapons.But this is just FUBAR.
  2. Z-train

    Motor Mounts

    Find a parts store that has a clue(usually they are using books instead of a computer) or Rock Auto.
  3. Let's not forget that some gaskets might not show leaks just sitting running,where seals would.You might have to drive it for the leak to show.
  4. Sadly,it was his fault.But an Uzi is NOT a "high powered" gun.
  5. Those mirrors came on it from the dealer.
  6. Because NOS head bolts are more expensive than ARP studs.So it becomes a "no-brainer".
  7. Z-train


    If SMOG results are bad,it's not those numbers doing it.While they are down for "normal",they are with in the acceptable percentage of each other.
  8. Mike-correct.I used the L-16 to get the higher intake speed to promote cylinder filling as the cam is all done by 5000 rpm.THe motor was built for low end grunt. With Mike Klotz' adapter welded on.
  9. Assuming it's ARP's lube......
  10. If you had a clue,you'd be fucking dangerous.
  11. Bottom right is 1/8th.Bottom left is "4AN"-it is a better gauge.
  12. Tweaked it for you,just a little.But ,you are correct.
  13. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=637725659668551 ANY MORE questions?
  14. L-20 specs are 60lbs for ARP studs.Use THEIR lube and nothing else.
  15. Sorry Folks,But DM nailed it.There is no SMOG gear removal that is beneficial-assuming it is working in the first place.THis is especially true for EGR's & AIR pumps.
  16. Yep.And this makes it his call and everyone else needs to STFU.
  17. When you combine his existing condition, his cash issues and the series cancellation and then throw this on to it? No wonder. He went on his terms. http://news.yahoo.com/on-robin-williams--parkinson-s-and-depression-203615441.html
  18. Keep an eye on it as the liquid lube will attract dirt and turn it into an abrasive.
  19. What kind of RPMs are you turning on a "daily" basis?
  20. In-correct.On a Harley (for example)No factory(quiet) pipe on earth will make the power of a properly tuned after-market pipe.And I'm not talking about drag pipes.
  21. Electric pumps are designed to push rather than suck and REQUIRE a return line.But like someone said -a lot of work to maintain 3-4 psi.But if you want the "exercise"-by all means.
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