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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. Gabreski.Someone stole the majority of his gun camera footage from his gear on his way back to the states.
  2. 9 out of 10 control systems on the B-24 were hydraulic. Back then Hydraulic fluid was flammable. While the Liberator had farther range, speed & weight carrying capabilities due to the "Davis" wing,the B-17 could take much more of a pounding and still make it home.I read a study recently comparing all factors of the two planes and the B-17 comes out ahead do to less maintance issues,thus greater "availability" for missions.
  3. American deck gun on a American Subchaser manned by a American grandfather in 1918.
  4. Not to worry-The Pats won't be going to the SB anyways.
  5. Mike-something is sticking in my head that the 86 is a one -off.
  6. CRS time......don't D-21 set-ups require 15 inch rims?
  7. It did.The Thunderbolt was the first piston powered aircraft to exceed 500 knots(505 in fact) in level flight.The engine was made by Chrysler.
  8. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/motorsport/formulaone/michael-schumacher/11182232/Michael-Schumacher-could-recover-in-three-years.html Holy Shit!!!
  9. Yep.I bolted 85 spindles on with everything else.
  10. I figured.There is a slow moving layer of air over the hood called"the boundry layer"It is slow moving(as opposed to the air further away for the vehicle)THis is also why most Ram Air systems(sans a couple) are a joke. NWB-your "hydro-lock" scenario has about as much odds of happening as me winning the Powerball lottery.
  11. Yep.In that car,the only thing that that can cause a shut-down in 10 minutes of run time is a plugged fuel system or a coil(real long shot-but possible)and this assumes points distributor.Put a fuel pressure gauge just after the pump-this will rule out fuel as an issue.
  12. Find a donor body and transfer parts.
  13. Ace is the place.Thay have magnetic sheets used to close off forced air furnace registers in certain rooms.Throw it on and it'll stay until you just peel it off.
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