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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. E9s and E21s are the only BMWs I really like... and its in green. Im very jealous. You need to pick up some Euro bumpers.
  2. Where did it get posted? I thought I was the only one being a douche over his death...
  3. Yep, it was posted on Facebook and someone was like, "I cant remember his name, but its the Hotwheels guy." Dillon and I both were like, muthafucking copy cat... that shit aint no 510.
  4. I saw you got it running so I assumed you didnt need it anymore. No worries, its just sitting here. What size was the alt you bought?
  5. Yeah it was far from safe. Im on the hunt for a larger alt now to cure the flashing dim lights Im working with.
  6. Whos policing? I never said not to do something... you guys are so defensive and need thicker skin apparently. Have some fun, jesus.
  7. No, he likes to post the same information days after its already been answered like he knows whats going on. You answered a previously answered post from over a month and a half ago... just teasing you.
  8. Id love to see one with a surf line.
  9. Thats ok, only a little late on repeating what someone already said... Jalen... I mean Alex. :rofl:
  10. Do you have a service manual for the car? They could be on the same circuit path and you have a short or ground keeping your lights on. You could check if they are the same by removing one of the bulb holders. If you break the circuit, both lights should go out. Then you would just have to track down the offending short/ground.
  11. Almost crashed it... Went to a local meet and almost died on the way home. Its not incredibly safe driving without working headlights or defroster when it started to rain. I almost drove right into a median since I didnt see it. Guess I know what I have to fix tomorrow.
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