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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. As rare as the 73 JDM grille is, I'm not a huge fan. I love the black headlight buckets, but the square mesh centerpiece is not for me. Now if it had the normal bars, but in black with the buckets... Epic grille right there. Either way, the car looks great. As stated earlier it's nice to see the before and after to get a good feel of all the work that was put into it.
  2. Little do most people know, but the "I will love you forever" song isnt even hers. Its actually a remake of a Dolly Parton song...
  3. The elephant is suppose to be a commemoration of the Africa Rally and the writing loosely translates to "Fill with Elephant Oil" which is/was a Japanese motor oil company.
  4. Not rare per se, but they were never offered on Datsuns here in the US.
  5. Its a GTR... but beyond that I dont see anything exciting; no offense or anything.
  6. Welcome to the site. I hope have a bunch of pictures to clear your infraction of none on the first post.
  7. All I remembered was typo and Warcraft. And you may be old, but Im right there with you as I was into a lot of "classic" things from a young age. Im only 25, but I might as well be 35 with some of the nostalgic era things Im into. Early video games and technology is one of them.
  8. Ive never once heard that history before. Every version Ive ever heard has been that it was done my PC gamers (warcraft) trying to play and type at the same time. You dont dont enough time to correct your typing and since the 'O' is right next to the 'P'... OWN became PWN; same with PICS turning into OICS. The only video game typo story Ive heard was "All your base are belong to us." Edit: I do apologize and Im wrong. I looked it up and though my game was correct, it was a typo in the game and not online. I did know that, but since have forgotten as its such a used term now I havent had to talk about its history. Good catch!
  9. If I didnt have a sunroof, I would rock one of those. Very nice.
  10. Received a package in the mail yesterday (picked it up today) and now I can charge my iPhone in the car and turn my windshield wipers on easier. I now have a new knob for the switch and a cigarette lighter... I dont smoke, but every time I go on cruises my phone dies because I have to use it for directions and music. The radio doesnt work so I have to rock Pandora on the phone. Anyway, not a ginormous update but an update none-the-less.
  11. Good luck... some of the older bases are hard to find, but once you get one customizing it pixel by pixel is the fun part.

  12. Its the same way that PWN came to be... keyboard typo.
  13. I made it. They have stock cars available online and I manipulated it to look like my car (well, when its done) in MSPaint. They are called pixel cars.

  14. Beautiful truck. Usually not a fan of trucks, but this is clean... thanks for the update!
  15. Good save on the bumper. The wrinkles just add to the Ratsun look.
  16. Roadster looks good... you should get lower profile tires.
  17. Id be down to go. I can drive down from Silverdale and loop back up... I would just break off once we get back to Tacoma to swing back up home. Count me in though.
  18. I dont like being repetitively yelled at and sourced for parts from someone with 3 posts (even if its just temp lol)
  19. Yes, liquid incompressible therefore psi would go up regardless, but the amount is negligible. There is an obvious increase in cylinder PSI with worn rings producing blowback. Thats the reason that you use such a small amount of oil to perform a wet compression test; just enough to lubricate the rings and seal.
  20. That last image is a lie... You can never see Washington sunsets because its always so cloudy. People would know its photoshopped.
  21. Also, a few tips: If one reading is low then its just that cylinder (worn walls/piston head/rings) If two adjacent cylinders then its the HG between the cylinders
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