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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Who cares what engine you put in there... as long as youre still driving a Datsun. I love seeing swaps. The only time hate swaps is when someone starts one, realizes its too much work, and then gives up to either sell the car or junk it. As long as you can finish what you start, keep doin' whatcha doin'. Car looks great.
  2. Well its looking like I could use some money for Dato parts to get this build moving. Im a graphic and web design by trade and am looking to help out my fellow Ratsun members out while getting a little something for myself. Im willing to work cheaper than anything youre going to find locally and I hate to severely undercut my fellow designers (hopefully no one else on here does this for a living), but I figure its a win-win for everyone. This is a quick add so I wont post an entire portfolio or list all of the things I can do, but heres a quick list to maybe spark an idea and see if you need any work done: Logo design from complete scratch clean up an old one update a current one Website design blog integration easy to manage web-store mobile platform compatible galleries/slideshows social media integration Business cards high quality stock full color multi-design packs discounts on larger orders I do lots of other things as well, so just give me a shout and see if we can work something out. Unfortunately I may not be able to do things absolutely dirt cheap (the Ratsuner way?), but if youve ever gotten quotes for work like this you will see Im wicked cheap in comparison for what you get. I will work with you until youre 100% happy. I know there are a few people on here that own their own businesses and its 2013... you should have a website to sell your wares. Here are two of the last sites I did just to give you an idea: All ads require a price so $3 OBO... please PM for a quote on what you need done. Willing to work for cash/Paypal, Datsun parts, or services you offer.
  3. They are both in an awkward spot where I live in the middle so its hard to swing by both.
  4. Tristin

    620 Photo Shoot

    Very Niiice. I like.
  5. It was an option for only the rear doors... I would leave the front alone. It was only a thought, but since its not an easy swap with your doors Im about 99.937% sure it wont happen in the future. I would have added door poppers to the rears and the trunk. GLWS.
  6. Oh, man... decisions decisions. Its either this or the NW Swap Meet.
  7. True... good call Indy. I was hoping to help, Jeff. No dice, sorry man.
  8. I think with the date change I should be able to make it...
  9. Personally, I would have put everything on the other side of the board if possible. You can fit a lot of the smaller stuff back there and then move the compressor and tank to the left side of the trunk like you have the battery. Thats the way I would run it if I was doing the install. If/when I do mine, I wont have the stock gas tank in there so most of my equipment will be as far forward as possible to give me close to the same amount of useable trunk space. Im not a Mexican mini-trucker from 1993... I dont have to show off all the switches and wires and crap for my setup. I want a clean and functional install.
  10. Im saying that if you ground it out and it goes from showing "Empty" and moves all the way to "Full" then its probably not the gauge.
  11. Fuel gauge my not be the problem... as it could be a few other things. You should ground out the gauge and see if the needle moves. It could be the fuel sender unit in the tank thats gone out.
  12. Ms? :confused: Thanks for the compliment though Well, the weather is awesome out right now which is usually rare so Im taking advantage of it while its here. I pulled the car into the little apartment garage we get and started doing a littl bit of work. I pulled the tail light again to give them a touch up as the paint was a little soft when I assembled originally. Im going to spray probably two coats on them and then leave them outside all day to properly cure before putting them back on the car. I was dreading taking apart the dash to install the new wiper switch I bought (since mine doesnt have a knob) but I got smart and just took the knob off the new one and put it on the old switch. I tried to remove all of the old sealant from around my sunroof but it seems its sealed under the glass as well so I did all that work for nothing; it still doesnt open. The car is coming along nice I think. I need to pick up some new shorter (mr2?) front struts so that I can gain some travel back on them. Also, with them being shorter that should allow me to actually put some tension on the springs to increase my ride quality. She needs a pretty good cleaning which I might do tomorrow.
  13. Man, its so nice outside... I wish I didnt have so many indoor projects to do. Id rather be outside right meow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DAT510


      very carefully....









    3. freetheoranges



      example: "why so cereal?"

    4. Tristin





      And to answer your question, I drew it pixel by pixel.

  14. Its for the windshield wipers...
  15. Work! (excuse the edit, but it was wicked backlit and I tried to save it with phone editing)
  16. Not sure if thats how I would have mounted them, but Im glad to see you doing work. Coming along pretty quick.
  17. Hmmm I will double check it out in the morning and see what my level is. I still want to drop the front another inch, but wont touch the back. Thanks for the info on the normal level. Oh, turns out while the car was on the lift I noticed a seal leak on my diff.
  18. Yeah, I wouldn't want to go any lower... I'm happy with the height.
  19. The ground is actually at slope... my front is mos def higher than the rear. Its not by a lot, but maybe an inch; its nothing that bugs me crazily though. I have the most minor amount of rubbing so if I cant roll it enough, Im just going to pick up a spring spacer.
  20. What a tool... tell him youll pay less and you just want the 510. Otherwise he can eat a dick with those tactics.
  21. Rear lowering springs (thanks Banana!), near rear shocks to replace the blown ones, and a bit of a roll. We didnt think the drop would be as significant so we didnt expenct to have to roll the fenders today... well it was required otherwise the car wouldnt drive. Whipped out the bat for a small roll until the Fender Roller we odered shows up and smoother out the lip a little. It still needs a bit of work to be perfect, but we will use the actuall roller for that. Im going to drop the front down another inch since it is now higher than the rear.
  22. I'll see how yours turns out an decide from there. I've been thinking about doing it for awhile since I never really planned on tracking the Dime. I'm just afraid of the winter up here and the bags/lines freezing. I plan to daily the car yearly so Winter dependable is a must. I don't live in SoCal anymore where the weather is perfect year-round. I also want to see what the rest of my build is like. I want to make sure a bagged look would flow well with the rest of the build. I also believe Indy will be going to bags whenever his body is structurally finished.
  23. Yeah whats all the info about the race?- sounds like it could be fun.
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