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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Was that green close enough to work for you?
  2. Some of the new pictures are showing up on IG without you tagged in them. Wasn't sure if you were online or not so you got credit. Car is looking great.
  3. It just looks like a 620 with an extra set of wheels leaning up against it. Probably seeing what it would look like with new rims.
  4. Maybe I'll try to make this. Need to do a few things first though... Hopefully I'll have time. I've been there the last few years now and it's always a good time.
  5. I like to be inside them whereas Tyler doesn't like it inside him.
  6. Psh like that would happen.
  7. Will eventually happen...
  8. Lol until I got the Xterra I was driving it to work every day for over a year. About to upgrade the electrical system here soon... rest of the lights to LEDs, new headlights, new battery system, and new alt. I think Ill need a new battery for my laptop first though now that its not holding a charge well... so that puts off some plans.
  9. Old pic I never posted:
  10. Yeah, figured weve had this cutter this long, we should probably try to use all the features haha :lol: Lets see if we can figure it out haha
  11. Nah, all on me. He just prints... then its out of his hands. Trying out the cutting on this vintage Nismo design:
  12. Actual size? I have the design for that. Someone else messaged me for one as well, but wanted a smaller one. I can cut some out. I just partnered with Redeye and will hopefully be brining in more printed stickers. He has a printer, but no cutter. I have a cutter and no printer. Trial and error right now to get everything setup.
  13. No, Jons just late to the party like normal.
  14. Our store has people carry and we haven't had an issue. Can't speak for every store though.
  15. Have you looked at timing at all? I had extremely similar issues as you describe. It was actually the nut on the bottom side of the distributor. It had fallen off so on large bumps it would advance/retard the engine all of a sudden which would flood the carb and kill it. Huge backfires and wouldnt start up. After the gas evaporated in a few minutes it would start right up and go. Everything looked great and narrowing it down to that nut was quite the hunt.
  16. Every time I spy on Lowes, I've never seen an animal in there so I'm not sure about them. We (Home Depot) actually encourage people to bring their animals. I know my store has treats at most of the registers for dogs.
  17. We don't use that feature here. It takes up too much bandwidth and storage space which means we would have to start paying for the site. We don't want to resort to ads and such so we just hotlink all our images
  18. If you guys want any remembrance decals for the 510, send me a PM. I'll design and send down whatever you need.
  19. The number in the ad isnt the number I have saved (could be an old number though), but there arent too many people in this area with a BRE 510 and that many 510s in storage.
  20. Luckily kids under 12 get in free so Anna is mostly covered... :hairy:
  21. Yeah it was only for a couple hours. There were some the PMd me in the morning, but they didnt make the cut off. Suckaz. Haha no, I dont have any more of Bacon Bit. Thats a caNdy only occurrence... unless you guys happen to show up to some of the clubs we go to :devil: Then you can see lots of her :sneaky:
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