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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Did I forget to say it was COD?- oops....
  2. That took a really long time to stage it like that... plus I had to upload the photo. I need a break.
  3. 27 envelopes out to you assholes:
  4. I take a leave of absence from Ratsun and this is what I miss out on? Jesus...
  5. Yeah, and where's the fun in that?
  6. That would be the only emoticon we would end up using here.
  7. Its Ratsun... theres always shit talking no matter if they like you or not. Its just a couple of free stickers.
  8. I figure you can't be too mad that you didn't get free stuff haha. Packages in the mail! Even some to Canada!!!!
  9. Fail. Now you dont own shit. And its 10:01. Thanks for playing guys! No more orders being accepted. There will be fun stuff in the future for sure.
  10. You already get free everything haha. Nice try.
  11. Ill let this go until 10 when I go to bed. If you guys miss out on this one, I will be doing another giveaway/raffle/something in a few weeks. Garage Bluebird will be getting some new items in and to celebrate Ill be giving a few things away... and yes, they will be more than just stickers.
  12. No worries, its about time I gave back to the community some since Ive been kind of a flakey prick in the past haha. PMs are coming in nicely... keep sending them before I hit the post office in the morning.
  13. Someone might be lucky enough to find one of these in their envelopes :
  14. :frantics: :frantics: :frantics: :frantics: :frantics: First one received. I have to hit up the post office tomorrow on my day off for some GB packages so lets see how many we can get going before I go.
  15. It was just full. All better now. Everyone jump over to this thread: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/66918-rat-n-wrench-giveaway/
  16. Thats my secret... if I cant receive any PMs, I cant send out free stuff ;) JK, cleared my inbox. It was just full hahaha
  17. NOW CLOSED! Thanks for the participation. So because I now have some spare time to get back on Ratsun (or rather the internet at all), Im going to be doing a little giveaway. Its been far too long since Ive logged onto Ratsun so in honor of being a regular again, Id like to give away some free shit... I want to give away free sets of Rat N Wrenches in your choice of color. I have a good stock of them and lets get them sent out. Everything, including the shipping is completely free. Just PM your address and lets get this going. Ill send them out on my own dime (dime... get it... because 510. Im an idiot) and youll get to rock some forum pride. Ill probably throw in some other vinyl goodies or whatever I have laying around as well. Send me some PMs.
  18. Im back now. Ill shoot you a pm Kevin. Probably want to edit your post to take out your personal info. Spammers and weirdos will get you. Because Im now back, Ill be throwing up some stickers free to the community. First ten people to PM will get free Rat n Wrenches stickers and maybe something else that I have laying around. Ill even pay shipping. Just send me over your shipping details and lets make this giveaway happen!
  19. True, no tit posts on the way down. Maybe we will make it up next year with some after hours titty time in the camp.
  20. I better get moving on the 510... make sure its roadworthy. Good thing SW isnt too far away.
  21. I think that's a bannable offense. Banana-able offense? Something like that.
  22. Maybe you should get that 411 running Nanner.
  23. Ill send a ton of stickers out before I touch pizza :sick:
  24. I guess I should probably try to make this since I didnt go to Canby this year.
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