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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Yeah luckily it was an easy swap... Wasn't 100% sure the issue until the troubleshooting at Canby. Up and running now. Just means I need to swap in this extra IR alt I have laying in my parts stash. Glad to see you at a show buddy. Maybe next year you can camp out with us (with your wagon ;) )
  2. Man, was a good time. Next year hopefully is a smoother ride... Luckily the return trip was much easier than the drive down. No more issues. I was to thank Nana for the save going down. He showed up just before I started hoofing it to get a brand new battery. Saved me time and money on that one. Thanks to Redeye for the battery charger so I could get that one back to full charge over the night. And last but not least, I want to thank ShagginWagon and his dad for hooking me up with a new voltage regulator. Fixed the problem right up... It was smooth sailing all the way home. I even had less transmission issues on the way back it seems. Was a great time and I cant wait for more next year. As always, glad to meet new forum guys and put faces to names.
  3. Canby gone wild thanks to Nana for the save. We're back on the road and pumped for the show.
  4. Texting Redeye now. You guys are two exits south of me.
  5. Second issue arose: Fuck me. Looks like the charging system quick working on me and I can't start the car; dead battery. It'll crank super slow so I'm assuming it's not the alt and only the voltage regulator. I'm hoping a jump will get me started and then I just won't shut the car off until I get down there. Anyone near Tumwater right now?
  6. Fuck me. Looks like the charging system quick working on me and I can't start the car; dead battery. It'll crank super slow so I'm assuming it's not the alt and only the voltage regulator. I'm hoping a jump will get me started and then I just won't shut the car off until I get down there. Anyone near Tumwater right now?
  7. Currently in Tumwater getting gas.
  8. Aunt Flo is visiting the 510 this morning. I've got a pretty steady flow of transmission fluid coming out. I've got extra and know the symptoms of low fluid before anything bad happens so I'm still on my way. Just have to watch the level and be careful of speed. Doesn't like high speeds when low. Gassing up in Tumwater... Be there in a couple hours. Canby or bust!
  9. The pans are not engine specific... they are vehicle specific. All the I4 pans can be swapped around the blocks with no issues. You run into problems when you try to put them into a vehicle it didnt come in. If that L18 came out of another 620 then the pan will be fine in your truck.
  10. Plans shifted and will be leaving pretty early tomorrow morning. Hoping to make Canby by breakfast time. Just could pull it together to leave tonight like planned.
  11. Thread took a bit of a nose dive in emotions it seems... Ill add a little bit to it. The Ex texted me yesterday to let me know that Zelda is going in for surgery today for a tumor. I guess thats the reason she was having all those leg issues a few month back. Fingers crossed the little one is OK. Sorry to hear about your dog Smoke. Have a soft spot for pugs (like Datwifey up there) so we know first hand missing one.
  12. Bring me an elephant ear... I havent been to Silver Falls in about 15 years.
  13. Ooooooh. You meant she rides the short bus. When you said she was slow, I thought she was just going to be easier to catch.
  14. Truth. There are a ton of carbon emissions in the production of batteries for these cars... I'd say it's lower per car based on the lifetime of a gasoline vehicle, but it's still not "zero." I know Tesla mentioned that they were going to slow the creative process on their vehicles and divert a lot of attention to the production of batteries. They were suppose to build a giant battery manufacturer of their own in Europe somewhere. The last real piece to the electric car is the crappy battery life. No one wants to stop every 200mi to charge their battery in a mostly non-existent charging station.
  15. It'll be awkward when you and Nana show up in the same outfit. So I'll be heading out Friday evening and hopefully meeting up with Qtip in Tacoma. For any of the Northend guys, I'll be leaving Everett at 530.
  16. Don't worry, if I have problems with mine we can park together. If I don't have the 510 I'm coming regardless as well in the GFs 04 Galant. We can have our own Mitsu section.
  17. Lots of companies can do it... It's just not financially sound to go that route. With the price of printing, it's a good option for one-offs and small runs. Or to test out a product in a cheaper substrate than what the final product is made of. It's way cheaper (though a bit higher initial cost) to have a mold made and pop out a bunch of lenses going the injected mold route.
  18. It's rare that you have to fix electronic ignition with a points distributor lol
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