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And I guess that the economy is fucked, unemployment is @ 15%(not what the mainstream propaganda will tell you)and I can't find a job, I should THANK the 30,000,000!

illegals for taking 30,000,000 jobs from legal citizens?


Uhh. NO. Are you mentally retarded, or, for some reason I don't understand, think that I am?




I have four words of advice.





I seriously doubt 30,000,000 illegals are ALL employed. :lol::lol:


I'm fairly sure I'm not retarded, and will extend the courtesy of assuming you aren't as well.:lol:





Give me a fuckin' break....


Interesting how everyone wants to blame the illegal immigrants. How about the greedy fucks in banking, Wall Street, etc? Those ass-wipes created this mess. They should be shot for treason. At the very least their ill-gotten assets should be seized....and let them go fucking work in the fields or fast food, whatever.



Exploitation of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie running dog capitalist roaders!!!! Profiteers!!!


Ivan Danko: In socialist countries, insurance not necessary. State pays for everything.

Art Ridzik: Yeah? Well, tell me something, Captain. If you've got such a fucking paradise over there, how come you're up the same creek as we are with Wall Street bankers and drug dealers?

Ivan Danko: Chinese find way. Right after revolution, they round up all bankers, all drug addicts, take them to public square, and shoot them in back of head.

Art Ridzik: Ah, it'd never work here. Fucking politicians wouldn't go for it.

Ivan Danko: Shoot them first........ Arnold S. and Jim Belushi in RED HEAT


oooooohh this broke out into a good one haha :lol:


All from a bullshit story.

Edited by datzenmike
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so a friend of mine used to work in a field with the mexicans and one day hes asks them;

"why do you all always wave when a car [thats driving by] honks at you guys?" and they told him,

because all white people look the same to them so they always wave just in case it might be someone related to the boss.



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.... people would let them selves get caught for a free ride back to the border. Illegals are smart...


...dont worry man, ees jus my cousins wedding :lol:









smart :? maybe. but necessity is the mother of invention ;)

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I never understand the debate on this. I was sucked in willingly but its all moot isn't it? Forget ALL the stats. Do we not have laws? I mean whats the defense here? It's okay they all break the law because they may do "shit jobs" cheaper or that they have families to feed? By that logic if someone robs your house to feed thier kids your going to be okay with it? I find all too often people with the soft stance on illegal immigration have never been touched directly by its effects and you shouldn't need to be shot to know it hurts. It's really easy to sympathize while your sitting on a cushy job, on the computer in your house talking about all the hot Datsuns you own. Also real easy when you live in a deserted corner of this country or better yet not in it at all. Try being one of the millions homeless due to this economy or living in a illegal immigration hot spot where you have to compete to feed your family with people who by legal rights shouldn't be here.


Saying its all or even mostly illegal immigrants fault for the economy is just silly. So is saying that is has no effect though. A modern economy has many factors effecting it and illegal immigration happens to be one. They have definitely become a tool to take peoples minds of certain things though. We could sit here all day listing off shit hurting this economy just as much. That doesn't mean the problem should be dismissed though. ALL should be addressed to relieve the legal citizens in this country suffering.


I also think people confuse a hard stance on illegal immigration with a hard stance on immigration. I personally have no problem with immigration so long as its through legal channels, and those channels should be revamped because they are wrong. Again though there are many many wrong laws, patriot act was one listed, I could list a good 20 off the top of my head but does that give people the right to break them? We could get philosophical on that one, voice of descent and what not lol. The girl I'm seeing graduated college in this country but cant get a work permit, that doesn't seem right to me. My friends mom has been here 20 years and keeps getting denied. My ex was actually married and her husband died, denied. I mean illegal immigration wouldn't be such a problem if they weren't being such pricks about it.


Well spoken. I agree for the most part.

But my stance is, if illegal, and you are pretty, educated, hard working, whatev, who cares?


You are a Federal criminal. It's that easy. And it's your choice.


And my family and I am suffering for it. May not be the ONLY financial problem(obviously), but that's 30,000,000 jobs that could help this economy, and legal residents.


What else is there to say about it?

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I never understand the debate on this. I was sucked in willingly but its all moot isn't it? Forget ALL the stats. Do we not have laws? I mean whats the defense here? It's okay they all break the law because they may do "shit jobs" cheaper or that they have families to feed? By that logic if someone robs your house to feed thier kids your going to be okay with it? I find all too often people with the soft stance on illegal immigration have never been touched directly by its effects and you shouldn't need to be shot to know it hurts.


I'll take a crack at this only because I just want to clarify that I am not for illegal immigration, I too am affected like everyone else, all I wanted to initially is call BS to the story posted by the original poster. It's just a messed up way to create fear/anger/hate toward easy scapegoats.



It's really easy to sympathize while your sitting on a cushy job, on the computer in your house talking about all the hot Datsuns you own.


I'm not sure who you're refering to on this so I'm gonna leave that one alone unless you clarify.


And as for agentalpha, have you let it all out yet? Not sure if you realize it but I live not too far from you so I know what you're talking about but I'm not sure how long you've lived here but this area has always been a big Hispanic community, that would partially explain the large amount of Hispanics living near you. I'm not trying to glorify anything or make heroes out of anyone either but if times were good and there were jobs for everyone, I bet there wouldn't be this amount of animosity on the issue...but that's just my guess. Look we all have our opinions and we're entitled to them so I don't want to get into a whole lot of back and forth, to reiterate I just wanted to clarify and call BS to something that's being passed of as a true story. I hope you land a job and soon. I know things are tough and the huge amount of people willing to do the work for a lot less than you is and will make you earning a decent income that much more difficult, and no it's not right. I strongly agree the government should be taking care of its own citizens but I just don't agree with everyones anger and calls for what sounds like violence to illegals. If there were no jobs for them or benefits do you think they'd be here. I strongly support businesses (big and small) being fined on a progressive scale so as to use that as deterents from bad hiring practices. Cutting off the source of income in the US would result in the desired effect, reverse migration and would do so by getting things back in order as they should be. Trust me I understand the basics of the economics of employment, but there's a lot more complicated things that happened to get us in this rut...and I don't blame you for being angry but being pissed off to no end at one part of the problem isn't going to do you any good.

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71Dimer I agree with you on that, they are not the end all be all of this countries economic woes, or crime, or anything for that matter. I don't feel its fair they have been built up that way either.


Never the less though law breaking is law breaking no? even if it only contributes 1% to all the bad stats (which is way low balling it just for an ex) its still 1% we can and should avoid. Economic efficiency is paramount at this time in our history. I'm not saying fuck them, ship them all home and close the boarders, I'm saying there is a right way and a wrong way for things to be done on BOTH the united states end AND the immigrants part. The way it is now is definitely the wrong way and I don't feel that's debatable.


I wasn't referring to anyone with that comment just trying to make the point sometimes its easy to defend or judge when not directly effected by the issue. It goes both ways too and I understand that. To always be on edge or worried, having to wake up and break your ass every day for shit pay you don't even get to enjoy. The thing is though they choose that where as the citizens PARTLY effected by them don't. One trumps the other in my head and that's why I take the stand that I do.

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72240z: I agree with what you say and yes they are breaking the law, no doubt about that but without any job prospects or benefits here what other reason would they have for coming? If opporunity wasn't available I don't see them coming over here in the numbers that they are here. I know things put us all on edge, righfully so in many cases but there's no need to cause or direct anger, especially with fictional stories toward anyone.


Should we get back to talking Datsuns or what? :D

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as long as agentalpha doesnt purge herself of rants, this thread will never die


Nice, safe, and easy to run yer piehole over the net, isn't it?

Hope you and your mouth attend a meet that I do as well.

Maybe then you will be as willing to try and provoke, disrespect, or insult me?

Be sure to introduce yourselves, as I am one of the few actually brave enough to post an actual pic of myself, and I noticed that you are not.

You seem to believe you are a character in "The Orange Box" Xbox game.

Obviously, you are mistaken.

You perhaps might wish to use better judgment of who you try to provoke in the future.

A bit of caution and prudence might be very good for you.





You are fucking *A* right I am passionate about this topic, and most of the other problems that NO ONE wants to deal with. Regardless of what started the topic. Everyone just rolls over, and tells themselves it will be OK, someone else will deal with it.

I am pissed this once great country is falling apart, and most of us are so unwilling to do anything about anything, but be a punk bitch talking crap on the Internet.


And thank you. I just might make sure it doesn't die, as important as this subject really IS, to ALL of us LEGAL citizens.

Although the ones breaking the law or who have family members doing so would try to convince us "no harm, no foul". Lies and BS. For the record, I lived here 20 years ago, and it was NEVER this bad. And people didn't stand around in huge groups loitering in parking lots back then either. People had enough respect for others and this country to speak the language of the United States of America in public, or kept their mouths shut.

Just a year ago, it was 25,000,000 illegals. So don't tell me about how illegals are going BACK.

That's a fucking crock of bullshit.

You may be able to fool many of us, but many of us have our facts straight.

You won't put us back to sleep with your lies.


The USA's founding Fathers are all fucking rolling in their graves with disgust, I'm sure.


We are a nation of distracted, entertained cattle. Unwilling to make any fucking effort or sacrifices to preserve our Constitution.


I think it's funny, because some insanely hard times are about to smack some reality into some of your heads.

All that time you've spent on the internet diddling yourself and thinking you are a War Hero on the XBox won't help you and your family survive. Which of course, is great, cause you won't be any competition for me and mine.

I won't hesitate, I assure you. The military trained me very well, and I have already done things in the line of duty most of you..couldn't. Let's say it that way.


I would like to thank those of you who understand the truth of my words, and what I am truly trying to say. Those that are educated, and read between the lines of the mainstream media propaganda. Those that can put two and two together, and see what is really happening. Those that are not trying to provoke me, or make me out to be a racist pig to try and discredit me. I certainly am not racist. I love everyone, admire and respect all cultures, and hope for their best.


But not at my expense, my family's, or this country's expense.


What I AM is a Patriot to our Constitution.

Edited by agentalpha
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The USA's founding Fathers are all fucking rolling in their graves with disgust, I'm sure.


i dunno if their rolling...but im absolutely sure that they are pissed that the interpretation of the constitution is being debated by lawyers at the taxpayers expense.







anyway, im just here to stir the pot a little more. so if your not adding flavor GTFO!


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Whats the guy with the knife represent? He should be rocking a labled sash or some shit witty like that lol.


I think the founding fathers would be rolling in their grave over a couple hundred or so things. Drug laws, free speech laws, no knock laws, patriot act, stolen elections, scare tactics, propaganda etc.... Sad fact is the America that was created and the America of today are not even close to the same, people need to accept that and get over it.


America was NEVER some utopia or even meant to be one either. It was a lie fed to the masses so rich white slave owning profiteers could make more money and not pay taxes to Britain. I find it really funny how people have this false idea of "America the free" built up in their heads ignoring all facts or obvious truths. The same people that claim America is the greatest country in the world. Give me a break......

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HAHAHAHHA! Whatever man. Why keep arguing? They/we are not going to leave and there is nothing you or anyone can do. There.... Happy? Why rant? They/we took you jobs, homes, cars, trains, planes, boats, lawn equipment, beans, tortillas, bread, and especially Datsun's because we got a job and we work and have money just to throw around just like everyone else in this bad economy.


Every one is suffering in these hard times. Not just you Agentalpha. The Chinese are suffering, so are the Germans, so is Britain, so is Australia with there fires and such, so are the Japaneses, so are the Mexicans, so are the Argentinians, so are the Guatemalans, so are the Ecuadorians, so is everyone else alive today for such a bad economy. So if your out of a job. To bad so sad.

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you seem to believe you are a character in "The Orange Box" Xbox game.

Obviously, you are mistaken.

obviously, YOU are mistaken. the orange box came out for the PC 3 days prior to the xbox release. AND i didnt buy it. I bought Team Fortress 2 for the computer. but i am glad you recognized who the pyro was, kudos


All that time you've spent on the internet diddling yourself and thinking you are a War Hero on the XBox won't help you and your family survive

that made me laugh, not gonna lie. but dont be mistaken, i WORK 6 days a week 7 am to 6 pm with 4 illegal immigrants who all do their taxes, and all of them OWN homes.


Team Fortress 2 is not about bieng a war hero:lol:

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...dont worry man, ees jus my cousins wedding









smart :? maybe. but necessity is the mother of invention

lol one of my dads friends wants to go back to mexico, but he is very indecisive, so one day my dad told him "the next time you get in my car i am going to drive you down to san clemente and drop you off at the border patrol offices:D

Edited by Moisabamf
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How will you get a return if you didn't pay in the first place? Amnesty would only apply to your legal status to remain. How can you claim for things before you were there legally. If taxes were paid and there is a return due, so what? With 30m? legals at least some if not most will now be paying legal taxes back into the system. Sure there will be some losses, worst case the losses will be at a lesser rate than now.

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I'd like to know how TF does an illegal file taxes?

Oh, wait. I forgot.

More Federal crimes, of the fraudulent kind.

Tell me again why they deserve citizenship?

I don't seem to get the logic of your reasoning of why they do.

All I hear is confirmation of them being Federal Criminals.


And saying "ef it", is part of the attitude that got this country into the current mess we are in.

I'm glad getting back to diddling yourself on the Internet, or your Xbox, is so important.


"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato


And that's why our Constitution, and our rights defended by it, are currently under direct attack.

Congratulations for your selfish Apathy.

In the following, Television can be replaced and modernized with "The Internet" and "Computer".

Edited by agentalpha
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