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i got screwed - Beware of Cheetos808

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I have to agree with datzenmike.........gotta hear both sides.


Since I work for the Post Office, I know how it would be possible for things to get lost or chewed up in the system. I pull chewed up mail out of the machines every day. And sometimes find perfectly good pieces that the machine has thrown out due to the speed and it get under something that you really have to look for. Another question would be what kind of money order was it? If it was a Postal one, he could go in with his receipt and his portion of the money order, basically put a stop payment on it, and get another one issued. He may of mailed the money order, then shipped out himself.


I hope that it is just a lack of communication and you get your money. Right now every penny we can get makes a difference to everyone. Good luck.

He sent a bad check - what excuse is there for that? If you don't have the money, stop buying @$%^. Oh, wait, I forgot that we live in a society where you buy stuff even though you can't afford it and expect someone else to pick up the tab.
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He sent a bad check - what excuse is there for that? If you don't have the money, stop buying @$%^. Oh, wait, I forgot that we live in a society where you buy stuff even though you can't afford it and expect someone else to pick up the tab.


yeah.....idk but its stupid

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Im in the military and you should find his CO!!! here is what the UCMJ says about it (uniform code of military justice)


This offense differs from an Article 123a offense (paragraph 49) in that there need be no intent to defraud or deceive at the time of making, drawing, uttering, or delivery, and that the accused need not know at that time that the accused did not or would not have sufficient funds for payment. The gist of the offense lies in the conduct of the accused after uttering the instrument. Mere negligence i n maintaining one’s bank balance is insufficient for this offense, for the accused’s conduct must reflect bad faith or gross indifference in this regard. As in the offense of dishonorable failure to pay debts (see paragraph 71), dishonorable conduct of the accused is necessary, and the other principles discussed in paragraph 71 also apply here.

Maximum punishment. Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 6 months.

and thats no joke they dont fuck around with bad checks

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If you know what base he's stationed at then it's very easy to get your money back. Simply contact the MPs at the base with your info and they'll contact provost marshall/JAG who will then contact his commander and 1st Sergeant.


I was a soldier from 1989-99 and I wouldn't cut him a damned bit of slack.


Was his check written on a federal credit union? If so you can really mess his world up.

Edited by a.d._510_n_ok
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hummm....you all think i should be a big dick over 35 bucks.....i might have to!!! according to all your info i can really do some damage over 35 bucks lol i will give him a week and see if he see's this thread and then i will take further action

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If you know what base he's stationed at then it's very easy to get your money back. Simply contact the MPs at the base with your info and they'll contact provost marshall/JAG who will then contact his commander and 1st Sergeant.


I was a soldier from 1989-99 and I wouldn't cut him a damned bit of slack.


Was his check written on a federal credit union? If so you can really mess his world up.


I'm an MP and yes, i have seen soldiers get arrested for this shit, HANG EM' HIGH!

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hummm....you all think i should be a big dick over 35 bucks.....i might have to!!! according to all your info i can really do some damage over 35 bucks lol i will give him a week and see if he see's this thread and then i will take further action


its not really the money amount but the principal of the thing ya know?

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The amount isn't the issue. It's a matter of being responsible. You sent it on his word that he would pay. Now he should.

Hell, I'm still waiting for shipping payment from two differant people here. And I know they both have their shit. So pay up suckas'.

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The amount isn't the issue. It's a matter of being responsible. You sent it on his word that he would pay. Now he should.

Hell, I'm still waiting for shipping payment from two differant people here. And I know they both have their shit. So pay up suckas'.


thing is he payed me once lol but bad check...:eek:

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All I know is that when I was a young soldier I did what I had to do to pay my bills - I've pawned crap, sold blood, detailed cars after hours, mopped the PX - and that was just to keep formula and diapers in the house. If we were lucky then the wife and I might have a few bucks for me and her to eat on. We did it without food stamps and without B.F. Goodrich checks. Everyone wants pretties for the hoopty but if ya can't afford 'em ya can't afford 'em and ya don't bring other folks into your misery by spreading bad paper around. I can't stand liars and thieves :mad:.

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All I know is that when I was a young soldier I did what I had to do to pay my bills - I've pawned crap, sold blood, detailed cars after hours, mopped the PX - and that was just to keep formula and diapers in the house. If we were lucky then the wife and I might have a few bucks for me and her to eat on. We did it without food stamps and without B.F. Goodrich checks. Everyone wants pretties for the hoopty but if ya can't afford 'em ya can't afford 'em and ya don't bring other folks into your misery by spreading bad paper around. I can't stand liars and thieves :mad:.


dont for get donated sperm!!!!......... dad

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