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the battle is won


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as of right now any car 1975 and older is smog exempt,(the 30year rule was taken away a couple of years ago) in 2010 they are going to start smogging diesels, as of yet there is nothing in the works for motorcycles

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Sounds like state government just wants more money.


well duh, the state is broke, how else can they get more money out of us, smog and tax anything with an engine, but hey, when that smog law goes into affect, im gonna be making bank myself

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no old cars are still exempt but there going to start testing diesels and bikes



Bikes as in motorcycles, not bicycles, right? :lol:



I have no smog laws down here. Just a basic safety inspection that most people pass if you can drive the car to get it done without it falling apart. Hell, my driver's side seat belt was crumbled and in pieces on the floor when I got mine inspected and I still passed.:cool:

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thats not quite it bleach your close but not quite they wanna get rid of the old cars so everyone goes and buys a new car what proof of this might you ask well at the old smog shop i used to go to the guy pulled up the info on a 96 240sx to put it simply they want my 76 datsun to run twice as clean as the 240!! a carburatated non catalist car is expected to run cleaner then a efi completly computer controled catalist

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There are ways to pass the smog test.


Once the B210 is on the road, it will be war. Smog Test, License, Reg will be only to obtain Insurance. Once that is done, they can all expire. The car will not have a license plate on it...Only "Without Prejudice" UCC 1-207.


Then the real fun begins, cause you just know the Police will want a peice of me. Its going to be fun exercising the Constitution versus the Universal Commerical Code.:blink:

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