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Beware of this guy flipping a 620 in Everett

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I got in a situation once where I had to replace some marble for this prick client.

It was greek white marble from the Parthenon, almost impossible to find and illegal to import.

Anyway, I found it. The guy quoted me $700.00 for two pieces, this was a godsend and the only way to get outta some dickwads contract.

The client wanted to "look at it" to make sure it was the right stuff, which it was.

So I go to get the stone and now its $1700.00


Never ever say to much, or let others say to much.

The dude still attempted to sue me after all this.

My lady and I tore him a new one and it never went to court. 


BTW this guy was a big Shelby Mustang enthusiast, total dildo. 

Watch out for those people.

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no i wouldnt pick number 4. if everyone agrees vehicle a is worth $2000 i would sell it for $2000. i am in no way against flipping for profit, thats partly how i support my datsun habbit. if i can flip a car for a $500 profit and it still be a fair deal i am all for it. if i can flip a car for a $1500 profit and it still be a fair deal even better. just more parts i can buy! 


I would have thought #4 was the most unfair. Someone might pay twice what it's worth.


If you sell for too much less (for argument sake lets say $1,700) than it's worth what happens??? Well the new owner may be tempted to flip it for $2,000 and pocket the $300. Now who's the idiot? Always sell for what it's worth or close to get what's fair to YOU and to reduce someone else flipping it

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My favorite when someone is buying something from me is when they say to me "I know what you paid for this".  Okay, and that has a bearing on what the car is worth......HOW?


I have tried the super nice guy routine more than once and what I end up getting is fucked even more. The last one is I bought this old, early 70s Ford pickup on the cheap, I stood to maybe clear 700 bucks when I was said and done. This kid comes up to look at it, seemed really nice (although I am a shitty judge of character). He did not really lay a sob story on me, that I would not fall for. He was all happy he had gotten himself a new job, but it was going on winter time, all he had was an old motorcycle to ride and was looking to be a bit more comfy. He asked me if he gave me half, would I hold the truck for him until he gets paid. I say sure, no problem. He gives me half. A couple weeks goes by, he shows up, in the pouring down rain, on his bike, cold and with another payment in hand. I have the wood stove going in the shop, he asks if he can come in and get a little warm before taking off for home, so I let him.


I am sitting there looking at this kid in his early 20s thinking that most of us had been in this kind of a spot before and I think a kind gesture is in order from me. I said "tell you what, I have something for you that will keep you warmer on your way back home" and I throw him the keys to the truck. I tell him he can drive it, just come back and pay me the rest. I just KNEW I had done the right thing, the kid almost cried with happiness. I helped him load his bike in the back and off he went just as happy as could be and so was I really. Now, do you think I ever saw that little fucker again? No, he still owed me a grand. I let like 7 months go by and nothing. Since I still had the title, I found the truck (at his work) and took it back. What he gave me was now rent.


The next day, he shows up with some burly looking dudes to ask me what the fuck? I told him, you did not pay for it, so I took it back. Then he gave me a story about how it broke down, so it was not worth what I was asking, due to the fact that he had to make some repairs to a 40 year old truck. I totally lost my fuckin cool and thought I was going to need surgery

 to but the veins back in my neck. 


He then handed me exactly what he owned me, I gave him the title and the truck and it was done, but shit man. No more of that jazz for me.

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I'm gonna park a Toyota dolphin right in front of the next real estate jack off sign, drive the price down.


my friends neighbors house was taken my their bank and now the bank is trying to sell it but everytime they have some one come look at the house we stand in front drinking beer, smoking joints, and rev up my friends truck with open header. its happened atleast 8 times. we just want the new people to be prepared for what theyre getting them selves into.and not have to worry about them calling the cops

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I would have thought #4 was the most unfair. Someone might pay twice what it's worth.


If you sell for too much less (for argument sake lets say $1,700) than it's worth what happens??? Well the new owner may be tempted to flip it for $2,000 and pocket the $300. Now who's the idiot? Always sell for what it's worth or close to get what's fair to YOU and to reduce someone else flipping it

i agree #4 was the most unfair. i went back and re read what you said and i think i misinterpreted what you said.the first time.yes always sell something for what its worth but i try not to gouge people.

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i agree #4 was the most unfair. i went back and re read what you said and i think i misinterpreted what you said.the first time.yes always sell something for what its worth but i try not to gouge people.

No one needs to buy a Datsun.  Is it really gouging if there is no imminent need?  These people trying to flip Datsuns for extra high prices aren't going to get their price unless someone is willing to pay it, and if someone is willing then that's their choice.  I'm not saying I don't get that same feeling when I see something sell cheap and then turned around for many times the previous price, but you just have to suck it up and move along if it's not worth the new price to you.

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