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CANBY Welcoming Committee.....................

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Well..........this is a strange one folks......


I have been receiving phone calls at work all morning from a fella who introduced himself as Dick (Richard Cranium actually).....I don't know who Dick is.....

.........nor will he tell me....


He has now called the shop 5-6 times.....he badly wants me to go to Canby in my "piece of shit two tone pile of shit Datsun".......


He says I've personally threatened him at the last Canby and continue to do so on this website and me


"and my Ratsun faggots from California and Idaho are gonna have a welcoming committee waiting for you because of your egos and fast typing fingers"


......tried to ask numerous times what this was all about....so did my boss....


He kept telling me to check my threads and he would snail mail the threats to my boss.....at the same time....threatening to kick my ass and cussing at my boss......

.................I don't recall bashing or threatening anyone on here.........or anywhere for that matter.....I'm just not that type.....


.....if I have offended you in some way.........I apologize...........but...............please show me where my threats/offensive remarks are......



Now....the only thing he was very clear about is....he's from San Bernadino and he is now part of a "click" in Oregon....and.....


Myself and the Ratsuners from Cali and Idaho....will have a welcoming committee because of our fast fingers.........




Uuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........don't even know what to think.........is this a joke??


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He kept telling me to check my threads and he would snail mail the threats to my boss.....


If its not car parts in boxes, who the fuck uses snail mail anymore? :confused:


Should have told him you needed to get off the phone so you can log onto AOL and post more hate-speech on your Geocities Datsun fanpage. 

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get the number he rang from?


It was blocked.....of course.


Wouldn't say much except to bash me and my ratsun friends.....I laughed cause I thought it was a joke....


.....but then my boss talked to him for like twenty minutes cause I was busy......he was raaaaaaaanting......WTF??

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Im all for calling out people on their bullshit (maybe not to the point of literally fighting someone over a car forum), but to call someones work and harass their boss. Thats some shit right there. Maybe it common knowledge, but how did he get your work number?

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I have no idea who you guys are talking about.....




but how did he get your work number?


It's in my sig.......I've posted before where I work before it was in my sig....



If you google my name...my work comes up.....

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First couple calls I thought it was Nanner fuckin' with me :lol: ......that's why I was laughing at the guy.....





.....but when he talked to my boss for twenty plus minutes??.......made me wonder..... :confused:

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Justin is old member datsunoob


Wait, not me right? I'm Justin too..(I know ya'll ain't talking about me.)


Anyone that calls someone's work place and then cusses that the boss is just a real idiot. I mean really, that is such tasteless douche bag right there, did your boss tell you what this was saying...was he trying to get you fired?


First up, it sounds like someone who has a beef with you for what reason tho seems to the big deal here yeah? This guy sounds like a real ass and if he knows ratsun, safe to say he's watching right now.

Two, this could be a big misunderstanding on this guys part...maybe SOMEBODY did harass him at Canby but got his info wrong when he went to find it who it was.

Three, if he is making threats about showing up at Canby with a few of his buddies, he's more than liking looking to cause you (and anyone else) harm.


I say if you have a carry permit, take your gun, odds are this idiot will. Has much has I hate typing that but really...this is what the world has come too.

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