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is too!!


Dont hurt the puppy, for the mistakes the networks make ok?


Well i ain't messin with the cat as that thing is puuure evil.


For the record i am watching reruns of Tosh.0 as i type this ..


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Oh i agree



Oh me too




Yeah i never, ever, ever  watched ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, AN EPISODE OF COPS!!   I would wager every single one of you milky lickers know the theme song by heart!!


Pimp my ride ,, american chopper  deadlest catch ? 

Americas funniest videos ,, punk'd ??



Don't try to bullshit a bullshitter.


Cops is the only reality show that wasn't rigged. My ex watched T.V and studied to be a nurse all night, in a 10' by 10' apartment I had no choice. Must say I did have a slight tear in my eye when Phil from deadliest catch died. The whole cast of Rock of Love, Tool Academy, and Jersey Shore could die and it wouldn't phase me. except Snooky

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this is not a bad idea...given the alternatives?

I've been looking for a house recently. If I get a big enough proper ty there will end up being a dirt bike track for me to play on and a shop with a lift so I don't have to crawl around on the floor anymore


Also, I may end up digging a deep deep hole on the property

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Last place I was looking at was rather stickish. Trees and woods and shit. Could actually see the stars in the sky since there weren't any street lights within like a mile of the place. Gotta save up a good sized down payment so I can get one, don't qualify for a zero down loan

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Hell yeah. Don't wanna live in town and I have to be out to get the amount of property I want. That and I'm tired of the town I'm living in with the walkers. Always people walking, drug houses randomly interspersed. Doesn't matter what time of night there's always walkers

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I'm sooo ready to move to the sticks. Some humans are just eye sores. Was in such a bitch mood yesterday thinking about how great the Bay Area would be if there were no people here.

I heard there was a meteor that was suppose to hit earth in 30 years and was seriously bummed that it was a hoax.

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That's a bit dark rvd, but then again I've been there before. I'm kinda there now.

I'm sooo ready to move to the sticks. Some humans are just eye sores. Was in such a bitch mood yesterday thinking about how great the Bay Area would be if there were no people here.

I heard there was a meteor that was suppose to hit earth in 30 years and was seriously bummed that it was a hoax.

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No seriously, largest building in the world by volume. There's a tour deck right above the shop I work in, I'm like a dancing monkey at the zoo for random people


Had a decent day today, wish I had brought the datto to work, I miss driving it. Or yaknow, rode to work, woulda been nice too but my new bike is overdue for service and my old bike is tore up. Need to put it back together and get her running again. And clean out and rearrange my garage again, do some light packing in attempts to get ready to move so my garage ain't such a hassle down the road when I get to that point

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