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Amen, I am soo much more excited about doing stuff under the spell, also it tunes my head out and can actually get shit done.

trading cigarettes for higher speed on motorcycle.

They will both kill you, but the bike us a lot more fun way to die!

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It's kind of hard to think up an excuse to quit pot. I mean, you're not really 'addicted' to it, you may have a mental addiction, but it's not as if you're going to go into the shakes, puke your guts out and have to endure a month of sweaty withdrawal symptoms if you stop. No...we save that kind of reaction for the shit our doctors give us. The only reason I ever think about quitting is the amount I eat, but I think I have a handle on that these days.


I always joke around about being lazy, laying on the couch high and doing nothing, but the truth is, it really has the opposite effect on me. When I stop, I don't feel like doing anything, after a couple hits, I actually get very productive with my day.



x2....weed makes me do shit.....last thing I wanna do when I smoke is sit and do nothing.......

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not me. I either like to be alone and think about shit or go for a drive. ive been an avid smoker since about 14 I feel its taken a toll on my learning ability. but like smoke said its a mental thing. I just cant find a good enough reason to stop

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You won't.....shouldn't be a reason.....should be just cuz you want to.....


.....I thought having kids would stop me.....






nope.....I just don't smoke when I'm with them......

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I was gonna do some work for an f.b.i dude, it was during that whole gov. Shut down thing so it didn't happen, I asked him what the new trend in crime was becoming, he said hands down marijuana is the new national currency for the underworld.


he described it in such a way that the end senerio was " that's why you'll never catch a pimp and a drug dealer in the same room" it had to do with having no cash on hand

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In the name of randomness... I've been checking the news occasionally lately.  Of course, there's a lot going on with Israel and Palestine right now and everyone knows about the rebels in Iraq, so it breaks down to a lot of middle eastern news.  Not one to get all my info in one place, I like to read the same story from several news sources.


Have any of you guys ever read the reader's comments over at Aljazeera????  HOLY SHIT!!  


It doesn't matter what the article is about.  It could be cute puppies doing tricks on a trampolene (if they covered that sort of thing) and the comments at the bottom would be the most racist, maniacal, hate mongering bullshit you've ever read.


It's actually quite fun.  I find myself laughing a lot and thinking "What would Ratsun say?" 

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I sniff glue every day till i pass out,,, and nothing has ever happened to me either.




Don't you just love all the fuckin propaganda? When we were younger, they said it would make you insane, then they backed off that a little by saying if you smoke it, it might have PCP in it (yeah, cuz drug dealers love giving you extra shit for free) Then it was it will give you lung cancer, when they could not produce a single case of that, it was that it makes you stupid, then folks came out with a list of people like Einstein, Telsa and such that were pot heads, so that didn't fly. Now I guess we are at the "Okay, so it's not really bad.....but you'll be living with your Mom" tactic. 


Just give it the fuck up.

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Here's one......


I brought a few of my old auto books to work a few months ago to set them out on the coffee table in the waiting room.....I used to be into Lambos when I was young so my dad had got me this book on the history of the Lambo....the newest model in this book was the '94 diablo which hadn't come out yet......this book sat on my shelf for years till it finally got put away in a box.....well....a customer today was flipping through the book and found this.....






Talk about an instant flashback......I remember the actual act of putting that bill in that book...like it was yesterday....someone at the Hotel/Restaurant my dad worked at left it for him behind the desk...one for me....one for my bro.....it was totally crumpled up so I put it in that book to flatten it out......that bill has been in that book for probably 20 years....

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Don't you just love all the fuckin propaganda? When we were younger, they said it would make you insane, then they backed off that a little by saying if you smoke it, it might have PCP in it (yeah, cuz drug dealers love giving you extra shit for free) Then it was it will give you lung cancer, when they could not produce a single case of that, it was that it makes you stupid, then folks came out with a list of people like Einstein, Telsa and such that were pot heads, so that didn't fly. Now I guess we are at the "Okay, so it's not really bad.....but you'll be living with your Mom" tactic. 


Just give it the fuck up.



What's crazy is didn't we ( i voted no because of the DUI rider on it ,, ) pass a law making pot legal  more than a year ago,,, then why do people still need a doctors prescription to get it?

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Well, it's not legal by fed standards and since many sheep are still spooked by the propaganda, they are dragging their feet. BUT, in just a few days, the first stores are supposed to open here to the gen public. 


It's a bit like booze during the probation. It took almost the entire country making it legal state by state before the fed got the hint and went "duh, okay".  I like the approach of CO. Just went legal and BOOM weed for everyone.


I actually predict some really bad news stories at first. The reason being is that first timers who think they can try it now because it's legal are going to wander into a store, buy a cute little cookie to eat because that's harmless, full of some really heavy shit and they are going to freak the fuck out. I have been a pot smoker for a very long time and I personally do not eat it because it makes me batshit. It's like a really bad trip for me.

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