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I found it ironic

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Look, damn few people have sex to have kids. Fucking is for enjoyment almost exclusively. I never suggested no fucking. With mandatory birth control you could fuck your bloody head off... and then IF,.... IF you are worthy you could, under conditions, have children. Those few who just have to have kids, are fit, but for what ever other reason could adopt.


Developed countries have a better education system and when women find out that they aren't simply cows for breeding purposes, they damn well and rightly so seek to have a career and few children.


China is not a good example because boy children are preferred and female children 'done away with'. In theory it will work.

*****Edited***** In the words of our finest [goof] president 


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I will admit I'm being a bit cheeky here, but Really, I'm not trying to piss anyone off, and I hope it's not taken that way. All in the spirit of good natured flamboyant debate. Kind of English parliament style.


I totally understand your point Mike. The OP's topic is based on a flawed presupposition that pot leads to bad parenting. The solution you extend for bad parenting is that couples should be qualified as fit before they can reproduce. My response is that state controlled birthing rights will not solve the problem of human fallibility. In fact a policy like that would only create bigger problems than the one it tries to solve.


I think China is a perfect example here. The totalitarian government employed short sighted draconian measures to manipulate reproduction. Their one child policy was implemented in 1979 and as anticipated it was successful in slowing China's population growth. However, it has also created even bigger problems.  The first unintended consequence of this simplistic approach was the effect male favoritism would have. Already, out of all reproductive age people in China there are 22 million more males than females. That number is anticipated to grow to 70 mil in the next decade. This glaring imbalance alone has profound social implications, but add to that an entire generation of self centered only children asserting their selfish wants and needs, while the government struggles to transition it's leadership, economy, and culture from an austere Communist system to an uncharted form of Totalitarian hyper-Capitalism. If you've ever played Sim City you know what this spells.


Here are a few interesting articles and studies you may want to read.











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In my world you get one shot at reproduction. If you get girl or boy... that's it. You might as well keep it. As for passing on your genes both sexes have half the DNA so what's the problem. Naturally there are deaths between birth and adulthood and there are slightly more females to males born but this could be factored in. China had it right but did it wrong.

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Okay - since this topic has advanced some, I would like to throw out my thoughts.


 I believe that if we hope to control population growth we need to think on a much broader scope than simple birth control laws.


Our planet seems to have been better when we had less than 1 billion people running around.  We currently have over 7 billion, is it too many?  Most likely we won't really see much attention to this until the planet has 12 or 14 billion people on it.  I don't look forward to that world at all.


My ex-wife talks a lot about population control, and she always says that education is the solution.  Her thinking is that educated women don't want to be baby makers and care givers, they want to do other things with their lives.  To me that sounds like some dip on NPR preaching about stuff they don't swat about.  Even with that aside, if her idea was applied ... what would we end up with?  I think that would lead to the smart folks not reproducing much, meaning there would be fewer and fewer smart folks.  The not-so-smart folks would keep having babies, and would dominate by sheer numbers.



Perhaps my suggestion here is a little tongue and cheek:

I think if governments that want to reduce the world population they should pay men to have women fixed.  That's right, their wives, their daughters and perhaps even have their sisters fixed.  They would have to show a real relationship so we don't have a bunch of trafficking going on.  Just pay a guy a hundred bucks, or there about, for each women they bring in that hasn't been fixed yet.  The stupid guys would jump all over that, which should mean fewer stupid people reproducing.  A few of the smarter guys might go for it, but most would not. 



The idea being - use a better carrot, instead of a better stick, to get things going in the desired direction.

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Spoken like a man!!! The men should be fixed!!!!! A woman can at best produce one child per year, maybe twins. A man can father hundreds a year. Men are more easily reversed.


Educated women DO have smaller families. Education shows that YOU have options and a career is one.




Look up the short story The Marching Morons http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Marching_Morons


http://www.scribd.com/doc/23657356/The-Marching-Morons It's a great read

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Spoken like a man!!! The men should be fixed!!!!!

You spoke with logic, like educated people do, but I don't think it will work in the real world.


My suggestion was based on history and human nature, so I think it stands a better chance. :sleep: 

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Spoken like a man!!! The men should be fixed!!!!! A woman can at best produce one child per year, maybe twins. A man can father hundreds a year. Men are more easily reversed.


Educated women DO have smaller families. Education shows that YOU have options and a career is one.




Look up the short story The Marching Morons http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Marching_Morons


http://www.scribd.com/doc/23657356/The-Marching-Morons It's a great read

Mathematically you really are better fixing the women. As you said "a man can father hundreds per year" so women who want to get pregnant only need to find a few fertile men (e.g. cheat). If you fix the women you guarantee to reduce the number of possible children produced.


Think of it this way. 100 fertile women 99 fixed guys 1 fertile guy. That fertile guy can impregnate 100 fertile women =100 children. 99 sterile women 1 fertile woman 100 fertile guys. Even if she runs a train of all 100 guys that women can only have 1-2 children.


BTW evolution even favors "sloppy seconds" for humans. It's why the human penis is shaped the way it is.



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Guest 510kamikazifreak

510Freak why do you even care what we post here? You're just a lurker with no vested interest. I'm sure NWD would live more music videos...



Just out of curiosity sake ..


Other than google/ratsun/realm and the like...


Where do you get your knowledge?


Hands on?

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Just out of curiosity sake ..


Other than google/ratsun/realm and the like...


Where do you get your knowledge?


Hands on?


Almost a week later and youre still hung up on some perceived insult I supposedly made to your knowledge and experience? Man... :rolleyes:

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Almost a week later and youre still hung up on some perceived insult I supposedly made to your knowledge and experience? Man... :rolleyes:



Nah man..



I am curious..


Care to answer?

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Almost a week later and youre still hung up on some perceived insult I supposedly made to your knowledge and experience? Man... :rolleyes:



Nah man..



I am curious..


Care to answer?



What no answer TP?


like I thought...

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Guest 510kamikazifreak



Is a Know it all...(says google)



He confronted me, I answered ..


I contront him(the bitch)


He hides



get it...if not..


oh well



Mods feel free to ban me ( I am sure TP will report this shit)



nuff said



And Tristin



fuck you



the rest of Ratsun...Rock on :thumbup:

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