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Junk Yards make me angry

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It's possible to retitle a car after the title was sent to the State  It's no different than retitling a totalled car.   I've done it here in WA.  It's a hassle, requires a State inspection, which can take months to get an appointment sometimes.  But it's doable.



As far as I know, junkyards are not supposed to mark vehicles as destroyed until they've gone through either the crusher or the shredder.  They DO turn the titles in to the State once they hit the yard, unless they plan to sell as a builder.  I bought a car out of the yard years ago, it'd already had the engine and trans removed, as well as the brakes though they were still in the car (on the floor).  It's up to the yard if they'll bother.

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I hate they junkyards near me because they offer NO WARRANTY on the overpriced shit they sell, and few small ones won't let me go look around. They would rather let one of the dumbasses hack the part off, sometimes rendering it USELESS! I think the only damn tools they have there is a floor jack, a torch, and a saw! The bigger yards have all been bought bought out by LKQ, and they will let you roam the lot and pick your own parts, but the assholes charge five dollars just to go out there, non refundable! Even if you buy something. And they won't save you the time first and tell you they don't have a damn vehicle. I have had nothing but bad luck with junk parts, they are just that...JUNK!


As for the selling you a whole car, none of them will. THE REAL REASON why is the assholes know they can get a lot more out of it selling parts.


Let alone I hate LKQ for a different reason, it is a shitty place to work for. Have a friend who used to work for them. The counter people are straight commission, yard guys are minimum wage. Neither makes a decent living.


this has not been my experience with LKQ, however we dont have their pick and pulls here, just their normal yards where you go up and ask for the part and they go get it for you. their yard here in PHX is ENORMOUS, the thing must be near a mile square. I have had awesome experience with LKQ so far, I picked up my engine for my civic up from them, I just got real REAL with the sales guy "look buddy, this engine is going in a car as a swap, i got a 2.0, were putting in a 2.4, secondly, its front wheel drive, meaning? if something goes wrong with this engine its NOT coming back out, its getting fixed in the car, so cut me some slack and see what you can do with no warranty"


he put me on hold and came back with a price reduction from 750 after tax, to 492 after tax. that was 5,000 irregular maintenance free miles ago. this k24a1 really runs beautiful actually, thing was nearly mint when I got it.

The reason you can't buy a whole car from a wrecking yard once it's been put "in the yard" is because those cars have their title sent to that state as destroyed.  Thus, they can't ever be registered again.  Around here, the Pull and Save yards offer rebuilder cars up front, so if you do want one, you'll have a titled vehicle.  As far as Datsuns, get to know them, and have them call you if they drag in a decent car.  Problem is, it's not cost-effective.  They'll pay $50-$200 for a car, they'll sell it to you for $400-$800.  If it's something you want and you don't mind, great, buy it.  Most won't.  It's easier to put an ad up on craiglist looking for dead Datsuns.

there are some true travesties that I have seen go to the junk yard, honda cvcc, just saw a near mint datsun 810 in there, I have seen some really cherry cars go to the junk yard, and the sad thing is that they buy them all for like 50-$400 and I WOULD HAVE PAID THAT!!!!!!!!


boohoo, life goes on.

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I called the local pull a part and said I had a car to pick up on their automated phone line. When the truck driver called to arrange a pick up I explained that I didn't actually have a car to pick up. I asked if he would give me a call if he was to ever pick up a Datsun and I would give him $100 more than he would get on tow fees if it was a car I wanted. :ninja: Get it before they do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate they junkyards near me because they offer NO WARRANTY on the overpriced shit they sell, and few small ones won't let me go look around. They would rather let one of the dumbasses hack the part off, sometimes rendering it USELESS! I think the only damn tools they have there is a floor jack, a torch, and a saw! The bigger yards have all been bought bought out by LKQ, and they will let you roam the lot and pick your own parts, but the assholes charge five dollars just to go out there, non refundable! Even if you buy something. And they won't save you the time first and tell you they don't have a damn vehicle. I have had nothing but bad luck with junk parts, they are just that...JUNK!


As for the selling you a whole car, none of them will. THE REAL REASON why is the assholes know they can get a lot more out of it selling parts.


Let alone I hate LKQ for a different reason, it is a shitty place to work for. Have a friend who used to work for them. The counter people are straight commission, yard guys are minimum wage. Neither makes a decent living.

At the yard where I work @ you are responsible for cars passing emissions when you sell them. Anything with a title has to pass emissions. Us assholes are tired of whiny sue happy crybabies. I have apologized to customers because we have to charge money for our parts. The salvage industry has changed dramatically since every swinging dick buys cheap chinese knock off parts from the internet. Then whine and cry when the poor slob is trying to make a living selling used parts. I think it was on the movie Joe Dirt where the guy says "This aint Unicef".. You will never be able to plesae all the people all the time. The customers that appreciate your time and labor are a very small percentage of our customers. The rest of the customers who lie,steal and whine about everything are what make the owners assholes!

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this has not been my experience with LKQ, however we dont have their pick and pulls here, just their normal yards where you go up and ask for the part and they go get it for you. their yard here in PHX is ENORMOUS, the thing must be near a mile square. I have had awesome experience with LKQ so far, I picked up my engine for my civic up from them, I just got real REAL with the sales guy "look buddy, this engine is going in a car as a swap, i got a 2.0, were putting in a 2.4, secondly, its front wheel drive, meaning? if something goes wrong with this engine its NOT coming back out, its getting fixed in the car, so cut me some slack and see what you can do with no warranty"


he put me on hold and came back with a price reduction from 750 after tax, to 492 after tax. that was 5,000 irregular maintenance free miles ago. this k24a1 really runs beautiful actually, thing was nearly mint when I got it.

there are some true travesties that I have seen go to the junk yard, honda cvcc, just saw a near mint datsun 810 in there, I have seen some really cherry cars go to the junk yard, and the sad thing is that they buy them all for like 50-$400 and I WOULD HAVE PAID THAT!!!!!!!!


boohoo, life goes on.

i have not seen $50.00 cars come into our yard in a whole bunch of years. If the scrap yard will pay $180. 00 a ton most people tend to haul their cars across the scales. The greatest misconception peole have is that yards get their cars for free or the tow bill.That is so far from the truth it is not even funny. Try putting up with E.P.A., try to comply with state and federal crap...Paying taxes up the ass. Anyone can sue you for any reason...Junk yard guys are the worst! Greedy bastards want money for  their parts. Want to feed their families. Maybe some day have health insurance....Maybe some day have some sort of retirement? Greedy bastards!

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Apparently you can reregister a junked vehicle in CA...




Aaand thank you. I stay in Cali. Just bookmarked that page. 


I'm gonna look into this some more and save those poor neglected dusty diamonds as soon as I reasonably can if practical of course. Call me Jdm720man.

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Stop going to j-yards. Parts are always broken or missing. Start going to nissan dismantlers. The parts are usually already pulled, but the best part is you can haggle prices. Not to mention no entry fee. Pulled some sturts with calipers at ecology it was like $150 not to mention it took an hour to find and pull parts. I said used parts $150 no way. Went down the street to a nissan only parts. Paid $80 bucks and was outa there in less than 15min.

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Here in Oklahoma it is pretty much the same.  If it is in the yard, it is gone.  In the last few months I have seen 3 72-73 240s that looked saveable.  Some of the smaller yards will sell whole cars, but only with a bill of sale and I don't know if you would be able to file for a title. 

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Here in cali they do sell em complete and cheap but some places are just retarded. Complete 521 started at 700 bucks then 1000 i just called earlier for the hood and valance says he will only sell it complete for 1500 now wtf. And the floor boards are gone.

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