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Breaking News ! ! Kim Jung OOoooonnnn

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In this classified, secret photo, that was leaked today by the media, We can see Kim Jung OOoooonn overlooking with His technical advisors what We at SWDP have suspected all along.......






North Korea has intercepted and is actively producing copycat HUSSOMETERS ! ! ! !



In this photograph, You can plainly see how Our government was able to gain knowledge of this treasonous act ! ! !




Installitions have been set up in Alaska to gain knowledge ahead of any sales of these copied items in the United States ! ! !






Do not buy these inferior products ! ! Insanity is bound to develop and this could be the sad effect ! !




Remember, only buy HUSSOMETERS from trusted sources in the United States ! ! 

Sleep well, friend, Your government has You fully protected tonight ! ! !

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You know in all reality some of this shit does scare me living in Washington, if something did manage to get through we would get hit.  I dont care for myself, but i do for my family if something was to happen, and this lil bastard is like the big fat bully on the school yard, making threats and one day will throw a punch, and then get taken down by everyone else on the yard...but that one thrown punch may do some damage.

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Theyve never had any succsessful launches worth worrying about. For those that cant read Korean, that map in the back says something akin to "Missile launch plans." Missiles dont fly straight like they are drawn on that map... they cant even get the plans right, what makes you think an actual firing will go the way they planned. 


As someone in the military with my normal area of operation around the South China Sea... I have no fear from N. Korea. 

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You've got to hand it to the Dog eaters, they do know how to draw straight lines :)


Time for the world community to turn places like North Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq etc etc into a carpark methinks.


Can you imagine the Acoustic signature from their boats Tristin?


Probably be at least as loud as or Colllins class :)

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You've got to hand it to the Dog eaters, they do know how to draw straight lines :)


Time for the world community to turn places like North Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq etc etc into a carpark methinks.


Can you imagine the Acoustic signature from their boats Tristin?


Probably be at least as loud as or Colllins class :)


Haha yes, I do know what they sound like. Complete and utter garbage. I can tell you what their signature looks like too... Ha Collins Class. I think I have a Collins Class coin somewhere as well as a set of their Dolphins. Good set of blokes (and shielas... is that even a real term?) on that boat. Its uber small onboard though. Torpedo room was ginormous compared to ours even though our boat was like 3 times as large. 


We did some cat and mouse with a Collins and they did fairly well. One of the better boats, but they still didnt catch us ;)


Here is us pulling into Australia in 2010:



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Nice pic!


Be VERY afraid North Korea !


Sheila's , broads, wenches, bitches, split arses, splittys, sluts, winge machines, gash are all terms used to describe women here.


The only one which isn't derogatory is Sheila, the rest are, well.........................

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Theyve never had any succsessful launches worth worrying about. For those that cant read Korean, that map in the back says something akin to "Missile launch plans." Missiles dont fly straight like they are drawn on that map... they cant even get the plans right, what makes you think an actual firing will go the way they planned. 


As someone in the military with my normal area of operation around the South China Sea... I have no fear from N. Korea. 

 FWIW..... Those are not straight lines.  They are a great circle track on a mercator projection chart. 

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