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I need asisticantz! haha. Valve Adjust...... :(


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Im having a hard time understanding the guides im finding on line. about finding TDC for compression stroke and what not. basically the only thing im really worried about is the tdc... 


Anyone want to come help? lol. 

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Crackers second sentence of his first post is the condensed version of everything below..




To adjust valves nothing HAS to be at top dead center... Just warm your engine up to operating temp .. take off valve cover ,,,rotate engine till tall side or pointy side of any cam lobe is pointing up-ish..(you can do this with a screw driver on starter if needed )..   and slide appropriate feeler gauge between cam and arm ,,, tighten or loosen till you can just barely shove correct size feeler in and out.....Then mark on side of head ( where the cover gasket  would be ) with a magic marker type pen which ones you have done and when all are marked you are done..


Again there is no set order you HAVE to do them in just do the ones that are pointing up at the moment and mark so you remember..........simple is good.




You can do it cold but only pussies do it cold...

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Any auto parts store, Sears, hardware store should have feeler gauges. Try not to buy the cheapest set. They're cheap for a reason. Next, combine different sized feelers to get the size you want to measure. Use as few feelers as possible to equal your desired measurement. You want to slide the group of feelers that represent the gap you are trying to measure into the gap you are trying to measure. I find myself looking for some sexual innuendo here, let's disregard that. They should slide in and out of the gap with very slight resistance. Not too much, not too little. BE PATIENT AND DON'T HALF-ASS IT ;D

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banannacrusher is spot on.


Disable your ignition coil wire first thing ! ( If you plan to use the key bump method )

You'll need a remote starter bumper tool or a large 1/2" breaker bar/socket to roll the engine over.

Or just simply bump the key in your ignition in very short bursts WITH the ignition disabled !! (which is what I do)


Like Banannahamux does ,,, I have the cam lobe tip Pointing up ^ ( think the biggest part is a girls ass and that's where you want to be ) then I slide in the feeler gauge adjust the valve clearance accordingly and mark or write down which one was done EACH TIME after completion :D .(but make darn sure you keep track of the feeler gauge size and one used as well if you're new at this especially or even old lol. It's easy to get the feeler gauges or ones needed to be used after a 10-11 hour shift + life + not a lot of sleep + nagging haha ).


Look for "tappet feeler gauges" as well if you need to purchase some.. they will have a bend in them pre-formed.

Easier to use for what you intend , but straight blad feeler gauges work just fine as well. ( in fact some people like the straight ones better )


Also while tightening ... make sure you check your final clearances carefully ... a few times at least ... then check them multiple times haha.

It's all really a "feel" to it. If you're not satisified... do it again ! Because your engine will be telling you ... all the time ... until you re-do it ... haha

Usually a 14mm and 17mm thinner walled wrench(s) on the 14mm (I prefer). Somepeople use crowfeet.


Wear gloves or something to cushion your hands while breaking lifters loose (if you don't you'll know why I just said that = busted or cut knuckles). You can also add (2) wrenches together to make a "super wrench" to move the fulcrum point in your favor ! ( longer lever = less work ) Take two wrenches .. then you hook an open-end on a closed end and pull ! done. Be careful and mindful if doing this...


Datsun's should be set "hot" ( engine off ... some engines "hot" means you do with the engine on... )

If you're good (by that I mean no other option or just a recent repair occured involved the head)  you can set them "cold" but they should be set "hot" by recommendations.


Remember a little looser is BETTER than a little too tight.

If you have one or the other to choose from ... choose LOOSE.

While neither is preferable ... Loose can always be tightened up. Tight cause's an array of issues that can leave you stranded (burnt valve(s) for one )


Keep it all clean as you are able to.


Good luck and have fun ! You'll see what we are talking about is decently pretty straight forward BUT the key is to keep track of what you  are doing !! Mark it or write it down ! ( you choose ) You won't get it right the very first time , so don't set high standards. Do practice though ! You'll get it right nearly everytime after down the line ;)


Or if you're like me ... grab your secret weapon (a 10lb sledge hammer) and go to town when things go "un-expectedly" :D :lol:

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